: : : Herocraft Commands : : :
There are many commands in
Herocraft - below is a list of the most available commands and their uses.
: : : General : : :
/who - Shows the amount of users online on your current server including title features
/pos - Lists the current XYZ position of yourself
/kill - Allows the player to commit suicide - dropping gear and exp, requires confirmation with
/kill confirm
/showitem - Displays the currently held item stats to nearby players
%item% - Displayes your currently held item in your currently focused chat channel (see below)
/rules - Shows the basic rules (visit
hc.to/rules for more info)
/time - Shows the in game time of the current server/world
/buy - Opens the linked
HC Item Shop
/vote - Shows the
voting site link and the current lucky prizes for voting
/gm - Shows the current gamemode applied
/tomblist - Gives you the coordinates of your
Death Chests to claim
/afk - Enter's the
afk mode, notifying other players that message you about your status
/boost - Gives information regarding the current
EXP boost and time left
: : : Chat : : :
/ch <channel> - Focus on a particular channel without the need to retype the channel quickchat letter
/ch help <page#> - Lists up all available & regular Herochat commands
/ch list <page#> - List up all available
chat channels (inlcuding private ones)
/ch join <channel> - Join chat <channel>. You will receive messages from that channel then
/ch leave <channel> - Stop receiving messages from a specific channel
/ch who <channel> - Shows all players using the <channel> specified
/ch qm <channel> <message> - Sends a message without changing your active chat channel
/ignore <player> - Ignore the chat messages from <player>
/ignore - Lists up all players ignored in chat
/w <player> <message> - Sends a direct message to a player (whisper/private message)
/r <message> - Sends a message back to the last person to message you directly
/ch t - Trade Chat
/ch h - Help Chat
/ch g - Elite Chat (
Staff only)
/ch re - Town/Clan Recruitment
/ch lfg - Looking for Group Chat
/ch shout - Shout Chat
/ch l - Local/Say Chat
/ch tour - Tour/Newbie Chat
/p - Party Chat (only works in a party)
/party - Set focus on party chat (only works in a party)
: : : Currency : : :
/money - Displays current account balance
/money list - Lists regular
/money commands
/money top - Displays top 10 account holders
/money top soul [page#] - Displays the richest players
/money pay <name> <amount> - Sends specified <amount> of money to the player <name>
: : : Heroes : : :
/classes -Opens a window to select a class
/hero paths <page#> - Lists the choosable
classes for Herocraft
/hero choose <type> - Chooses the class specified if the requirements are met
/hero profession <type> - Chooses the
profession specified if the requirements are met
/hero specs <primary|profession|class> <page#> - Displays classes and
Professions your class can spec into
/hero reset - Resets the player back to the base combat/profession - requires confirmation
/hero level or /lvl- Displays hero level information
/stats - Shows stats on your Hero character
/skills <prim|prof|heroclass> <page#> - Displays a list of your class skills (Default is: Lost_Soul)
/bind <skillname> - Binds specified skill to the item you are holding.
/unbind - Unbinds the held item
/hp - Shows the amount of Healthpoints (HP) in decimal and %
/mp - Shows the amount of Manapoints (MP) in decimal and %
/stamina - shows the amount of Stamina in decimal and %
/attributes - Special GUI window to select
/attribute add <attribute> <amount> - failsafe link to add attributes
/attribute reset - Failsafe link to reset attributes for 100 souls.
/attribute info <attribute> - Displays infromation regarding attributes
/hero armor - Lists current equipment weight on each piece of armor (OUTDATED, BUT VISIBLE)
/hero tools - Lists tool/weapon information for your class (OUTDATED, BUT VISIBLE)
/hero stfu <exp|mana|stamina|info> - Toggles the suppression of skill messages
/hero verbose <exp|mana|stamina|info|skills> - Toggles feedback on the specified item.
/hero who <class> - Displays online users of the selected class.
/hero whois <player> - Displays the class and profession information of the specified user
/hero sidebar <cooldown, party, none> - Toggles the sidebar information (Default disabled the sidebar only).
/hero level <toggle> - Shows you the EXP in numbers for the Class/Profession EXP bar currently toggled.
: : : Party : : :
/party invite <name> - Invites player <name> to your
/party accept <name> - Accept the party invitation from player <name>
/party who - Lists party members names in detail
/party leave - Leave your current party
/party mode <pvp|exp> - Toggles party PvP or EXP Sharing on/off
/party lead <player> - Assign party lead to <player>
/party kick <name> - Kick player <name> from your current party
: : : Petition : : :
/pe - Lists up all available petition commands
/pe new <message> - Creates a
petition directly to senior staff with the <message> text
/pe list - Lists your current petitions along with the petition ID and current status of each of the petitions
/pe list closed - Lists your closed petitions
/pe view <petition ID> - Displays your petition and any comments that have been added to it
/pe comment <petition ID> <message> - Allows you to add information to your petition or comment on it
/pe close <petition ID> <message> - Leaves a closing message on your petition and marks it as resolved
: : : Regions : : :
/res ? <page#> - Lists up all available residence/regions commands
/res select worldedit - Select the area that you've marked with a wooden hoe before
/res create <name> - Creates the
personal region <name> with the prior selected area
/res remove <name> - Removes the personal region <name>, you must confirm deletion
/res removeall - Removes all personal regions, you must confirm deletion
/res confirm - Confirm residence removal
/res limits - Shows all your personal region limitations/restrictions (0 = No limit).
/res rename <oldname> <newname> - Allows you to rename your personal region
/res unstuck - Allows you to escape from a personal region you are imprisoned in
/res select size - Shows the cost of the prior selected area and it's size
/res list - Lists up all of your personal regions
/res listall <page#> - Lists up all existing regions
/res pset <name> <player> build true - Allow <player> to build on your personal region <name>
/res pset <name> <player> use true - Allow <player> to use your personal region <name>
/res info - Shows details about ownership, size, etc. of a region (only works inside the region)
/res message enter <message> - Set an entering <message> for your personal region
/res message leave <message> - Set a leaving <message> for your personal region
/res subzone <region> <subzone> - After marking an area within your <region> create a <subzone>
/res remove <region>.<subzone> - Remove <subzone> of a personal <region>
/res sublist - Lists up all subzones of the region you are currently in
/res version - Shows the plugin's version
: : : Towns : : :
/town <page> - Opens the
Townships 3.0 command menu
/town who <player> - Shows the town affiliation of an online player
/town who - Lists up all regions of your current location, plus all owners and members of the region
/town listall - Lists all townships existing on the server
/town whatshere - Lists all applicable regions for your current location
/town shop - Opens the township regions shop to unlock new regions for souls
/town list - Open the township regions UI, showing all unlocked regions
/town info <region> - Opens the info UI for the specific <region>
/town create <town region type> <town name> - Creates the town with the specified region type and name
/town create <region> - Creates the <region> desired at your current location
/town destroy - Destroys the region at your current location
/town addmember <player> - Adds the <player> to the region of your current location
/town addmember <town> - Adds all members of <town> to the region of your current location
/town addowner <player> - Adds a <player> as owner to the region of your current location
/town setowner <player> - Sets the <player> as primary owner (Administrator) of a region
/town remove <player> - Removes the <player> from the region
/town addowner <player> <town name> - Adds the <player> as additional owner of a town
/town addplayer <player> <town name> - Invites the <player> to the township
/town remove <player> <town name> - Removes the <player> from the township
/town addplayer all - Allows all players on the server to access the region of your current location
/town toggleperm <player> <permission> <town name> - Gives the <player> a specified <permission>
/town settaxes <amount> <town name> - Sets the daily tax amount for each town member
/town toggleperm <player> taxes <town name> - Exempts the <player> from paying daily taxes
/town deposit <amount> <town name> - Deposits the <amount> of souls in the town bank
/town withdraw <amount> <town name> - Withdraws the <amount> of souls from the town bank
/town war <enemy town> <your town> - Declare war on an enemy township for a fee
/town peace <enemy town> <your town> - Sue for peace with an enemy township for a fee
: : : Plots : : :
/arm help - Shows all commands for
spawn/central plots
/arm addmember <region> <player> - Add <player> to plot <region>
/strm remmember <region> <player> - Remove <player> from plot <region>
: : : LWC : : :
/lwc - Lists
all regular & necessary
LWC commands
/cpersists - Causes the next
LWC command to persist (for multiple use in a row)
: : : Titles : : :
/title list <page#> - Lists
available titles (Prefix:Title Name)
/title prefix <title> - Sets the chosen title prefix
/title suffix <title> - Sets the chosen title suffix
/title - Lists up all available title commands in chat
: : : Supporter/Special : : :
/backpack - Opens the backpack (Only if acquired from HC Shop/Loot Crates)
/title color - Lists available name colors (Requires
/title color <color> - Changes your name color to the <color> chosen (Requires T2+)
/hat - Allows you to use the item held as a hat (Requires
/cdroptransfer select - Allows you to select a LWC-protected chest to transfer drops (Requires
/cdroptransfer on - Activates Drop Transfer (Requires T6+)
/cdroptransfer off - Deactivates Drop Transfer (Requires T6+)
/cdroptransfer status - Checks if Drop Transfer is activated/deactivated (Requires T6+)
/workbench - Opens up a virtual workbench UI (Requires
Shortcut for this site: hc.to/commands