One thing I am very unsure of is these town members joining and then leaving after a day or two to start there own. I appreciate your beginning efforts, but we need more from you.
The plan
"was" to start:
- Start off with separate groups doing separate things.
--- One group will start off offensively. Wreaking havoc on the newely formed enemy towns.
--- Second group, which will be majority, will be mining for Ores, and looking for mob spawners for obvious reasons.
- While we establish our levels we will searching for a location. All gold will be needed for Lorien the first week or so.
- We will use donor plots as a method of keeping goods safe in our own individual LWC's.
- Once we get the "rings" (yes I am aware there aren't any-more rings

) we can start using the actual land for storage and give the people who bought they're donor plots there space back.
- We can if the rest of the town wishes, to build a spoof town, easily able to be destroyed. It would just be for organizational purposes.
- Once all this has occurred, we enrol on a
mad-hatter hunt for the "materials". Which won't be so difficult because in groups, with our levels as we need them, we will be capable of defending ourselves.
- Once materials are collected in sufficient quantities we can then begin to built.
- Building IMO, will take the most time, probably everything previously discussed combined.
- Then
"after" Lorien is up and away and well established, as a built and flurashing community; we can then begin to
plan and
build towns that our members have been looking forward to making. Without being divided.
(And no, this doesn't disclose any information an enemy can use. It's common sense and many other towns will be doing the same

This can only take effect if the town members that
JOIN us,
stay for the beginning long-haul. Plans are estimated at a month. So we will not be the first to have a town up. What we want is active members who will see this through even after the town project(s) are completed. With each town member are the capabilities to create new friendships and improve the over all fun for our community on this server. Loriens goal if nothing else, is to have fun amongst friends in a town we worked hard, together, to create. We may be evil because we enjoy a little havoc and some competitive PVP, but we plan on being nothing less then a positive addition to the server. If you want to be a part of us, show it by staying with us.
Guilt-trip, over.