Legacy Supporter 7
- Joined
- Jun 15, 2012
Can Never Catch Yoshi online.
hopefully i can today since i have the day off work
yoshiman18 (Peter)

yoshiman18 (Peter)
I'll be working on Diamond Blocks. NyanOnHeat is doing some fishing and I believe TeamShovel works on the Bookshelves atm. If anyone wants to help on some of these, just gather the stuff. We are doing pretty good, and if we keep working hard, we'll get upgraded this week.Bookshelf 4/250
Diamond Block 17/200
Cooked Fish 387/500
Accepted. Contact TeamShovel leftovers5 MultiHeartGold WolfLvr Siwarone Ingame to get yourself setupIGN: Admira1Ackbar
Age: 27
Time zone: US Central
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Currently Caster/Crafter, Planning on Beguiler/Banker (as soon as available; Miner until that time once I get to 30)
How long have you been on HC?: 10 months (since January 2012)
Why do you want to join?: I have a friend in the town and have heard good things.
Will you help with town projects?: Of course.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I like building and helping people with stuff.
What towns have you been in?: None on Bastion; Birchwood on last map.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: Didn't leave them; was on last map.
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: No
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I really like working with others and helping out where I can. I prefer to be working on stuff that helps others more than working on stuff that is just for me. As for PvP, I tend to shy away from PvP unless someone I know was attacked or in defense of town, in which case I'll pick up arms to do whatever I can to help.
Referrals: Nicolaos
I remember you from Birchwood!IGN: Admira1Ackbar
Age: 27
Time zone: US Central
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Currently Caster/Crafter, Planning on Beguiler/Banker (as soon as available; Miner until that time once I get to 30)
How long have you been on HC?: 10 months (since January 2012)
Why do you want to join?: I have a friend in the town and have heard good things.
Will you help with town projects?: Of course.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I like building and helping people with stuff.
What towns have you been in?: None on Bastion; Birchwood on last map.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: Didn't leave them; was on last map.
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: No
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I really like working with others and helping out where I can. I prefer to be working on stuff that helps others more than working on stuff that is just for me. As for PvP, I tend to shy away from PvP unless someone I know was attacked or in defense of town, in which case I'll pick up arms to do whatever I can to help.
Referrals: Nicolaos
Where do I post my application? Sorry, I'm not the brightest with computers.
Accepted, see me, TeamShovel, MultiHeartGold, Siwarone or WolfLvr in game to get set up. We can put you to work!Application
IGN: Marche100
Age: 17
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Rogue/Crafter, though when I get to a higher level, I'd like to be Ninja/Mason
How long have you been on HC?: Not long, a few days. Though I know the thread states that you should be playing around a week, I have several reasons why I'd like to join.
Why do you want to join?: I need a place of safety. Somewhere to store my stuff while I'm out and about. Most of all, I need a place of community; I can't stand fending for myself, I like to help and be helped.
Will you help with town projects?: Sure.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I can do menial tasks like building and mining for long periods of time without getting bored. I'm also pretty good at PVP, I can settle disputes, and I can help newcomers.
What towns have you been in?: I have not been in any towns.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: I don't have Teamspeak at the moment. I do have Skype, but I could always get Teamspeak if need be. I can only listen.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Yes.
Tell us about yourself: I like to RP and play video games. I love history, I can juggle, I play Magic: The Gathering, I have a lot of friends, I've never been in a fight, I like to have fun, and I hate doing math even though I'm pretty good at it.
Referrals: N/A
Accepted! We can get you set up TS wise and get you going.1.IGN: Master_Of_Mad
2.Age: I'm a couple weeks away from being 15, so can that please count.
3.Timezone:Central US
4.Classes:warrior/ I plan to be a samurai
5.How long have have you been on HC?: I've been on for a week. But I spend a few more hours on HC than I probably should.
6.Why do you want to join?: I just love seeing people organize in Minecraft. That's why I love faction servers. Though most "factions" seem sloppy and poorly managed. Verstad looks to have a great deal of potential from what I've heard and seen of your border. I didn't do anything, I was just looking. I promise.
7.What can you give to us, as a community?: Well I'm willing to do a lot of grunt work. Mining, lumbering, feeding animals, farming, building, etc. I just want to be part of a lively community.
8.What towns have you been in?: I haven't been in any, though I did walk around the walls of Braavos. That place was creepy, and there just so happened to be an enderman whispering in my ear.
9.Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: I do have it, but I haven't used it before. I could probably look at a manual, a tutorial, or if someone were to be oh so kind and tell me, I could try and figure it out.
10.Do you understand and agree to the town rules: Yes I do. And I want to see what a raid looks like. Not a successful one if it's on Verstad mind you. But I'm curious and I want to see one.
11. Tell us about yourself.: Well I live in Oklahoma and I am not a redneck. I despise a lot of people at my school because they are obnoxious, barbaric, and quite simply stupid sometimes. I am Japanese, Peruvian, Italian, German, and a few other ethnicities. I consider myself level-headed and a calm thinker. I plan to become a video game designer. And I want a katana for Christmas.
12.Referrals: I don't have any referrals if you don't count the nice person who suggested Verstad. His IGN started with a s I think. Can't remember it. But if I'm accepted, and I meet him again, I'll make sure to thank him
looking sexy atm
Some type of deepwater fish.PewPewPewLasers What the fuck is that on your profile picture.
Also got us to Town. only costed me like 10kcSome type of deepwater fish.
Finally. Now I can start being a lazy ass and derp around, or start leveling.Also got us to Town. only costed me like 10kc
can start by fishing and get that done since i hate fishing and idc if u do hate it your doing it.Finally. Now I can start being a lazy ass and derp around, or start leveling.
This is TeamShovel.PewPewPewLasers What the fuck is that on your profile picture.