What is your in game name?

Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not):I am 16
What is your current Hero Path? :rogue
Are you new to the server? :yes but not new to the type of the server been on servers with this addon before
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. :yes
How did you hear about Lórien ?

n these forums
Why do you want to join Lórien? :I want to join because I want a place where I know I won't be stolen from and that has an active base on ts3
What can you contribute to Lórien?

onations, help when people are being ganked in pvp and give materials to people when they need them
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. :N/A