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[The Templar] Good [24]


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Does anyone here have any liking for solitude/oblivion? A good number of citizens from (good) towns (like Belegost) have been losing citizens to solitude and oblivion because they want more PvP. Maybe its time to show them that Good beats Evil eh? DEUS VULT

Would still like an explanation on this one (confused). Oblivion is a neutral town, with some members slightly tilted towards good, and others slightly tilted towards evil, but most are generally true neutral. Wouldn't know why we would be considered evil, to be honest.

Nonetheless, on topic with the Templars being a PvP guild... There are a lot of fine pvpers in the Templars, I wish I could work with them more often, but they are definitely a formidable force to reckon with.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Would still like an explanation on this one (confused). Oblivion is a neutral town, with some members slightly tilted towards good, and others slightly tilted towards evil, but most are generally true neutral. Wouldn't know why we would be considered evil, to be honest.

Nonetheless, on topic with the Templars being a PvP guild... There are a lot of fine pvpers in the Templars, I wish I could work with them more often, but they are definitely a formidable force to reckon with.

Sorry for my comments, I have'nt really done any research into Oblivions status, I was just caught up in the moment. Anyways, im only the head of the hospitallers, (builders) So I don't have much say PvP wise anyways.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 30, 2011
well, that is your guild's fault, not ours
Lol, we didnt say that it was your fault. We are saying that it is unfair because some of our people dont prepare themselves before traveling, but just grab whatever.
May 22, 2012
In Game Name: (Obvious) NinjaKreeper
Hero Class and levels: (Your current or preferred class and levels/masteries) Level 2, Ninja will be achieved as of right now I am a rogue.
Alignment: (Good, Neutral) Good
Desired Knightly Order: (Templar or Hospitaller) Templar
What you want to do in the guild: (Fight Evil, protect newbs, build safe houses, sell stuff) Protect newbs
What you'd like to see from the guild: (What you'd like to see from us) I would like to see protection of innocent players, for I was once lost. That was until HydroKing77 helped me by giving me food and weapons, he also referred me to the templar.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Accepted! Au lieu d'Aerokii, who usually accepts the Templar apps. Popular consent seems to be in your favour, and as you have already been helped and partially established, I believe the guild would be happy to have you.
I apologize for my recent absence, camping+sports+Team fortress 2 have led to my partial inactivity, and my HC time has been spent on the LF-NM rail line.


Legacy Supporter 8
May 23, 2011
Apologies for my recent absence- been a busy time (cough) song of ice and fire (cough) plus work and a lot of other stuff, and I'm in Iowa this weekend. I've got some good plans after the long weekend, so everyone rest up and prepare for awesome!


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
As in the Song of Ice and Fire-Game of thrones etc series? I love it, though I think the next book will take 4 years or so to finish.


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
In Game Name: Jayzy3
Hero Class and levels: 55 Thief, 16 Crafter
Alignment: Neutral
Desired Knightly Order: Templar
What you want to do in the guild: Fight Evil
What you'd like to see from the guild: I'd like to a guild who can hold up against an onslaught of treepers, as well as defend the defenseless. I also just need some sort of alignment, because as of now I am both townless and guildless


Sep 2, 2011
In Game Name: nuttrbutr
Hero Class and levels: Lvl 8 Warrior (eventually paladin) : Lvl 10 Crafter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Desired Knightly Order: Templar
What you want to do in the guild: I would like to thwart the evil, uphold justice, and fight righteously to bring peace to the lands.
What you'd like to see from the guild: I would like to see the guild roam the lands and watch over the people of Herocraft. Along with that, I would like to see the guild renown for fighting with a code of honor, and creating sanctuaries for peaceful people.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
In Game Name: (Obvious): Millejinta87
Hero Class and levels: (Your current or preferred class and levels/masteries): currently master ranger,
thief 40
Alignment: (Good, Neutral): good
Desired Knightly Order: (Templar or Hospitaller): I don't mind either of 'em, but templar would be nice :D
What you want to do in the guild: (Fight Evil, protect newbs, build safe houses, sell stuff): the main reason I join is because I want more PVP, so I would probably fight evil most, but if anyone need help whit a safe house I would like to help whit that swell :)
What you'd like to see from the guild: (What you'd like to see from us): I would like to se an active group of nice people, who acts for their members best. I would also like to know many of the current members that I really have not talked much to before.

Felt I waned to add some additional info so here it comes :D
I have playd on herocraft since november (on zeal map), I then joined Camelot, since all the leaders in that town become inactive I went SiC of Canterlot after some few weeks, then on this map Etkenn, and me (plus more people), founded Canterlot, after some time in Canterlot I left the town to found a new allied town (Belegost), that I am currently a co-leader of.
I am a mason if anyone need mason work, and I hope I am alright to hang around whit :D

Hope I didn't miss something Is should have added here...

Cya ingame.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Some of you may have heard of the recent conflict in XD, it is difficult to tell who (if anyone) is in the right, so please abstain from partaking in any "Templar" activities against the belligerents.


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
Ha, this is the one time when having to real town or guild actually helps me. No one to stick up for, save for a few closer allies, and no sides to choose


Jan 24, 2012
Some of you may have heard of the recent conflict in XD, it is difficult to tell who (if anyone) is in the right, so please abstain from partaking in any "Templar" activities against the belligerents.

Will we take a side following further research, or are we commited to staying out altogether?


Glowing Redstone
Feb 8, 2012
You guys have members from both sides I believe. Just my opinion and Im not even in The Templars yet, but it would probably be best just to stay out of the conflict and let it pass