bunch of awesome words

Approved. I don't much care for a lot of the bible, but I find a great deal of strength and happiness in following the example set by Jesus.
bunch of awesome words
Because God isn't about fluffy feathers and self-esteem. His justice demanded that somebody pay the debt of sin, but nobody could because they all sinned. Jesus could, because He was both a human who could pay up and full of God's Spirit.
This is an interesting one, actually. There's a good theory out there that the flood was not in fact global. I'll explain that in detail to you later on if you'd like.
Because it was the right time. Additionally, 4000 BC sounds way young, even for young-earth theories.
Because God doesn't just up and heal folks anymore. Plus your mortal body isn't quite that important.
Supernatural things are by definition outside science's domain.
Who is Caan? Also due to agency, also due to precedent-setting, also due to weirdness regarding the word "perfect".
You're gonna have to cite that one for me.
Word from Shizz
At least you understand how religion works. Whether you follow it or not is your decision, but I prefer to follow what I know to be true, you may think the same way.That's you people's problems y'all are afraid of not understanding things and only want to rely on solid evidence when you can't understand everything and miracles happen every day for solid evidence faith in anything by definition is a blind belief in somthing so stop trying to understand everything
God bless, and see you in-game!
Okay, so if you think you're being hostile towards somebody who doesn't deserve it then don't be hostile, please. Funny how familiar that sounds...Pardon any hostility I may have towards any denomination of Christianity, it's just that when my grandfather passed away in 2006, he donated $4.5m to an adventist church and left my grandma with $1m. My aunt was economically screwed at this time, and though I loved him while he was alive, I percieve him as a total asshole becaue he wouldn't help his own fucking daughter because she was not 'straight' which is BULLSHIT. I personally believe that churches in general carry more of a communal sense than anything else, but I also think that they shouldn't isolate themselves due to indifferent religious background or bash on people for 'choosing to be gay' (also bullshit, you don't choose). I will never become a religious person, plain and simple. I'm perfectly cool with Christianity existing in coalition with the rest of society as long as Christians can cooperate well with other people.
I think what you're seeing is not Christianity, but somebody who uses Christianity for their personal gain. If you read the New Testament in particular (although there's some good OT on it too), you would see exactly how wrong and predictable this behavior is, even within their own contexts... bar the Jehovah's Witnesses. They've got the gist of things in the spreading-the-Word regard but personally I criticize their behavior for other reasons.I like the fact that Christianity does in some sense promote people who have wronged to better themselves and that helping others is considered a major aspect of being a Christian. I dislike that fact that my neighbor owns 2 porsches, a nissan 370z, and sits on a $500,000 house even though all he ever really does is preach a few sermons at church on sunday, and nothing more, whilst my dad is over here working roughly 40 or so hours a week with a with a high paying salary and only barely matching what our neighbor makes in terms of income. 'Donate 10% of your income to the church' crap only proves to show that in some sense Christianity has aspects in regards to greed and brainwashin(trust me, my grandpa is a perfect example of this -___-). I think that if the Christian community wanted to better themselves, they wouldn't come door to door informing people about their god. I don't know what would piss me off more than a Jehovah's witness on my street. Seriously, if one of them knocked on my door I'd open it, tell them that they're trespassing, uppercut them, then kick them down my stairs. I don't like to be annoyed. I'm not a good person.![]()
Guess what? Christianity condemns keeping your views to yourself, and sees little value in being well-regarded by the general public. That's like neutering breeding stock.Summary: If Christians could keep their beliefs/views to themselves, then people could actually tolerate them in a more positive manner!
It was preparation for lots of things. The right audience, the right locale, the prophecy and knowledge of God's character that backs up Jesus' own legitimacy. Even some interesting astrological phenomena. There was purpose in it.2. Not really getting what you're trying to say here.![]()
Yup. But that wasn't the cool thing. The cool thing was that He made a witness for Himself, and if it's the guy I'm thinking of that his sins were explicitly forgiven.3. I recall Jesus/God healing a blind man somewhere in the bible.
Ahh, gotcha. But they got the hill country, and went on to do some more conquering. I wonder if there's not more context and culture to it as well.6. Judges 1:19
"The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots."
Basically stating, god ain't got shit on people with iron chariots, in todays terms, cars. (jokes) xD
Thank you for your words of wisdom I have a lot to learn being only 13. If I have any questions I'll ask for your help and as for in-game I would be very grateful to help you get started and supply you with equipment and housingOne more thing: I know its still unclear on why God doesn't step in to help us the way we THINK we need His help. I have something for you to think on:
Lets take a moment and, theoretically if you will, believe that if there is a God that exists and He loves us the way He says he does, why would he FORCE his love on us? If you get married to a woman who you force to 'love' you, what is there in that? Nothing but emptiness. You can't make a heart love another. God loves us, and so He gives us the freedom to choose. He wants what we want, which is a quite a romantic thing -- to place our wants above His very own. So, when we choose to be without God, deny His existence and say that we live our lives better without Him, He knows we're wrong, but He, in love, gives us what we want. He doesn't 'send' you to Hell, he GIVES YOU WHAT YOU WANT -- to be without Him eternally. That is what Hell is. A place where Satan and the minions of hell can torture you and taunt you all they want, with no interference from God -- until evil is destroyed, and everything not within the sight of the Lord is disintegrated in One word of His mouth.
Now, lets say, because God is so loving that being in His presence would fill us with such warmth and love that we couldn't possibly deny who He is and accept to be with Him forever. Why doesn't He just do that, then? Because that would negate His gift of freedom of choice. We wouldn't have choice at that point, because every negative, atheistic, blasphemous thought would be flushed out of us. We would have nothing but pure drunken love in front of the Lord. Why would He want to take our choice away? There's a lot to think about regarding this... I just don't want to mislead anyone.
It takes a lot more faith to be an atheist than it does to be a Christian. Evidence, even physical evidence, points to God. Keep that in mind!
Thank you for your words of wisdom I have a lot to learn being only 13. If I have any questions I'll ask for your help and as for in-game I would be very grateful to help you get started and supply you with equipment and housing
Like everyone has said: Don't be trying to convince one another, no matter what you believe, nothing you will say will change someones mind, especially since they don't even know you. Advertising and books can go a long way to sway someones mind and how they think. Let me give you an example:
Bible: Teaches people that God does/did exist and you should follow him.
Crayola: Convinces people that Violets name is actually "Purple."
Long story short: Books and advertisements can be very misleading. I'm not saying God doesn't exist, it's just my opinion and my input.
EDIT: Believe what you want to believe, don't force it on other people and others will respect you.
Like everyone has said: Don't be trying to convince one another, no matter what you believe, nothing you will say will change someones mind, especially since they don't even know you.
Thank you for your words of wisdom I have a lot to learn being only 13. If I have any questions I'll ask for your help and as for in-game I would be very grateful to help you get started and supply you with equipment and housing
Nah, I love Jesus with every fiber of my being. I'm not religious at all =) Keep in mind that religion is the act of repetitive prayers and monotonous actions to PROVE yourself worthy. I just love Jesus, talk to Him, let Him lead me to where I'm meant to be and carry out what He's put me here to do, and I fall even more in love with Him by the second. Don't ever try to be 'religious', as religion only throws you into a lake with cinder-blocks tied to your ankles letting you sink under the weight of what you can't live up to. Lift up your face! You'll find Him where He is =)
Thanks for the words of inspiration I guess.
But until enough proof is valid for me to put some of my faith in a higher power, I'm putting all my faith in ShizzDawgg.
That sounds so painful! D:I want Him to wreck you from the inside out like a bull in a room full of fine china.