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Willowdusk - Neutral


Feb 25, 2013
Hey dragon, i need some pics of the houses we plan to build on the plots, i also want to start working on expanding the town so i can move the walls out more, and build a moat outside them i still want to use your design, so if u can also provide more pics of the walls so i can have a good idea what they should look like that would help 2


Mar 21, 2013
*Applying for=Citizen
*IGN = klunderi
*Previous Towns = belegost
*Class level and Profession Level = Pyromancer 31, farmer 41
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = 4 years
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft =
*How often are you online = depends, im at school grade 11 and there is a lot of work i have to do, but ill try to get on at some stage, if not i do apologise.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = well im a farmer so i can breed and spawn mobs. also im a fun guy to hang a round and will always do work if needed.
*Additional Information =
Dec 11, 2012
*IGN = Ramza_Centrius
*Previous Towns = None
*Class Level and Profession Level = Warrior Lvl 18/ Crafter Lvl
*How long have you been playing Minecraft= about 2 years
*What is your greatest Minecraft Accomplishment = Making my big Mansion
*Do you agree to the rules of the town=Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft= Building, Kiling, being Head Alchemist in almost all factioms
*What time zone are you in = 8+
*Can you use Teamspeak = Yes
*How often are you online = This Summer, Almosy Everyday in June, only weekends
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = Because my brother is living there (vallad_centrius) and he said that the town is awesome! and still in progress
*Additional Information = I only want to be Citizen :)


Apr 25, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN =shawn674
*Previous Towns =none
*Class level and Profession Level = (rogue 1)(crafter 1)
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = a couple years
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = i just started so i dont have much yet but im planning on being a runeblade/smith
*How often are you online = im just starting out so i wont be on a ton but il try to play at least a little everyday
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = im a new player but as i grow in experience il be able to help in pvp and building
*Additional Information = im not completely sure im gunna be a smith if i get in and there's something else that would be more helpful then i dont mind being something else


Apr 27, 2013
*Applying for Citizen
*IGN = Boxflake
*Previous Towns = None, new player.
*Class level and Profession Level = Rogue lvl 6, crafter lvl 6
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = minecraft since alpha
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = I agree
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I like staying back dishing out dmg, stealthy kinda suprise attacking guy, also why i picked rouge.
*How often are you online = Differs week to week, mainly coz of school and homework.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = Im a nice personallity, and when i get the hang of this i think i would be of great help.
*Additional Information = Im From Denmark, and i even lifts.


Apr 25, 2013
Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN = RaptorSB
*Previous Towns = None
*Class level and Profession Level = 7 Healer/10 Crafter
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = A few years
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = functional building, farming and random mining
*How often are you online = Several times a week
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = Always willing to help others, can provide food
*Additional Information = Not much to say that hasn't been said above.


Feb 25, 2013
Hey dragonzero39 you left me hanging i was super tired and i tried to stay on as long as i could but u never logged in. I've been recruiting new members and we've been doing a lot of work on the farm lvl it's coming together nicely
Contact me as soon as u can cause i have a lot to talk to u about.. Ps i'm going to pass out now i'll be back later


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 29, 2013
Bucharest, Romania
*Applying for (Citizen)/(Council)/(SiC)
*IGN = MariusAbyssal
*Previous Towns = None
*Class level and Profession Level = 8 Necro 22 Crafter
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Since Beta started
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft =Builder Designer Redstone, maybe not as good a fighter as i'd like to be.
*How often are you online = Usualy a few hours a day i usualy go to work from tuesday to thursday so maybe a bit less on those day.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = My skills as a building and redstone designer are pretty good.
*Additional Information =

*IGN = jay289209
*Previous Towns = None
*Class Level and Profession Level = 16 Rogue 20 Crafter
*How long have you been playing Minecraft= A long time
*What is your greatest Minecraft Accomplishment =
*Do you agree to the rules of the town Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft Decent builder
*What time zone are you in = -5 GMT
*Can you use Teamspeak = Yes
*How often are you online = A few hours a day
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I'm a decent fun active player.
*Additional Information =

*IGN = 21paces
*Previous Towns = None
*Class Level and Profession Level =16 Rogue 20 Crafter
*How long have you been playing Minecraft= A long time
*What is your greatest Minecraft Accomplishment =
*Do you agree to the rules of the town Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft Decent builder
*What time zone are you in = -5 GMT
*Can you use Teamspeak = Yes
*How often are you online = A few hours a day
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I'm a decent fun active player.
*Additional Information =

Since i made the app for all 3 of us not all the info is complete but they're bouth basicaly nice guys that build decently.


Apr 29, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN = cixelsyD
*Previous Towns = None, I'm new to server.
*Class level and Profession Level = 9 Caster. 6 Crafter. Im going Wizard, not sure about profession.
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Since alpha
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = Of course.
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I'm a pretty decent pvper. That's about it really. I'm ok at building.
*How often are you online = Every day/Every other day for a few hours.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I can help protect your town. I'm friendly and willing to do parties(groups).
*Additional Information =


Apr 29, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN = Tristanm1
*Previous Towns = None
*Class level and Profession Level = Caster lvl 1, Crafter lvl 1
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Since late Alpha
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = In Minecraft in general, I am a capable builder, and very experienced with redstone, given my software engineer background. In Herocraft I don't really have anything as I am level 1. This will change.
*How often are you online = Mostly every day.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I am a competent builder and can help build the town while my levels are low. Once I've gained enough levels, I will be able work with redstone circuitry for more advanced needs.
*Additional Information = I am an avid roleplayer and would be more than happy to meet anyone else who would like to roleplay as well.