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Willowdusk - Neutral


Apr 29, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)/(Council)/(SiC) Citizen
*IGN = Rafitilol
*Previous Towns = None, new on the server
*Class level and Profession Level = Rogue 4 ( Havn't really been leveling yet, been stripmining ), crafter 14.
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Since beta release
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = Yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I enjoy teamplaying, and participating in team efforts, I'm extremly patient and I take way too much joy in building theme based buildings.
*How often are you online = Daily, a couple of hours.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I'm a teamplayer, I go to great lengths helping out my team in any way, shape or form.
*Additional Information =
I'd like to share plot with Cixelsyd, if possible. We're mates, and have been playing together for years.


*IGN = gizmo2313
*Previous Towns = N/A
*Class Level and Profession Level = 2 and 1 (Will change before you look at this.)
*How long have you been playing Minecraft= About 2 years
*What is your greatest Minecraft Accomplishment = I helped run a server and we got great feedback.
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = I agree
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I am helpful? I'm not much of a builder but can fight decently.
*What time zone are you in = Canadian Mountain Time
*Can you use Teamspeak = Yeah
*How often are you online = A lot
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I can be useful if needed
*Additional Information = I don't know what I should put here so PM me if you want anything to know about me.


Apr 29, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)/(Council)/(SiC)
*IGN = Kristaa11
*Previous Towns = none, i'm new!
*Class level and Profession Level = Rogue, lvl 1
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = for about 3 years!
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = of course!!
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I'm an alright builder! ( better with voxel) Always helping people build in other servers. I
*How often are you online = Every day, unless my internet goes out or something.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I am super helpful with everything!
*Additional Information = Most of my friends are in this town, i don't want to play alone.lol


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 18, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN =_peter1232_
*Previous Towns =none
*Class level and Profession Level =Lvl 14 Rogue and 17 Crafter
*How long have you been playing Minecraft =I can't remember since Last August in 2011 I think? Multiplayer in September.
*Do you agree to the rules of the town =Of course
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft =I'm fun to play mc with? xD I can do anything you ask I guess, I really like hunting and that's why I chose rogue o-o/
*How often are you online =I'm relatively new, I have another server that I need to attend to. I'm a Co-Onwer so I've gotta keep things in check.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk =I will hunt mobs and get food for the town Omg yes xD lol.
*Additional Information =I think that's about it xD.


Apr 30, 2013
*Applying for Citizen
*IGN =Sreves
*Previous Towns =None
*Class level and Profession Level =Level 2 Warrior and Level 2 Crafter(Will change soon)
*How long have you been playing Minecraft =A year or two
*Do you agree to the rules of the town =Of course
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft =I am a good Minecraft fighter, i can build pretty good stuff and i can help gather resources.
*How often are you online =I'm on almost every day.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk =I can help out with the town and hather resources.
*Additional Information =I can be easily accessed through skype and my email.


Apr 30, 2013
*Applying for Citizen
*IGN = Pjacite
*Previous Towns = None
*Class level and Profession Level = Caster 8
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Three years
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = I do
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I'm good with redstone, I'm also a good raider and scout.
*How often are you online = Depends on my work schedule. I should be on every day.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I can fill almost any role and I like working with others to solve problems
*Additional Information = I do have a friend in this town.
May 1, 2013
*IGN = theshinylitwck
*Previous Towns = none
*Class level and Profession Level = crafter lvl 5 warrior 2
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = 2 years
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = yes
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I have all sorts of skills that are minecraft related(restone excluded)
*How often are you online = very often
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I can help by leveling up my skills to furthur benefit your town
*Additional Information = I am looking forward to joining a town it is so hard to find a town or people that would accept someone. ( I am 19) hope this helps


Glowing Redstone
Mar 13, 2013
theshinylitwick accepted, I could not find your whitelist app, but I did check for bans, you seem to be good. I would say, message me in game but you are standing right next to me lol.


May 1, 2013
*Applying for (Citizen)
*IGN = Dememor
*Previous Towns = None
*Class level and Profession Level = Class 9, Profession Level 6
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = Since Alpha
*Do you agree to the rules of the town = I have read the runes and agree to follow them
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I'm brand new for the RPG aspect for Minecraft but eager to learn
*How often are you online = Daily
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk = I'll be a loyal servant to House Willowdusk and i'm willing to die for there cause.
*Additional Information = Hope I'm accepted


May 1, 2013
Applying for: citizen
IGN: NuttyTom

Previous towns: None
Class level and profession level: Rogue, 6 & Crafter 4
How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 2 years
Do you agree to the rules of the town: Yes i agree and promise to follow them
What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft: I'm new to rpg so not much but i'm a fast learner
How often are you online: About everyday
What makes you an asset to Willowdusk: I can help make different things and i can make a good slave..
Additional Information: I love you


Feb 25, 2013
@dragonzero39 I will be leaving the town as soon as my stuff is moved i was going to hold off and help u build more, but Pampita made me want to leave. cause what's the point of having allies that hurt u, and destroy your work.

And one more thing, I'm leaving behind a lot of different materials and you're in a far better position as a town cause of my hard work. They plan to give me control of isengard i'll be it's new mayor so, so out of respect for all my hard work for u, and for helping to keep willowdusk alive. i hope u'll get your "allies" to leave us alone.
May 7, 2013
*Applying for Citizen.
*IGN =FlorinescuBoss
*Previous Towns =None.
*Class level and Profession Level = Level 1 Warrior, Crafter Proffesion.
*How long have you been playing Minecraft = From 1 and a half year.
*Do you agree to the rules of the town =Of Course.
*What are your skills on Minecraft / Herocraft = I like this server because of the RPG plugin, and since now i see that the staff of the servers are very dedicated. I like the think and style of this server. I don't play from very much time, i just got whitelisted.
*How often are you online = 2/3/4 hours per day.
*What makes you an asset to Willowdusk =I'd like to join to a good and organized town, like Willowdusk, i don't like to be selfish or indiviudal.
*Additional Information = I'm a good guy, and funny, but i have a limit too, like everyone does.

I love chocholate.
Thanks for reading, FlorinescuBoss.