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[Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*


Jun 15, 2011
yes and wole add my name and Aerokii's name to the citizen list

looks like recruiting wont be a problem


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Hi, I'm not sure how you were thinking we'd do this, but I made some of a tower on creative and took some screenshots. Didn't hassle on doing everything, because it's just in creative anyway, and I make the nicest things when I can develop something over time. Anyway, one thing I did on this tower was add the inside wooden scaffolding and the water dampening to fit it. I don't care about this competition, but I think that would be cool to have on the tower:


^^ From above ^^


^^ And from below ^^

I don't think my boring sandstone tower got so nice, but the scaffolding I think fits well to a steampunk theme. Makes it look more like it actually is buildt too.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
It looks nice, the watter drop looks cool, and the compitition is really just for people to contribute to the town and show what they make. Having a reward just encorages it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I like that tower @Diavolo1988 Has everyone heard of the plans for the new township system? it would take too much time to desribe it here, So if you're on the dragon empire forums look in the "council" subsection, if you're a counilmember and check out xexorians post.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Yea making a steampunk lighthouse would be pretty awesome :) One thing I would like to add though about the main tower; it sort of defines a lot about the construction of the entire town. I atleast think we should have the bottom of the tower in the underwater dome that makes the main ground level. I also like the idea of having the only entrance to the town be an underwater tunnel. That way we can easily close off the city with redstone doors as soon as we get regions. Untill then we can have a nice little trapdoor I have worked a bit on in SP.

EDIT: @WoleverEntun no, I have just registered at this new forum. Don't have council access. So, I don't know anything. Pretty weird if we get no info about it directly from the server devs if it's a massive change though.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Township System
Players join a Faction.
-There are only 3 Factions on the Dragon Map.
-Guilds are restricted by Faction.
IE: a player cannot join a north faction guild while being a citizen of the west faction. Only if they are neutral or of the same faction.
-There are only 3 Townships per Faction, not including the free "Kingdom Capital" township of that Faction.
Players can band together to form a township in that any faction area, but they must join that faction.

Faction Requirements.-You will be notified when you enter that faction's area.
-You may start a township, or build in the Kingdom Capital.
-You may vote for a King if you are part of that Faction. (Once every month.)
-You may vote for a Mayor if you are a part of that Township. (Once every month.)

-Township size will be a multiple of 16.
-There is no information regarding the region sizes of the small/medium/large Townships.
-Plot sizes will be a minimum of 16. (everywhere.)
-Townships will upgrade to City, and Capital's new sizes as well. Capital's aren't "Capitals" anymore.
-There is a limit of 3 Townships per Kingdom/Faction.
-The townships in this limit can be of any size, small/medium/large.
-Each Kingdom (or) Faction will have one free town, it must be built first. Also, the 'Kingdom Capital' must have a medieval theme. Per kainzo's wishes.
-Sleaker said there will be a castle requirement for the Faction's capital building.
-Kings and Mayors will be elected every month. There won't be SIC's any longer.
-If you start a Township (within a Faction), the person paying the fee becomes the Mayor.
"<Apherdite>: Is there a warning for dismantling?
<xexorian>: ^ as in the township losing its protection?
<Sleaker>: Apherdite - haven't done any specifics on that stuff yet
<Apherdite>: Okiedokie
<Apherdite>: Just seeing
<Sleaker>: but yes that's the end result if the town can't pay taxes and is no
longer active."

-No more rings in the sky.
-Signage and a chat notification let you know where you are.
-Townships should probably build walls immediately (once we know the size requirements.)
-Spawn will be located on a cardinal direction, with the 3 player factions being in the other cardinal directions.
-Middle area is "No Man's Land".
-"City" and "Capital" are just going to be levels of a Township.
-More citizens -> Upgrade to a higher tier.

-Guilds are still formable
-There are 4 types of guilds, Neutral, and Guilds aligned with each of the 3 factions.
-Players who join a guild that is not aligned with a Kingdom/Faction, cannot join a Faction/Kingdom.
-(In General) Players can only join a guild if the guild is in their faction.
-Evil Neutral and Good "ALIGNMENT" is NO MORE.
-Neutral players can join Faction guilds. But are not required to join that faction. They are also restricted from joining any other opposing faction.
<Sleaker>: they can't be in another Kingdom, and join your guild that's for
another one
<Sleaker>: it's designed as a subsystem

<Sleaker>: well the Kingdom/Faction areas wont lock building in that area
<xexorian>: so anyone can build?
<Sleaker>: in the general direction yes

I asked him about the capital's requirements. He said they needed a castle at the Faction/Kingdom Capital's.

<Sleaker>: doesn't have to be a castle, but I think Kainzo
was wanting a medieval theme for the map
<xexorian>: okay
<Sleaker>: and also since the Kingdom plot functions like an automatic free
city.. there's no rason not to use it
<Sleaker>: it would give you guys an extra city
<Sleaker>: and will most likely be larger than the largest city size
<xexorian>: okay
<xexorian>: and its location is predefined?
<xexorian>: is it on the main road itself, or at the end?
<Sleaker>: will be when we set it all up

<Sleaker>: when kainzo sets all that you will know
<xexorian>: ok
<xexorian>: ttyl dude, thanks again.

There will be no cardinal roads at the start of the map.
Kingdom Capital cities must have their "townhall" built, like a castle/medieval theme initially.
It will not be prebuilt.

Last edited by xexorian on Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.




Post subject: Re: The New Map requirements / Dragon plans.​
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:43 pm​

Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:38 pm
Posts: 34
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We need to decide which faction we're joining-After we know where spawn is located
We need to elect a king at the start of the map-Once we join our designated faction
We need to scratch ALL IDEAS for our townships, and come up with just THREE or maybe FOUR.
We need to re-designate all mayors to these 3 townships
We need to elect mayors every month
we need to scratch planned townships on private servers entirely
we need to consider plot sizes becoming a minimum of 16x16 (unfortunately I dont know the height)
We need to consider using guilds to spread out our people and to form more democracy.
Guilds can have their own faction, and players from that faction (only), and their own ranking systems.

A map will not help us become organized this early on because there is a lack of information set in stone by Kainzo at this time.
Sleaker has said he will begin working on the township system today as of 1/3/2012.

Finally, I asked them to let us know when we get a definite answer for the size of townships, at each level, so that we can plan a map.

keep in mind only the "Kingdom Capital" or "Faction Capital" will be set in stone, our 3 townships have to be in that general direction,
and, we can still coordinate where we want to place them.

Please note -- ALL citizens will vote for a "King" per faction. and only a specific township's citizens will vote for their "Mayor".

This means there will only be room for a King, which acts as mayor of the Kingdom/Faction capital city, and 3 more Mayors. Maybe 4. (Sleaker said there might be a 4 township limit. Probably not.)

So we need to carefully consider who we want for these positions initially.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
this means we could maybe still have LF, but first we would need to decide on the faction capital, and we should all organie ourselves so that we are in the same faction


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
This is all according to xexorians post, which all comes from xexorians conversation with sleaker, and some with apherdite.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Wow. This is massively game changing. Very exciting to see how this turns out. I don't like the idea of forcing towns to do this or that, but I guess this is the only way to avoid towns like bane on the next map. So.. we're going for the good faction and North cardinal direction? And having Lightforge being one of the 3 north towns? (maybe Canterlot being the castle themed Capital town in the middle?)


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
this could be fun, or it could be terrible. At first, im just going to survive for a while, and when everything is sorted out, i will emeerge and help build our capital.