Just to confirm, "Steampunk" is kinda... old-fashioned science fiction from the future?
Like instead of "power crystals", its all gears and bronze and old-fashioned clothes?
yep it is

a lot of stuff from like early 1900's, so airships, zeppelins and such is very common. Stuff in brass, leather and wood is also very common.
At the end of Zeal, me and Pakistaniel (my only RL friend on HC) were planning the new SF as a city above the ocean, with lots of glass. We were planning on having large glass domes on the ocean floor and in the water that the city could be in, and floating island around a large central tower. Not created levels, but have it a lot more dyamic, with islands here and there, on all kinds of levels. We planned having the city above water because then it wouldn't be so dangerous to fall down. However, safety would be a big problem unless we make a wall around it all, or make the domes closed off from the outside, making them only accessible from the central tower.
If this had succeeded, we would have called the city SeaForge in memory of Capn_Danger's SeaLab on Zeal. However, my friend Pakistaniel didn't like the changes to the server, so that one gets ganked all the time while trying to build something epic. So he left the server, and I joined Newerth instead.
But if someone else likes the idea of a city under water and in the air at the same time, perhaps we could try it out? (making it safe could be a bit hard though, we would have to make some "guard islands" with a glass wall between to keep people out)
EDIT: I'm thinking something like this, only not floating on the surface but pushed all the way to stand like that on the ocean floor:
But ofcourse also have the domes slightly more random and varying than this (also in different heights), and having the middle dome also be a central tower up. To some floating city with more kind of a layout like this:
Comeon, say you love it