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[Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
We would be happy to have you! go ingame and do /town sign Lightforge and ask anyone in the town for the coords. Our chat is /ch lf.
EDIT: We're in official townships section! Also, We need to seal off the mines to raiders.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
My ideas for council positions
1. defense coordinator
2. architect
3. event planner
4. sky manager
5. sea manage
6. foreign affairs diplomat
7. Raider commander
EDIT: the reason for all the positions is that I have so many old and loyal players, as well as new ones, who have been waiting for a position for a long time, or have very much earned it.and the mayor will be of course, head of the council.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
No special areas PLEASE, if there is one thing I ask is no special positions and just a council that decides on things equaly. On the last map the council corrupted the town. Everyone wanted a special role and it drove the town into an obbesion. I suggest 5 or 6 people on a council that all have an equal say vote. What is sky manager and Sea manager even suppose to be? Selling plots? That dosn't sound like an importent role. The only one there that feels importend is arrchitect. I am begging for you tp make no special areas for different people. I would make banker and architect the only two specific roles, other than that just have a council that makes decisions.
Apr 25, 2011
What about a council and unofficial special positions? I imagine the sky manager would oversee construction in the sky, and the same with the sea manager. Maybe we could have an unofficial position. We'll use me for an example (because I don't want the position). Eisbaer is the unofficial Sea manager. He got the position because he's pretty good at making underwater domes. He has no vote in the council or in any other politics, but if a member wants to make an underwater house, he is directed to me. I tell him where he can build, and if he needs help (underwater air pockets are no cake-walk) then I'm the "expert" who helps him out.
Again, that's just an example of what we COULD do.

@WoleverEntun I read his comment as sarcastic. Something like "donnymeyer should be in charge of PvP so that I can raid you guys easier". I was going to report it (he should insult our town on his own thread, not ours), but on the rare chance that he was actually complimenting donny's PvP ability, I chose not to click the Report button.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
@WoleverEntun I read his comment as sarcastic. Something like "donnymeyer should be in charge of PvP so that I can raid you guys easier". I was going to report it (he should insult our town on his own thread, not ours), but on the rare chance that he was actually complimenting donny's PvP ability, I chose not to click the Report button.
Don't worry, it wasn't a compliment.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
My concern is that unofficial will still creat the exact ame problems. As it did on the last map, there was arguing and complete chaos over the council, un official of official will not be treated in any different way I bet. I can almost guaranty there will be chaos and/or arguing for a while. Then again, there will be fighting even if there are no positions, everyone will want to be on the council. I stand by my objection to positions even I it is un official.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
If there's room for me, I take interest in Defense Coordinator, Architect, and Event Planner.
Apr 25, 2011
Don't worry, it wasn't a compliment.
Well, then. I'm reporting it. He can insult us all he wants on his own threads, but he has no right to disrupt our town thread like that (even if he thinks he's just being funny).

I don't believe that unofficial positions will cause a problem, but I see no reason to implement them. There should be a reference guide for who to ask for what. i.e. If you want help building underwater domes, contact Eisbaer and _______. If you want to learn how to better PvP, contact _______ and _______. They will have no authority, but it would be handy to know which of our members have certain talents.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I dont see where there were problems last map, it meant that people actually had a role, and were'nt only in the council for the power, they had a specific purpose. I will have big problems choosing 5-6 people, seeing as there are many very qualified people in town, and i feel that no matter what, I will offend someone. Maybe if we just had 2-3 people, certain people wouldnt be left out. In fact, from what i've heard, the entire town wants council positions.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
On the last map the problem wasn't the positions but picking them, unofficial positions don't really seem like position but more like hey this guy is makes awesome water domes (example) maybe he could make me one, but I see where you are coming from. The other thing with positions, some seem more important then others, m personal opinion for a council would be 3 or 4 people as council members and no more, everyone is going to want a council position but not everyone will get one. I might not get one even though I personally think I should, in the end things like these are your decision and I trust you will do what is best for the town, I have shared my opinion and whether others agree or not is fine by me.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
If we decide to do positions, I would like to have anything to help the town.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
The raids still happen?

Secure your region?

Stay in your safe bubble while they sit there bored!

Hide your chests, they can't break blocks! Out in the open chests are volitile storage!

Did i mention secure the region? No intruders must be able to enter, and take extra steps. People can still get away with abusing regions to get in (like breaking a block, and right clicking a lift before the block returns to break in) its hard to catch them and it's not worth the trouble!

I'm sure you'll figure it out :p


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
Yep, we need to close off the city. And gates should be redstone triggered.

For the council, I think that we could either have no council (people in the town are allowed to voice their opinion to Wolever) or having a council with some areas that really needs more attention (is lots of work). Last map, there were too many positions, but mainly the problem was that the council members only wanted to build their own throne, not help the city, and the duties of some of the council members was partly neglected. But having a council might be useful, if the ones in it really are active and wants to help the town, and knows how to do his/her job.


Guysss I am really upset. Apparently when you spec you lose bite. And let me tell you, Assassin's Blade SUCKSSS!
Bite was was the complete shit. And now... I lost it. I wont be as effective as I should be and this will be super hard to pvp with now. I thought speccing would be awesome. Turns out it sucks. Tonight, Jzillfro raided us multiple time,probs 10, and I killed him myself the whole time. I completly wrecked him. Then I specced, He destroyed me multiple times. It was really depressing. Anyone know if I can go back to level 30 rogue?

EDIT: I may have been high when righting this....


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Yep, we need to close off the city. And gates should be redstone triggered.

For the council, I think that we could either have no council (people in the town are allowed to voice their opinion to Wolever) or having a council with some areas that really needs more attention (is lots of work). Last map, there were too many positions, but mainly the problem was that the council members only wanted to build their own throne, not help the city, and the duties of some of the council members was partly neglected. But having a council might be useful, if the ones in it really are active and wants to help the town, and knows how to do his/her job.

I would be fine with no council at all, and if we did have one really only architect and banker would seem like the big ones to me.
Guysss I am really upset. Apparently when you spec you lose bite. And let me tell you, Assassin's Blade SUCKSSS!
Bite was was the complete shit. And now... I lost it. I wont be as effective as I should be and this will be super hard to pvp with now. I thought speccing would be awesome. Turns out it sucks. Tonight, Jzillfro raided us multiple time,probs 10, and I killed him myself the whole time. I completly wrecked him. Then I specced, He destroyed me multiple times. It was really depressing. Anyone know if I can go back to level 30 rogue?

I don't think your able to, but in a couple of levels you'll get more skills and be alot more efective.
Apr 25, 2011
@Falker57 I think you can pay money to go back to Rogue (it would be just like changing to a level 1 healer, but you would be level 30 since you already mastered it. But that would be pretty pointless, since you can't progress at all when you do that. Don't know what you specced as, but if you stick with it, you'll be WAY better than a level 30 Rogue. :)


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 18, 2011
I need to level my wizard, which will also allows group teleport for us.
Speccing my crafter (once mastered) to Farmer, just fyi.
Have a nice monday. : )