BladeGrasp - Stamina: 300 Cooldown: 35 seconds
WaterWalking - Stamina: 200 Duration: 15 seconds Cooldown: 25 seconds
ParryMagic - Stamina: 300 Cooldown: 40 seconds
MightyBlow - Deal 55 (+1.25 per str) damage to your target Stamina: 225 Cooldown: 10 seconds
MortalWound - Hack into your target, reducing healing skills by 50% for 10s Stamina: 200 Cooldown: 25 seconds
Cooldown: 8 minutes(?)
Sacrifice - you turn onto your blade, leaving you at 1% health and slowed by 90% while buffing your party's STR and CON by +20 for 30s. (Usable only in combat) Duration of slow: 10 seconds
Stamina: 300(?) Cooldown: 8 minutes(?)
Ashura (4%)- Deals 65 (+1 per str) damage and knocks the enemy back 3 Blocks Stamina: 200 Cooldown: 25 seconds(?)
Kotesu (5%)- Does 60 (+1 per int) dark damage and slows the enemy for 3 seconds Mana: 120 Cooldown: 15 seconds
Murasame (10%) - Heals the samurai for 25% while dealing 50 (+1.50) damage to the target Stamina: 350 Cooldown: 2 minutes
Muramasa (8%) - Causes a confusion based effect to 5 targets for 3 seconds in the area and deals 30 (+ 1.25 per str) Stamina: 200 Cooldown: 30 seconds
Masamune (15%) - Grants the Samurai Speed 3 and health regeneration for 15 seconds Stamina: 225 Cooldown: 25 seconds
Honor (5%) - The warrior inspires those around him, granting all party members +5 CON
Warmup: 2 seconds Duration: 1 minute Cooldown: 5 minutes
InferoBlade (Could rename) (19%) - Summons a powerful meteor down from the sky to cleanse enemies. (All targets within blast take 100 (+2 per int ) in dmg) Mana: 250 Cooldown: 10 minutes(?)
1.8+ Skills:
Banner - (1.8+ only) lays down your banner, everyone within the radius get +10 STR Duration of buff: 1 minute Stamina: 250 Cooldown: 6 minutes
Second draft:
-changed honor to a sword offering
-increased mighty blow damage
-decreased water walking duration
-buffed Ashura and Kotesu damage
-changed some of sword offering'a costs
So we are thinking around 56 damage with a diamond sword at max level. How much armor weight should they start with? 35? 40?