So, just writing this back at square 1 for a sec so @
malikdanab can read up on this. He needs words rather than speaking.
[] Indicates stuff me and malik are trying to plan. The rest is modified from the thread OP for current logic.
Shaman (axe) Archetype - Healer
The class is supposed to be semi-hybrid, representing Primal abilities in destruction, majoring in totem (physical blocks with endercrystals that pulse and cannot be broken), minoring in healing and melee. [I think healing will remain quite minor, but melee might be boosted as an accompaniment to Totems if me and malik can get something Kain likes) The user can ONLY have out one totem at a time, . The effective range of the totems will vary based on a few things. Totems can be placed within 20 blocks of the player at line of sight, on the ground. Totems will have an AOE / effect range varying on the totem.
Skill Lineup:
-Kick - You know what it is, not sure if it really fits now?
-Firestrike - 4 fireballs shot, likely 2-3 will hit. Homing, can be blocked by walls and EarthWall
-Shock - Megabolt with the AOE being around the totem. If you're in range when it hits, you're hit once.
-Force - Launches into the air and disorients, no damage
-Engulfing - Slows, no damage
-Healing - Heals allies in range
-Chloroblast - Healing skill, still in the plans to my knowledge
[-Set of accompanying melee skills - Something that fits the theme of the Totems but can be approved of by Kain. Trying to sort out with Malik]
[-Another healing skill - Not sure what but something basic.]
[- Some utility skill - Not sure what but helps keep a skill roster together]
-ChainLightning - Hasn't been coded to my knowledge, is this still going to be a thing? [I'd suggest not to allow the melee, I feel melee and this would be OP]