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Suggestion Map Feedback - Pantheon

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Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
Idk, past maps whenever another group that you all know enjoys pvp tried to set up on the server they were repeatedly camped. A very large part of your problems with pvp stem from the fact that you decided to make a town together without thinkibg about who would actually fight you.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 8, 2013
Another issue with pvp these days is that it is not very profitable. There's a couple of things that can be done to make it more worthwhile like adding more castles that are like diamond and always up for recap or fixing the economy so you actually have a use for your rare materials aside from just having them. If we overhauled professions so they could make unique items at max level I would care a lot more about not dying w/ my rare mats, and I would care a lot more about breaking into peoples towns to steal these materials from them.

There isn't much incentive to always have castles either we usually only bother with them when we want an exp boost or are missing one or another town material we can't trade for from another friendly town. It's all risk and no reward.
I agree, nowadays if I kill someone I don't even bother camping them because it's just not as fun nor rewarding. We have unbreaking weapons/tools at spawn we can buy for cheap and there isn't enough rare items spawning in now that there are no dungeons.


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
Make merchant and runesmith into 1 class.
Both of them got heavy nerfed in the last couple of maps.
Merchant with the global market, chestshops arent used,...
Runesmith with skills like warp, townspawn for everyone

Skills would be: create runestones and recharge them, passive to sell items in the market with lower fee, lablechest, gift and placing enderchest and beacons

PS: Some ppl complaining how it doesnt fit the lore. So maybe mix them into a new "economy" class. Profession able to move fast around the map and sell stuff
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Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
Idk, past maps whenever another group that you all know enjoys pvp tried to set up on the server they were repeatedly camped. A very large part of your problems with pvp stem from the fact that you decided to make a town together without thinkibg about who would actually fight you.
Dont worry Trazil, now that town is trolling themselfs all the time, so theres pvp for everyone


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Idk, past maps whenever another group that you all know enjoys pvp tried to set up on the server they were repeatedly camped. A very large part of your problems with pvp stem from the fact that you decided to make a town together without thinkibg about who would actually fight you.

I don't agree with this. People just aren't going out of their way to fight back against pvp-only groups because there is little reward in doing so. PvP is sort of awkwardly tacked on to the rest of HC and the different spheres of gameplay don't all work together like they used to.

To mitigate the shameful camping of new players we should bring back instanced sport pvp - which is what they made /ch lfg for. On Bastion you could challenge players and get teleported to an arena to fight and you get provided weapons and everything. Even the most pacifist of players could participate and the match results were broadcasted globally. It was dope.

To bring back town raiding we should reduce chest protections (such as reducing climits) so there's simply more things to steal even if its a big group putting all their lwcs in a big vault they can't protect it all. However given the broken state of the economy lowering chest protections now will not save town raiding - we have no need for these materials because we can't very easily get dungeon armor due to no dungeons and the wierd experimental way mythic mobs are spawning right now AND we can get our soon-to-be soulbound weapons from spawn for 10 redstone. Better weapons don't yet exist in abundance so pvp doesn't make a whole lot of sense right now in an RPG setting unless you're just trying to be a dick or you actually want to capture the castles.


Feb 13, 2015
The gate should maybe be open at all times cuz i had to sneak around the castle and it took me like 5 mins to figure out how to get back in after i died. Other than that, i like that when you die you just get sent outside and dont lose your stuff. really helpful for the pve players :)


Aug 23, 2013
Vampire Dungeon Feedback

Random, instant death was apparent. I would go from full HP with armor to 0 HP, instantly. Both times I was hit with the hatchet.

Health: 947
Armor: Leather Cap, Leather Vest, Leather Trousers, Chain Boots (Fire Resist II)
Class: Runeblade
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Oct 20, 2012
Id like to know how come after all these years of watching people aimlessly run circles around the spawn area every map, Kainzo still hasn't implemented a mother effin PARKOUR COURSE at spawn. Who else agrees we need a parkour course?


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Id like to know how come after all these years of watching people aimlessly run circles around the spawn area every map, Kainzo still hasn't implemented a mother effin PARKOUR COURSE at spawn. Who else agrees we need a parkour course?
Make one, we'll add it. <3


Jul 30, 2011
The economy is completely destroyed. The tipjar made coins entirely worthless, and being able to buy your class weapon for redstone removed any requirement to collect diamonds or other raw materials to build them. This means everyone can easily create anything they need - ensuring no trade - which makes our inflated coins even more useless. Making it even worse, being able to deconstruct vendor weapons provides infinite diamonds for armor and blazerods for potions. (which can't even be used in combat...)

Preventing this from degrading farther, and potentially even fixing this is possible.

First, do not have votes provide coin to the tipjar. I understand the servers need for incentives to buy things, but tipjar coins is shortsighted, by destroying coins value, players will become inactive faster - which kills the server. While kainzo has recently nerfed the tipjar gain, it is not enough - and it makes this server p2w

Second, remove weapon vendors. Restore herocraft to it's previous weapon system (gold does more then diamond which does more then iron etc). For every class - create a skill which grants the held weapon the classes hero enchantment in exchange for 10 redstone (no cooldown). This restores the usage of materials like diamond, creating a reason to trade. This also fixes the deconstruct vendor weapons for infinite diamonds exploit.

Third, half the coins provided from voting, 10x towns taxes, make the market listing fee 20%. Give LWC's a 6 coin per day tax. Recall should cost 1 coin to non-crafters or level 30 combat class. Thanks to tipjar, coins are worthless, so we need to AGGRESSIVELY add coin sinks. The above solutions do not affect new players drastically, so newbies are not discouraged from playing. In addition to this, the LWC tax in addition to being a sink, provides an incentive to log on every day - to combat tax costs.

The above still does not add a money sink that match the coin input, but as players become inactive or as ./money top collectors compete, coins will slowly be restored to a more normal level of circulation, thus restoring the market.



Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
I'ma break this down and offer insight where I can.

Digger360 said:
First, do not have votes provide coin to the tipjar. I understand the servers need for incentives to buy things, but tipjar coins is shortsighted, by destroying coins value, players will become inactive faster - which kills the server. While kainzo has recently nerfed the tipjar gain, it is not enough - and it makes this server p2w

I don't see the Tipjar as a bad thing, mainly just the amount of and ways money can get put in. We're creative artificial coin via Voting (Twofold since players receive some, though that can stay). Idea could be to change it so when the jar is full (Say 5k) it fires a boost. Or limit the amount in the jar at a time to say 2k, forcing people to empty it with a boost, or let it sit there. Many people say "I'll buy a boos when it reaches X" and that only goes up.

Digger360 said:
Second, remove weapon vendors. Restore herocraft to it's previous weapon system (gold does more then diamond which does more then iron etc). For every class - create a skill which grants the held weapon the classes hero enchantment in exchange for 10 redstone (no cooldown). This restores the usage of materials like diamond, creating a reason to trade. This also fixes the deconstruct vendor weapons for infinite diamonds exploit.
Originally they had to trade a normal item for the special version (Sword for Sword, Shovel for Shovel, etc). @Kainzo had me put in 10 redstone to give class weapons. We can't use the old system because:
A) Swing timers
B) Weapons are now class based
(We COULD go back, but that would be undoing all the work done to alleviate the pain of swing timers and undo the class specific stuff).

Digger360 said:
Third, half the coins provided from voting, 10x towns taxes, make the market listing fee 20%. Give LWC's a 6 coin per day tax. Recall should cost 1 coin to non-crafters or level 30 combat class. Thanks to tipjar, coins are worthless, so we need to AGGRESSIVELY add coin sinks. The above solutions do not affect new players drastically, so newbies are not discouraged from playing. In addition to this, the LWC tax in addition to being a sink, provides an incentive to log on every day - to combat tax costs.
I'd give 5c per vote, end of story. No special chances for extra money or stuff. Make it simple.
Are taxes that cheap atm? I didn't think so but it's been a while since I ran a town, heh.
I'd refrain from this until we know what we're doing with locks in general.
1c is just a nuisance, it's not enough to impact anything in anyway.

Get some Spawn Plots, make rare building blocks obtainable in spawn, or add in an Admin shop with large, expensive cosmetic upgrades. Colors, Trails, unique titles, pets, whatever else can fit in there. Make them take a decent amount of coin, or other means that aren't as simple (Collect "Fragments" for a title, buy Trails/Color with real money, etc).

Just some musing, I was never the most involved in the economy, but I do think it needs some TLC.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Get some Spawn Plots, make rare building blocks obtainable in spawn, or add in an Admin shop with large, expensive cosmetic upgrades. Colors, Trails, unique titles, pets, whatever else can fit in there. Make them take a decent amount of coin, or other means that aren't as simple (Collect "Fragments" for a title, buy Trails/Color with real money, etc).

Just some musing, I was never the most involved in the economy, but I do think it needs some TLC.
Money sinks aren't the only issue with the economy right now. There is a lack of things to produce and sell, enchanted items don't sell well anymore with the exception of pickaxes because tools never break. People buy class weapons like dragoon shovels and use that as a tool. The best leather armour is dropped by random mobs so anyone can obtain it these are just a few examples of what's causing problems currently in my opinion.

While the titles, trails, spawn plots etc are a good idea as a money sink I think the rare blocks would be better as somethings players can produce through professions.


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
For the /class order the classes by path, 1st row: warriors | 2nd row: rogues | 3rd row: casters | 4th row: healers

Change the descriptions so its just the name, the path, 3 or 4 lines to describe the class and 4 bars from 0 to 5, damage, tankiness, healing and mobility


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
For the /class order the classes by path, 1st row: warriors | 2nd row: rogues | 3rd row: casters | 4th row: healers

Change the descriptions so its just the name, the path, 3 or 4 lines to describe the class and 4 bars from 0 to 5, damage, tankiness, healing and mobility

We can re-order them I agree but why axe the descriptions? I wrote them like that because I was writing like an advertisement to new players who wouldn't know what to expect from each class


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
We can re-order them I agree but why axe the descriptions? I wrote them like that because I was writing like an advertisement to new players who wouldn't know what to expect from each class

Just to make place for the damage, tank, heal, mobility bars. Players are missunderstanding classes. Looking for a tank and going bloodmage


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
We can re-order them I agree but why axe the descriptions? I wrote them like that because I was writing like an advertisement to new players who wouldn't know what to expect from each class
I think the descriptions could be cut down a bit. I frequently see players joining and asking how they can make the text smaller because it doesn't fit on their screen.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Actually @Irishman81 is there any ETA on that big class revamp coming out? Really I should wait for that and THEN edit all the text bubbles in /class
Not really unfortunately. It all comes down to how quickly coders can do all the new skills, because doing the numbers for the clssses shouldn't take long at all.
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