- Joined
- Jul 5, 2015
- In Game Name (IGN): TryHardMcMuffin
- Age: 16
- Time Zone: Central
- Activity: Multiple Hours Daily
- Current Class and Level: Paladin level 22
- Current Profession and Level Crafter 20
- If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: I would like to be a smith, but am willing to be a enchanter for the sake of the town if needed
- Do you have Teamspeak:Yes, I have a TeamSpeak and a high quality mic
- Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules:Yes
- What is your favorite color:Blue!!!
- What is your favorite animal
- How long have you been playing Herocraft: 2 weeks
- What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: To level up and to make good friendships and help others in chat or in game
- What are your strengths: I am a good builder and a great interior designer that is willing to help and i consider myself fun to be around
- What are your weaknesses: I'm only mediocre when it comes to PvP
- Have you previously been in any towns on this server:Yes, Cotana's Creek
- Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:No I have not
- Additional Information: I love making good relationships with others and helping others, i will almost always be on Teamspeak while i'm on and I'm open for almost anything anybody needs or would like to do. I have leadership experience and a lot of experience in the towny like scenario and I'm excited to join Lothair!!! Thank You for taking time out of your busy day to read my application, I hope you will find a liking to me and consider accepting me for a resident of your lovely town.