Legacy Supporter 3
- Joined
- Mar 27, 2015
- Location
- Kentucky, USA
@Endermanic10 I'm sorry but your a little young. We have instituted an age limit due to problems in the past. Best of luck DENIED
@The_Huntchez ACCEPTED Please reread the rules to make sure you understand them completely, as your application shows that you haven't read it in detail. Lothair is in need of enchanters, an I'm sure you can contribute a lot to the town. I think you would be a great addition to town, despite your involvement with one of Lothair's rivals (Lenoria xD). Message Belisarius1991, AeonofMagix, Joshua624, or Nekokunai and we will set you up.
~ Lothair ~
Our town resides just east of the the Trade District in the southeastern part of the Northern Continent. We have a well-developed town with magnificent builds in a beautiful, yet structured setting. Our town is focused on having a good time and helping you do what you enjoy, be it pvp, bounty hunting, building, making money, or just hanging out and having fun with friends. We strive to have a mature environment with players that work well together. Lothair is looking for players that are honest and dependable. We expect you to follow the rules of the server and our town. This will not however, impact your ability to have an enjoyable time. We do not tax our citizens so long as they remain active, though we hope that each person will do their fair share to help care for the town. Lothair is a large town with a great deal of space and plenty of opportunity for those seeking fun and adventure. Most importantly, we try to develop real friendships and be kind and gracious to one another. That is what makes a town work and thrive. If you don't intend to be a real part of a town, you need not apply here. Please read through the rules before applying.
- Basic Information
- Town Name: Lothair
- Location: PvE
- Current Tier: Town
- Theme: Medieval
- Taxes: 0s for active members; 20s after two weeks of inactivity
- Trade Items
- Soul Items Produced: Source, Gems
- Soul Items Consumed: Prisms, Picks, Harvest, Books, Potions
- Town Leaders
- SoHighFive - King
- PrivateIdaho - Queen
- Belisarius1991 - Chancellor
- AeonOfMagix - First Magister
- ~Vacant~ - Second Magister
- ~Vacant~ - Third Magister
- Town Members/Professions
- SoHighFive - Enchanter
- PrivateIdaho - Farmer
- Belisarius1991 - Alchemist
- AeonOfMagix - Engineer
- Joshua624 - Farmer
- Nekokunai - Merchant
- Bboy1 - Smith
- I2ebel - Smith
- CaptainSisson - Smith
- Dubnarn - Smith
- Sir_Pwnzy - Smith
- Captain_Simonius - Enchanter
- Retro5050 - Miner
- LeithShadowThorn - Miner
- The_Sexy_Penguin - Runesmith
- MerryIrish - Runesmith
- Town Rules
- Behavior and General Rules
- Respect all members within the town.
- Do not steal from other town members.
- Do not enter another town member's house without permission
- Please represent Lothair in a positive way in chat
- Any orders from staff (town or server) are to be obeyed without question.
- Activity is important. If you are planned to be absent for longer than one week, please notify the Town Leaders. Failure to do so may result in removal from town and the storage of your items. This rule depends largely on your prior activity and general involvement in town.
- Above all, obey the server rules. You should know these, and are expected to follow them at all times.
- House Rules
- You may build and decorate your home as you wish, within the given parameters of the region provided. You may not build your home outside the range of your given plot, save only a single additional layer of blocks for decorative purposes.
- You may not remove any of the essential requirements for your housing region.
- You are not allowed to make builds around town without express permission from the Builder's Guild, which is under the authority of Belisarius1991. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in swift removal from town, depending on the circumstances.
- For your favorite color in the application process, please indicate the color of your preference followed by three ! to indicate that you have read the rules. Besides, it is your favorite color after all. NOTE: I notice very few people actually place the !!! after their favorite color. I will not accept any player that fails to follow this simple task. It seems overly picky of me, but I feel it simply shows that a person is willing to follow and obey the rules.
- Application Rules and Requirements
- You must be at least 16 years of age.
- The Applicant should be at least level 11 as a Crafter. Progress towards mastering indicates their willingness to become a useful member of the server as well as an ability to work without hand holding. Level 1-10 Crafters need not apply.
- If you reside outside of the US, please state your timezone using GMT. Those residing within the US, simply state your timezone.
- Activity is important. Daily activity is preferable but not necessarily required. This means more than simply logging in and includes actually participating in the town. Those who fail to show activity can expect to be removed from the town after at least two weeks of unexplained inactivity.
- All professions are welcome, but those we are looking for (see below) will have a higher chance of being accepted.
- Preferred Professions
- Alchemist
- Miner
- Enchanter
- Runesmith
- Teamspeak is highly encouraged, though not required. It helps in coordination and is quite fun as well.
- In order to be considered for addition to the town, you must fill out an application form. You will not be given a free pass simply because you are friends with a town member. This ensures that all applicants are treated equally.
- Media and Images (Just A Sampling)
- The Outer Gate
- Lothair's Guardian
- The Grand South Gate
- Town Hospital
- The Queen's Blessing Tavern
- Tavern Bar
- Tavern Stage
- Aeriel View of Town
- Lothair's Cathedral
- Wizard's Tower (Distant Center)
- Town Green
- Lothair Docks
- Chofon Statue
- Xia Statue
- Trade District Town Shop
- Garden Walkway
- Gazebo
- Underground Farms
- Lothair Sewers
- Lothair Sewers continued..
- Balthazar the Terrible
- Applications
- Please use the layout provided below when creating an application
- Also, a well-written and thoughtful application will receive greater attention than a short and poorly written one. Be honest, you never know what all we are looking for in a town-member.
- Layout
- In Game Name (IGN):
- Age:
- Time Zone:
- Activity:
- Current Class and Level:
- Current Profession and Level:
- If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:
- Do you have Teamspeak:
- Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules:
- What is your favorite color:
- What is your favorite animal:
- How long have you been playing Herocraft:
- What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft:
- What are your strengths:
- What are your weaknesses:
- Have you previously been in any towns on this server:
- Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:
- Additional Information: