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Suggestion Herocraft Feedback!


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Should feigndeath place down a chest when you die, for a little bit? Might make feigndeath more believable..


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Port also does not work... Just casts and then doesnt teleport me. Sorry if this has already been said, I am lazy


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
well I tested the Kingdom plugin a little bit:
the main theme of that plugin is pretty cool, you switch stuff into kingdom points and with that points you can buy for axample turrets and some buffs in your base
but the invade thing is completly not compatible with our heroes plugin... You invade other kingdom lands in goin in a enemy claim and typing /k invade. Then a mob with like 200hp spawns and if you kill that you just overclaimed the land. That means: the turrets wont shoot at you anymore, you can break all blocks and you can break the nexus block and get all items and points the kingdom had. To prevent that you can, like I said, buying upgrades for your so called defender champion (the 200hp thing) and buying turrets. If you have a semi good armor the turrets do literally 0 dmg.
I like the basic idea but the invade thing is just way too simple because after killing one mob you just getting PERMANENT the base of the attacked and invaded enemy
I hope that you can change it, so if u invade you can only for like 5 minutes break blocks in the invaded base and after the process it goes back to the real owner so you dont loose ur complete base
So resourcepoints are supposed to be very fluid. You can trade diamonds/iron/gold etc to claim and unclaim areas. This makes it so you can claim a TON of areas and then eventually fight over them. It will cost resource points to invade, we can and will raise the prices of the invasion.

We are buffing the champions so its harder to mess with. Also to note, Kingdoms are not destroyed when you lose your Nexus, you still have "everything" basically so its more fluid.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Some upgrades for kingdoms seem worthless, while others OP as hell.

There's the damage upgrades, which at max give 80% more Melee and 100% more arrow damage. Now, I don't know if these will hook correctly for hereos damage, or if they're just gonna bug out cause vanilla.

There's the resistance upgrades which can reduce damabe by 75% on top of any Prot, seems a little insane.

The Regen boost seems worthless considering we don't regen like Vanilla (1 hp every 3 seconds is essentially nothing)

You can turn off TnT with an upgrade.

Many of the turrets seem very weak for HC levels of HP. The damage turrets are low, the regen on heals insanely slow, the poison one is pretty shite, and the zombie soldier spawn probably produces Zombies with 20 HP at best

For champion upgrades:
If Damage cap works it's insanely OP, max of 15 damage from any source.
The Prot upgrade doesn't seem to be capped
Which turrets should we disable? theres many we can remove in the config.

I can also grant you a ton of resourcepoints to help test.. I forgot about this cmd.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I feel that being able to do /hero choose and paying 100-500 coins to switch should be removed. Right now relics and codexes are really obselete, and I feel that this would open up another branch of trade and help the economy a bit (once players are back). I'm aware that the class switching is supposed to be a money sink, but it isn't worth it. Trade is completely dead right now and even if there are players I feel it will be dead. Relevancy of items needs to be changed as well as professions so that there is a use for being a certain profession (very strict lines drawn between each I feel would help, like ONLY farmers can plant and ONLY blacksmiths can smelt, and ONLY engineers can make redstone devices). I don't know, maybe I am just crazy.
We do not want to massively restrict players ability to do things that are vanilla mechanics of Minecraft. We want to restrict new mechanics we create to these facets.

This is a design feature based on player feedback and retention. We want to expand vanilla minecraft, not decrease it.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
To do:
Fix anvils so upgrades can be done (@Ampayne2 fix it for relics!)
Add back all skills to all classes with the prepared-use: true with prepared-use-costs
Fix stamina system @tig
Make sure the drop rates are set correctly
Set the dungeons down in the new beta 2 map and save it for final use.
Set down herogates in the beta 2 map
Set the spawn down in beta 2
Set down shops for goldbar selling
Configure the Kingdoms resourcepoint gains.
Samurai's windwalk skill is borked and does damage
/skill port list gives some broken url and not a list of places to port to
relics for classes that will no longer exist are still dropping
Kingdom turrets appear to do very very little damage
Entangle doesnt work on some mobs.
Tweak the limit on height for the Random Loot Chests.
Bleed is missing from Samurai
Alchemist are unable to place down brewing stands
Stacks of blocks do not count for more resource points. (config issue)
Remove knockback resist from gear (or lower it EXTREMELY)
Balance the mob health for invading kingdom nexus
Hellgate lacks a warp world.
Look into improving mobs.
Shears can't be used because they require ArtisanCrafter yet no one gets that.
Select skills to be research only skills (combine items via a specific permission class (Scribe?)
Make it so a level 5 can't realistically go level in a last tier dungeon.
Explore armor weight so if you are over your limit, you wont be able to move functionality or you would have no regen (stam, health, mana, energy shield)
At a later date, enable shielding.
Make sure that the regen rates, damage reduction and offense for kingdoms is set SUPER low.
Remove the ability to turn off TNT with an upgrade.
Turret damage needs an asesssment
Select turrets to disable because some are terrible.
Remove LWC's and rely on Kingdoms and Enderchest for chest protection.
Check fire/lava damage to players (May need to be higher)
Durability on weapons are very different
Enderpearl use via a tome fragment, consider using non-teleport items for fragments.
Ranger codex cant be crafted.
Fearless only makes you take 25% more damage instead of increasing your by 35%.
In arena the first hit you take from certain skills, like fireball or ice bolt, does no damage. After you enter combat tho they work fine
Look into permission issues with command items.
Set the number of turrets per land to be a bit lower.
Healing station heals for very little.
Look into the Backpack size issue
Check into Rampart Vine not working


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
We do not want to massively restrict players ability to do things that are vanilla mechanics of Minecraft. We want to restrict new mechanics we create to these facets.

This is a design feature based on player feedback and retention. We want to expand vanilla minecraft, not decrease it.
How does the hero choose command relate to vanilla mc at all? How is it even relevant? I was talking about trade lol...

Edit: Ah you were referring to the profession part. That post was mainly about the removal of the hero choose command.
Last edited:


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
To do:
Fix anvils so upgrades can be done (@Ampayne2 fix it for relics!)
Add back all skills to all classes with the prepared-use: true with prepared-use-costs
Fix stamina system @tig
Make sure the drop rates are set correctly
Set the dungeons down in the new beta 2 map and save it for final use.
Set down herogates in the beta 2 map
Set the spawn down in beta 2
Set down shops for goldbar selling
Configure the Kingdoms resourcepoint gains.
Samurai's windwalk skill is borked and does damage
/skill port list gives some broken url and not a list of places to port to
relics for classes that will no longer exist are still dropping
Kingdom turrets appear to do very very little damage
Entangle doesnt work on some mobs.
Tweak the limit on height for the Random Loot Chests.
Bleed is missing from Samurai
Alchemist are unable to place down brewing stands
Stacks of blocks do not count for more resource points. (config issue)
Remove knockback resist from gear (or lower it EXTREMELY)
Balance the mob health for invading kingdom nexus
Hellgate lacks a warp world.
Look into improving mobs.
Shears can't be used because they require ArtisanCrafter yet no one gets that.
Select skills to be research only skills (combine items via a specific permission class (Scribe?)
Make it so a level 5 can't realistically go level in a last tier dungeon.
Explore armor weight so if you are over your limit, you wont be able to move functionality or you would have no regen (stam, health, mana, energy shield)
At a later date, enable shielding.
Make sure that the regen rates, damage reduction and offense for kingdoms is set SUPER low.
Remove the ability to turn off TNT with an upgrade.
Turret damage needs an asesssment
Select turrets to disable because some are terrible.
Remove LWC's and rely on Kingdoms and Enderchest for chest protection.
Check fire/lava damage to players (May need to be higher)
Durability on weapons are very different
Enderpearl use via a tome fragment, consider using non-teleport items for fragments.
Ranger codex cant be crafted.
Fearless only makes you take 25% more damage instead of increasing your by 35%.
In arena the first hit you take from certain skills, like fireball or ice bolt, does no damage. After you enter combat tho they work fine
Look into permission issues with command items.
Set the number of turrets per land to be a bit lower.
Healing station heals for very little.
Look into the Backpack size issue
Check into Rampart Vine not working
These changes look great. If you need any help deciding which turrets are too weak and which should be removed entirely I'm happy to help. Also some maximums should be set on champion upgrades. It would take too long to explain so just try to /k invade Sneks at the -1500 -1500 herogate. Also don't forget making it do you an use spells in combat (unless you've already fixed that)

I also feel it would be cool if for being over armor weight the more you're over the slower or whatever you are. Like if you were 5 over maybe slowness 1, slowness 2 for 10 over slowness 4 for 15 over and then not movable for 20 over or more.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 8, 2013
So I switched from Samurai to Ranger and it still said I already had a max of 7 skills, I tried to unprepared each sami skill but turns out you have to do it before switching classes so now i'm stuck not being able to add Ranger skills. Also when I switched to Ranger I didn't get a bow nor axe. @Kainzo


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Which turrets should we disable? theres many we can remove in the config.

I can also grant you a ton of resourcepoints to help test.. I forgot about this cmd.
I don't think any turrets need disabling, just lower the cap from 1000.

I can get that done.

We also need to decide what upgrades we want available for players and for the Champion.

Damage boost and resist should go. They're far too powerful, especially considering they apply 24/7 not just on your land.

We can also change the rate at which points are gained and the defaults for Champions so we should try and decide on those as well.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I don't think any turrets need disabling, just lower the cap from 1000.

I can get that done.

We also need to decide what upgrades we want available for players and for the Champion.

Damage boost and resist should go. They're far too powerful, especially considering they apply 24/7 not just on your land.

We can also change the rate at which points are gained and the defaults for Champions so we should try and decide on those as well.
The repo has the defaults for us to change now, btw... check 'em out for Kingdoms


Dec 30, 2013
For the kingdom plugin: The starting health for champions seems a bit low. Maybe it should be bumped up some? Can near insta kill an unupgraded one. Also, turrets do not work


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
So I switched from Samurai to Ranger and it still said I already had a max of 7 skills, I tried to unprepared each sami skill but turns out you have to do it before switching classes so now i'm stuck not being able to add Ranger skills. Also when I switched to Ranger I didn't get a bow nor axe. @Kainzo
Can you retest this?


Dec 30, 2013
what hp was it?
As far as I know it's 1000, but the reason I'm saying it might need increased is I invaded someone's land and literally two shot their champion. It was probably unupgraded, but still.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
I don't think any turrets need disabling, just lower the cap from 1000.

I can get that done.

We also need to decide what upgrades we want available for players and for the Champion.

Damage boost and resist should go. They're far too powerful, especially considering they apply 24/7 not just on your land.

We can also change the rate at which points are gained and the defaults for Champions so we should try and decide on those as well.
Can you make the max number of turrets scale based on how much land you have claimed or how many players you have? Or can you set the maximum PER CHUNK? If so I can see that working well


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Consume is now in the game, and it's supposed to give you mana for consuming... what? I've tried cookies, mutton, carrots, apples, diamonds, gold apples, etc...


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Can you make the max number of turrets scale based on how much land you have claimed or how many players you have? Or can you set the maximum PER CHUNK? If so I can see that working well
Turrets are based per land (Chunk).

So if we set a max of 10 Arrow turrets. Each "Land" can have 10.