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Suggestion Herocraft Feedback!

Sep 12, 2015
Samurai doesnt have much spells (no spells at lvl 15,35 and stop at lvl 45) and bleed is trash, it would be nice to boost it a little bit, also some mobs with bows runs at me like they were Usain bolt and keep pursuing me while shooting(t4 elven palace).


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Samurai doesnt have much spells (no spells at lvl 15,35 and stop at lvl 45) and bleed is trash, it would be nice to boost it a little bit, also some mobs with bows runs at me like they were Usain bolt and keep pursuing me while shooting(t4 elven palace).
Thanks for this feedback. Going to look into alotting more skills.


Oct 27, 2013
Druid's Earthwall doesnt work gives an internal error
/skill port list gives some broken url and not a list of places to port to
relics for classes that will no longer exist are still dropping
Kingdom turrets appear to do very very little damage
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Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
As a wizard I have higher DPS with melee than my spells... I can always remember it being this way. Not saying melee DMG should be nerfed, its already bad enough, but that melee dmg should be nerfed AND skill dmg should be buffed a good bit. PvE only maybe though as I'm not sure how PvP is yet. Not insanely just enough to make this viable as a CASTER class not a caster class that relies on melee. Also fireball doesn't work on nether mobs. Is it trying to do fire damage or something instead of physical? Idk... Oh and mobs are just punching bags with tons of skills (the insane amount of skills REALLLLLYY isnt necessary... Save the cool skills for bosses and elites, not commons,.)

Also I dont care if all of this has been posted before somewhere Im too lazy

Other than that I've experienced the same gameplay as always (not a good thing), looking forward to coming updates! <3 Kain

Oh and entangle doesnt work on necropolis wolves at all.
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Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Loot hunt chests can spawn floating in the air, as well as outside of the map bordfers (2000, 2000 or whatever)


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
ArtistanCrafter is still being required for Shears. Haven't test Lava Buckets.

When adding resource points to the Kingdom, it will eat any stacks of blocks (I tried adding 16 gold blocks and got 3 points. Doesn't see right).


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
ArtistanCrafter is still being required for Shears. Haven't test Lava Buckets.

When adding resource points to the Kingdom, it will eat any stacks of blocks (I tried adding 16 gold blocks and got 3 points. Doesn't see right).
The tradables for the resource points are wack.

Iron is worth more than gold, despite being in more abundance.
The block forms of ANYTHING aren't accepted, so 15 gold blocks give 3 points, not the correct amount.
5 items to 1 point is iffy, it's not insanely low, but I can imagine a large group off players easily farming something simple such as crops/stone for mass points.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
ArtistanCrafter is still being required for Shears. Haven't test Lava Buckets.

When adding resource points to the Kingdom, it will eat any stacks of blocks (I tried adding 16 gold blocks and got 3 points. Doesn't see right).
You can add any item or block or whatever to the nexus and get like 1 point per or something. If you want the value for gold I think you have to use ingots.


Feb 1, 2014
Remove knockback ressistance from items - it completely breaks game balance.

Taking knockback is a huge deal in combat, against casters it obviously helps them keep you at a distance, but against other melee classes not taking knockback means you can literally combo them forever without them ever having a chance of hitting back.

If you dont want to remove knockback ressistance i suggest greatly lowing it on many items, especialy for a few ones that literally have 50% knockback ressistance on them which is abselutely insane.


Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Remove knockback ressistance from items - it completely breaks game balance.

Taking knockback is a huge deal in combat, against casters it obviously helps them keep you at a distance, but against other melee classes not taking knockback means you can literally combo them forever without them ever having a chance of hitting back.

If you dont want to remove knockback ressistance i suggest greatly lowing it on many items, especialy for a few ones that literally have 50% knockback ressistance on them which is abselutely insane.
This^^^ 100% agree. Have 100% KBR is stupid OP


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I also can't apply runes anymore to my sword
I dont know why this would have changed, we havent touched the rune logic in years...

Thanks to everyone so far for feedback, I'm slowly knocking things down while waiting for new features to finish so we can test them.


Oct 27, 2016
well I tested the Kingdom plugin a little bit:
the main theme of that plugin is pretty cool, you switch stuff into kingdom points and with that points you can buy for axample turrets and some buffs in your base
but the invade thing is completly not compatible with our heroes plugin... You invade other kingdom lands in goin in a enemy claim and typing /k invade. Then a mob with like 200hp spawns and if you kill that you just overclaimed the land. That means: the turrets wont shoot at you anymore, you can break all blocks and you can break the nexus block and get all items and points the kingdom had. To prevent that you can, like I said, buying upgrades for your so called defender champion (the 200hp thing) and buying turrets. If you have a semi good armor the turrets do literally 0 dmg.
I like the basic idea but the invade thing is just way too simple because after killing one mob you just getting PERMANENT the base of the attacked and invaded enemy
I hope that you can change it, so if u invade you can only for like 5 minutes break blocks in the invaded base and after the process it goes back to the real owner so you dont loose ur complete base


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Chest loot as a whole is pretty bad. I've looted like 3 now and each time I've gotten some class weapons, and some useless armor. If the goal of the chests is to make PvP spots, this is definitely not going to be a good way to do it considering no one is going to go through the effort of finding one, except Irishman and people like them who'd just like to camp noobs who go looking for it.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
well I tested the Kingdom plugin a little bit:
the main theme of that plugin is pretty cool, you switch stuff into kingdom points and with that points you can buy for axample turrets and some buffs in your base
but the invade thing is completly not compatible with our heroes plugin... You invade other kingdom lands in goin in a enemy claim and typing /k invade. Then a mob with like 200hp spawns and if you kill that you just overclaimed the land. That means: the turrets wont shoot at you anymore, you can break all blocks and you can break the nexus block and get all items and points the kingdom had. To prevent that you can, like I said, buying upgrades for your so called defender champion (the 200hp thing) and buying turrets. If you have a semi good armor the turrets do literally 0 dmg.
I like the basic idea but the invade thing is just way too simple because after killing one mob you just getting PERMANENT the base of the attacked and invaded enemy
I hope that you can change it, so if u invade you can only for like 5 minutes break blocks in the invaded base and after the process it goes back to the real owner so you dont loose ur complete base
I wonder if we can hook into the Champion thing and use MythicMobs to create mobs with a decent amount of HP.

Remember, 200 hp is a decent amount for Vanilla HP levels. Same goes for the damage stuff.

@xexorian @Kainzo


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I wonder if we can hook into the Champion thing and use MythicMobs to create mobs with a decent amount of HP.

Remember, 200 hp is a decent amount for Vanilla HP levels. Same goes for the damage stuff.

@xexorian @Kainzo
Yes we can set them.
I'd like decent dungeon mobs first, but yeah xD
can you expand what you actually want from mobs?
What entices you?