i have a caster class idea

=> deals damage to oponents by using voodoo doll
skill examples
Bind Enemy : Witch binds its enemy to the voodoo doll (only 1 enemy can be bound to voodoo doll)
if witch tries to bind another enemy the previous target will be freed .
Crush Heart : if bound enemy has less than 30% hp witch can instantly execute that target (unlimited range)
Crush Eyes : Blinds the bound enemy .
Drain Mind : Drains bound enemy's mana
Exhaust : Drains bound enemy's stamina
Replace : Switches places with bound enemy ( has unlimited range ) this is a skill perfect for raiding towns .
Curse : Witch curses the bound enemy ( Damage over time effect )
Crush Legs : bounded enemy can't move or cast skills for 4 seconds.
Unholy Bound : creates a bound with the target , if target damages the witch it takes 20% of the damage.
don't hate me

i just had an idea and it seemed cool to me so i shared it with the server .