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Suggestion Herocraft Feedback!


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Just my personal opinion, but I feel like LWCs should be removed. It kind of makes the whole invading and raiding/war system kinda dumb. I maen what's the point of raiding someone if they can LWC their chests. I mean yes, it's a money sink and is probably good for the economy but overall I wouldn't say it's worth it.



Oct 27, 2016
I totally agree with removing lwc's, if they wouldnt be there people would need to use other protection ways and towns/kingdoms would be so much more important. but what we need befor removing lwc is a working way to defend your land that is not too easy
I would like the invade function working with pvp, we just need a good solution about people who just log off if they might get invaded


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
I totally agree with removing lwc's, if they wouldnt be there people would need to use other protection ways and towns/kingdoms would be so much more important. but what we need befor removing lwc is a working way to defend your land that is not too easy
I would like the invade function working with pvp, we just need a good solution about people who just log off if they might get invaded
Also engineer traps ;)


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
I think it'd be good if fire did damage to players. Just been mining and noticing that I can literally just walk through lava. Also fireballs :p


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
The durability for all tools should have the same durability. By tools I mean weapons, mainly axes, hoes, swords, shovels, SHEARS, and that stuff. Make it so that weapons that dont break WILL, and that all the durability is equal. Right now I'm encouraged to play certain classes ONLY because they have unbreakable tools, and I think it'd be better if they were all the same. Thx
Dec 10, 2014
Used a Tome Fragment as a enderpearl, was Necro and that class cant use pearls, used pearl and teleported where it landed, problem?


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
I totally agree with removing lwc's, if they wouldnt be there people would need to use other protection ways and towns/kingdoms would be so much more important. but what we need befor removing lwc is a working way to defend your land that is not too easy
I would like the invade function working with pvp, we just need a good solution about people who just log off if they might get invaded
Kain is looking for a way to limit the number of Protected chests a Kingdom grants. If we can get those working and the Champions balanced (There's an upfate coming to Kingdoms that will let us set their upgrades at lvl 1, so even a basic champion won't be a complete joke) then LWC's should be limited.

I wouldn't say remove them entirely. LWC's have always been a money sink and one of the very few absolute saftey things. One of the issues is many of thee players who do stick around are donors from past and so they have a multitude of free LWC's and cheaper ones once the free ones run out.


Dec 30, 2013
Ranger codex (not sure about other codexes) can't be crafted, noone is trained to use anvils, and people who are max level still take exp from their party members while not gaining exp or percentage themselves.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Kain is looking for a way to limit the number of Protected chests a Kingdom grants. If we can get those working and the Champions balanced (There's an upfate coming to Kingdoms that will let us set their upgrades at lvl 1, so even a basic champion won't be a complete joke) then LWC's should be limited.

I wouldn't say remove them entirely. LWC's have always been a money sink and one of the very few absolute saftey things. One of the issues is many of thee players who do stick around are donors from past and so they have a multitude of free LWC's and cheaper ones once the free ones run out.
Yes I agree that LWCs should stay around till kingdoms is fixed and it actually takes a lot of effort to invade although I do think they should be removed completely. Make more money sinks, worry about donation rewards and such after.. I mean the nexus already had a kingdom chest which only the king and certain people can enter. Also people can always hide their chests since the X-ray protect actually works

This is just my opinion on the matter


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 8, 2013
So I maxed Samurai and I found another bug, not only does windwalk do 200 self damage, Fearless only makes you take 25% more damage instead of increasing your by 35%.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
So I maxed Samurai and I found another bug, not only does windwalk do 200 self damage, Fearless only makes you take 25% more damage instead of increasing your by 35%.
Also sammy op but thats another thing entirely.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 1, 2013
In arena the first hit you take from certain skills, like fireball or ice bolt, does no damage. After you enter combat tho they work fine
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Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Yeaaaah, so not sure why (I think kingdoms related), but I can break and place in herogate regions


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Kingdoms turrets are awesome but they don't do much damage. It seems you can have an unlimited amount of turrets. Right now I have like a ton of arrow turrets and hellfire turrets and although the turrets themselves do like no damage I feel they could be used to kill someone if strategically placed. Overall I wouldnt say theyre extremely painful. Some turrets that do pretty decent damage are the soldier turret. The zombie does 1 heart (or maybe it was 1/2 heart) per hit but is pretty easy to kill. The heatbeam turret doesnt do as much damage as I'd think they should, but that's just me.. Also sometimes turrets just randomly don't shoot. Like you can stand next to it and they wont do anything. Right now Im standing next to heatbeam turrets on my alt and they dont attack me.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Kingdoms turrets are awesome but they don't do much damage. It seems you can have an unlimited amount of turrets. Right now I have like a ton of arrow turrets and hellfire turrets and although the turrets themselves do like no damage I feel they could be used to kill someone if strategically placed. Overall I wouldnt say theyre extremely painful. Some turrets that do pretty decent damage are the soldier turret. The zombie does 1 heart (or maybe it was 1/2 heart) per hit but is pretty easy to kill. The heatbeam turret doesnt do as much damage as I'd think they should, but that's just me.. Also sometimes turrets just randomly don't shoot. Like you can stand next to it and they wont do anything. Right now Im standing next to heatbeam turrets on my alt and they dont attack me.
I think the limit is like 1000 per land.

We can up turret damage, would just need to play with numbers.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
I think the limit is like 1000 per land.

We can up turret damage, would just need to play with numbers.
Yeahh... Are you able to set a maximum for each individual type of turret? Cause I'm instantly noticing some are more powerful than others.


Staff member
Community Manager
Max Legacy Supporter
Aug 10, 2011
After doing some testing with the Sneks Kingdom and their champion. After a champion fight starts you not use any commands at all, Skill commands do not work unless you have it bound to an item /skill will not work along with all chat commands, mod commands, Party commands and Hero commands. Also, for those of us Mods/Admins... make 100% sure you are not in vanish, otherwise, you get stuck in it, the only way to get out of it is to disconnect.

On a side note, The hourly activity bonus should be worked out better. As a player, they get exp per hour. and as staff (at least for mods not sure about others) we get money. I feel as though everyone should get the same reward just at a higher rate. IE Players get 250xp per hour, Mods get 500exp per hour so something along those lines.

Edit: 1 Donors seem to not have the right backpack size, a few others and I have this issue.

I will edit my post with more feedback as I play more.
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Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
After doing some testing with the Sneks Kingdom and their champion. After a champion fight starts you not use any commands at all, Skill commands do not work unless you have it bound to an item /skill will not work along with all chat commands, mod commands, Party commands and Hero commands. Also, for those of us Mods/Admins... make 100% sure you are not in vanish, otherwise, you get stuck in it, the only way to get out of it is to disconnect.

On a side note, The hourly activity bonus should be worked out better. As a player, they get exp per hour. and as staff (at least for mods not sure about others) we get money. I feel as though everyone should get the same reward just at a higher rate. IE Players get 250xp per hour, Mods get 500exp per hour so something along those lines.

I will edit my post with more feedback as I play more.
Although I agree with the kingdoms stuff, mods or any staff should not have any gameplay bonus such as extra XP and whatnot. That's actually the dumbest idea i've ever heard. Your duty is to help players, not get extra XP. As for the rewards themselves, from what I've seen you'll get experience Crystals until your combat class is level 60, at which point you receive 15 coins per hour.