• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

ALERT Herocraft 8.0 - War of Souls - Complete Reset! 09/04/15


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Greetings Heroes!
@Admins @Heralds

On September 4th at 6pm CST (if all goes as planned) we will be releasing a new network! This includes a complete wipe all of all Heroes levels, classes, items, currency and map-data. This is a chance for something great, a chance for us to re-invent the way the world sees Minecraft RPG and push new systems! We will be approaching things a little different on this new start and want to re-introduce you to what it means to be playing Hardcore Minecraft Survival RPG.

New Network:
We're connecting all servers through a single hub that will have advanced tracking of players and allow for easy swapping between servers. (Survival | Adventure (2016) | Factions (Dec 2015) and Minigames (Dec 2015) | and more) We will be moving to new hardware for the server around September 10th and will have scheduled downtime for all services related to Herocraft.

Map/Data Reset:
Valorium is having it's terrain and structures reset to Day 0. This means we'll be renaming the map, redoing the infrastructure and spawns and letting players experience a new era of Herocraft! Everything is being reset except for SUPPORT PERKS and some store items.

Legendary Classes:
Going along with the new lore-framework for Herocraft we've released the soul enlightened. The Soul Enlightened players will be able to choose between Order and Chaos. These paths have higher skill-caps and allow players to customize their own attributes per-level. To become Soul Enlightened, a player must master 6 random classes. To help players through this difficult and long journey, they can use knowledge crystals and soul tomes.

New Skill Mechanics:
With the legendary class system introduced and constantly evolving, we are introducing new skill mechanics to Herocraft, including; beams, timewarps, sphere effects, block-throws, spikes and more! These new skills will be attached to the Tier 2 classes of Herocraft after being tested under the legendary path.

Minions, Bosses and Dungeons:
We've introduced these new solo to group-level bosses to Herocraft, they drop great gear for players to adventure with. They are constantly being tweaked and is a staple for the RPG systems we have on Herocraft. There are currently 8 bosses in the game with over 30 to be fully implemented.

Player vs Player:
The entire survival server will be PVP everywhere, save for a few dungeons, spawn and graveyards. With this change, we have changed the system back to the ELO ranking, which dissuades players from camping newbies what give little to no ELO. Players will also drop all of their gear into a death-chest upon death, allowing for a possibility to get it back. We have also reduced the number of Conquest points found on the map from 5 to 3.

Quality of Life Changes:
The relic system has been completely overhauled and is now easier to manage and trade with others for the proper relics required to create a codex. The soul fragment currency now better explains to players on where to exchange the items for currency or gives them a choice of immediately consuming the soul fragments for both combat and profession experience.

New Protection Systems:
We're retiring the current Townships plugin in favor for a more simplistic feature-rich system with Towny Advanced. (/towny). The staff has reworked this plugin to allow for massive expansion to contain Township-like features. When Township 4.0 is tested, it will replace the town-portion of this system. With such, some rules, such as crop-griefing has been changed, giving players more power to claim abandoned structures and manage griefed areas.

Battling Map Decline:
We're aware that maps get stale, our goal is to fill a calendar up with the Event Team and ensure that there are monthly and weekly events to look forward to! Starting a month after release (around Oct 4th - we will be releasing the first resource map and expand is every 30 days by 500R) In addition to the expansions, we have scheduled PVP tournaments (2v2, 3v3 and 5v5's) for players to complete with each other for prizes, fame and glory!

TLDR = Complete reset happening 09/04/15 (Seyton's bday) on everything except supporter perks.
New map name is yet to be revealed.

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Legacy Supporter 2
Oct 14, 2014
Hilo, Hawaii
This just gets me to thinking, will the server still have enough memory to, I don't know... Have the previous maps still available for display at least? Like a museum so that everyone's hard work between resets can be accessed? Where everyone could have spectator mode and just fly around admiring what they did and what their predecessors did.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
Couple things

2. Museum maps are awesome, and I think it really helps the transition for people to feel like they can visit the things that they are so proud of.

And a Question

Would it be possible to elaborate on the new town/protection system that we will have on day 1.

I'm seeing a lot of questions in chat.

Thank you for your time


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
Couple things

2. Museum maps are awesome, and I think it really helps the transition for people to feel like they can visit the things that they are so proud of.

And a Question

Would it be possible to elaborate on the new town/protection system that we will have on day 1.

I'm seeing a lot of questions in chat.

Thank you for your time

Here are my working notes, subject to changes:

  • PvE Starter Zones - Surrounding the Port Cities. 500r from Port Cities. Affected by War.
  • Conquest Points - Three on the map (N,C,S). Rewards: 1 "Heroic Jewel" per win.
  • Arenas - Would be good to implement later on, or relegate to a minigame server.
  • /hunt - Expand chest hunting map-wide.
  • Any GP region can be sieged. Read about how it works on the GP website. Will need to configure which blocks shall be siegable. I'm thinking the default blocks minus glass, with griefing rules applying to siegers.
  • GP will not be used to protect chests, switches, plates, etc.

  • Herogates - Located in Spawn Area (see "Central Hub")
    • North Port
      • To Central Hub
      • To North Continent Herogates
    • South Port
      • To Central Hub
      • To South Continent Herogates
    • Event Server
    • Visions Server
    • Hub Server
    • Creative Server
  • 2 port cities other than the Central Hub: North and South Continents
  • Roads - Extend in a cross from Port Cities (ask me if you need more details). Integrated rail lines on roads, not as separate subways.
  • /skill port - adjust to following locations:
    • Central Hub
    • Three North Points
    • Three South Points

Central Hub (Capital)
  • Starting Point - New players spawn here after going through the tutorial or entering from the Hub.
  • Design: Bastion Spawn - Update with new block types.
  • Trade District - Bastion Spawn accommodates trade already.
  • Embassy District - Rent-able plots required for townships, on Lowest Tier of spawn.
  • Herogates Hub: Bastion has a Nexus already.
  • Noble Districts - At Port Cities. (Not at the start.)
  • Rentable Inn rooms - at Port Cities.

  • Market Stalls on 3rd Tier of Spawn.
  • Trade District
    • Rentable buildings and stalls.
    • Store fronts shall not be editable by players.
  • "Heroic Jewels"
    • Weeeeee're working on this


  • Using Grief Prevention plugin - All regions are square
  • Regions will be sky to elevation of 30 (Need to confirm this. May make it lower.)
  • Sizes based on pre-3.0 system:
    • ID - Size - Purchase Cost - Weekly Rent
    • Embassy Plot - 19x19 (27 High) - 1,000c
    • Tier 1 - 50r (2,500r^2) - 2,000c - 200c
    • Tier 2 - 75r (6,526r^2) - 5,000c - 400c
    • Tier 3 - 100r (10,000r^2) - 15,000c - 500c
    • Tier 4 - 125r (15,625r^2) - 30,000c - 600c
  • Tier 1 is a "starter level" it is smaller and cheaper than what we had in the past, similar to the current Tribe. meant so small groups of people can get into the town system.
  • Towns can have one mayor. That mayor will have complete power and control over their town.
  • The mayor should designate a second in command. The SIC will be made owner if the mayor goes inactive. (Forum Post must clearly outline leadership)
  • Mayors will be able to set up infinite subregions in their town. Each subregion can have their own player perms.
  • Mayors will be able to delete their town if they are not careful. They need to be careful.
  • Mayors can request taxes from their members, but it will have to be done using /money pay.
Embassy (28 total atm - Soft Town Cap)
  • Plots on 4th (Lowest) tier of spawn.
  • Managed using SRM.
  • Each plot has a sub-basement with a series of purchase signs for each tier. (Managed by SRM - No build perms in sub-basement.)
    • Purchase Tier.
    • Pay First Weekly Tax.
    • Click PhatLoot chest for GP Claim Limits.
  • Admins need to check weekly to see if any leases have died. If a lease goes out due to the mayor running out of money, the town region is removed.
Personal Regions
  • Using Grief Prevention plugin
  • Assigned based on Supporter Tier. (Needs looking into.)
  • Can not have members pay to place it. (Costs GP Claim Block)
    • May be reworking how the supporter region concept works. People will have to adjust.
  • Personal Regions can be sieged (see "Sieging" above)

Creative Map (Later Date)
  • Grief Prevention will allow us to try for a creative map again. It will have to be managed on a separate server. Kainzo can help us set this up.
  • Will not need whitelisting. Players can PE any inappropriate builds they find.
  • Will not have plots, instead it will have an open world players can claim large areas of space using GP. Read about how creative works on the GP website.
  • Might be able to get a creative community built up with players building next to each other and sharing build trust.


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
This just gets me to thinking, will the server still have enough memory to, I don't know... Have the previous maps still available for display at least? Like a museum so that everyone's hard work between resets can be accessed? Where everyone could have spectator mode and just fly around admiring what they did and what their predecessors did.

Museum maps are still around, just not accessible by the public. Perhaps one day.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
The town region not extending below 30 is brilliant

This means less fully underground towns and more pvp

I love it


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
Ok, now that i think i understand how the sieging works, suggestions:

-Allow the owner to open containers so that he can prepare himself for the fight.
-Not being able to break blocks, might trap the player inside, if the entrance is a redstone torch or anything that needs to be broken, but i guess thats the owners fault

Dont know how is going to work on towns, all townmembers have to be online? if 1 member dies, the siege ends?


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
is there a way that the server could send a message to people that have an account but havn't played in a while

I bet there are people that left out of boredom but really like the server

especially donors

for example, I came back on mid map sorta bummed that I wasn't here for the start of it

I was always planning on coming back, and checked from time to time, but didn't really have any way of knowing
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Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
is there a way that the server could send a message to people that have an account but havn't played in a while

I bet there are people that left out of boredom but really like the server

especially donors

for example, I came back on mid map sorta bummed that I wasn't here for the start of it

I was always planning on coming back, and checked from time to time, but didn't really have any way of knowing
Pretty sure Kain/staff is drafting an email to send out to every registered email on the forums/in game. And I actually think that's been done in the past as well iirc.


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 27, 2015
Kentucky, USA
Personally, I would like to see the depth of town protections to be extended farther down. Some areas of the map are not very deep at all (like they are sometimes already nearly to the 30 block level. Furthermore, I know with my town we were having difficulty with room towards the end, which is why we have currently been on a huge reconstruction project. And without the added depth, I'm not certain how we could have fit all the players and buildings we had in there at the end.

I do understand the desire to limit underground bases, but I am suggesting that larger towns may require this. This is based upon some preconceived notions however. And so I would like to ask...

Will Soul Buildings and other regions be used? I am assuming not at first, until the new town plugin is ready. I ask because in town, with so many buildings, you need as much space as you can get, which is why I am arguing for the increased town protection depth. I know it is greedy of me, but as a town-sized owner who was fixing to upgrade to another level, we really needed that space.

Some are suggesting that towns should not be underground so as to encourage pvp. While I partially agree that this makes sense, the ability to siege should take care of much of that problem.

My main argument though, is that if the town system is anything like the old one (namely in that towns will need many buildings to upgrade) then they may very well need the space below to create such structures. Without fully knowing your intentions, however, I cannot be sure. I simply wanted to point out that towns need lots of buildings and the restriction on depth may limit a towns ability to grow. It is far easier to expand a town downwards rather than expanding upwards.

I myself am highly interested in the town aspect of the new release, and I am making quick plans for the start up of a new town. In looking over things I have another question:

Are those the final measurements for the new town regions? And are there only to be four town tiers now? Or are these simply stop-gap measures until the new town system is released?

I try to be quite thorough in my posts, so sorry I am not very concise. I prefer depth over brevity. Thanks for reading though.


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
Personally, I would like to see the depth of town protections to be extended farther down. Some areas of the map are not very deep at all (like they are sometimes already nearly to the 30 block level. Furthermore, I know with my town we were having difficulty with room towards the end, which is why we have currently been on a huge reconstruction project. And without the added depth, I'm not certain how we could have fit all the players and buildings we had in there at the end.
I'm no expert on the new township plugin, but from what I know, the townships will not work in anyway like they have in this map. But hey, having rooms with a view is always nice, so you can always look at the pretty buildings. @TimForReal will know the most about the new township system.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
As with every map that's had a new township management system, there will be new challenges to face - and that's the fun of it!

This is my understanding of townships so far (@TimForReal @barbas0l please correct me):

  • Plugin is called Grief Prevention
  • Towns will be square/rectangular on the horizontal plane - however you draw them with your wand to encompass the number of blocks you're allocated for the tier size (and select them carefully as they won't be moved for you)
  • Tier sizes are still under discussion
  • Intent is for Tier 1 to be small and cheap and achievable by a small group of people - encompassing 2500 blocks
  • No minimum citizen requirement or max membership for the tiers
  • Towns will extend from 30 below the claim level up to sky limit, with 60 being the lowest level at which you can make your claim. This means that the lowest regioned blocks in a town can be y=30 or higher depending on whether the claim is done at y=60 or higher. *Subject to change.
  • There will be an Owner/Mayor and members. Owner has complete control and ownership of town.
  • An SiC must be identified as the player who will take over the town if the owner goes inactive. This probably means towns will be required to have a forums thread to identify the SiC.
  • Owner can create unlimited subregions within towns - it seems these subregions also extend the height of the town so they can only be arranged on the horizontal plane.
  • Town creation is by purchasing an Embassy plot at spawn. Here you can purchase your town tiers (via a PhatLoot chest that grants you your build perms) and pay your weekly rent (via the same system as is used for renting Trade District shop plots). Also you can build to advertise your town and set up shops to earn income for your town.
  • Initially there will be 28 Embassy spawn plots, ie a town cap to start with.
  • No town banks. It appears all financial management will be done via the Mayor's personal bank.
  • Towns - and personal regions which will be managed by the same plugin - will be siegable.
  • Starting a siege will require one or more town members to be online - possibly necessarily including the owner (yet to be tested). A successful siege will mean certain defined building blocks will become breakable, potentially giving raiders access to parts of your town for a time period, depending on your build.
  • Damage done during sieges will not be considered grief.
  • Mechanisms in towns will be accessible to raiders at all times (not just during siege) - ie doors, chests, levers, buttons, lifts etc.

I repeat, this is my understanding so far - some things might change, and I may be mistaken in some places.

NOTE: I've updated this post to incorporate Tim's corrections and clarifications to post #22.
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Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 27, 2015
Kentucky, USA
So one thing in particular I am noting is that you wont be able to have layers of buildings (aka subregions?) For instance, you wont be able to have buildings on top of one another?

Also, in order to start up a town you will have to purchase an Embassy Plot as well as a town tier? Are we required to have an Embassy Plot?

If so, then that means for the lowest tier we will have a combined weekly tax of 1200c? Is this correct?


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 21, 2015
My apologies of this question has been asked and answered above and I've overlooked it.

With this new system of towns will trade be possible? That's a hefty tax, it will be extremely hard to keep up without the system of trade. At least based of the current economy, unless coins are worth less then the old souls system.


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
Ok, now that i think i understand how the sieging works, suggestions:

-Allow the owner to open containers so that he can prepare himself for the fight.
-Not being able to break blocks, might trap the player inside, if the entrance is a redstone torch or anything that needs to be broken, but i guess thats the owners fault

Dont know how is going to work on towns, all townmembers have to be online? if 1 member dies, the siege ends?

Unfortunately, the plugin only manages per owner. So, the owner of the town would have to be online to siege - also, the effects probably only affect the owner. Will test this.
is there a way that the server could send a message to people that have an account but havn't played in a while

I bet there are people that left out of boredom but really like the server

especially donors

for example, I came back on mid map sorta bummed that I wasn't here for the start of it

I was always planning on coming back, and checked from time to time, but didn't really have any way of knowing

We can send a news letter that goes to all players registered emails.
Personally, I would like to see the depth of town protections to be extended farther down. Some areas of the map are not very deep at all (like they are sometimes already nearly to the 30 block level. Furthermore, I know with my town we were having difficulty with room towards the end, which is why we have currently been on a huge reconstruction project. And without the added depth, I'm not certain how we could have fit all the players and buildings we had in there at the end.

I do understand the desire to limit underground bases, but I am suggesting that larger towns may require this. This is based upon some preconceived notions however. And so I would like to ask...

Will Soul Buildings and other regions be used? I am assuming not at first, until the new town plugin is ready. I ask because in town, with so many buildings, you need as much space as you can get, which is why I am arguing for the increased town protection depth. I know it is greedy of me, but as a town-sized owner who was fixing to upgrade to another level, we really needed that space.

Some are suggesting that towns should not be underground so as to encourage pvp. While I partially agree that this makes sense, the ability to siege should take care of much of that problem.

My main argument though, is that if the town system is anything like the old one (namely in that towns will need many buildings to upgrade) then they may very well need the space below to create such structures. Without fully knowing your intentions, however, I cannot be sure. I simply wanted to point out that towns need lots of buildings and the restriction on depth may limit a towns ability to grow. It is far easier to expand a town downwards rather than expanding upwards.

I myself am highly interested in the town aspect of the new release, and I am making quick plans for the start up of a new town. In looking over things I have another question:

Are those the final measurements for the new town regions? And are there only to be four town tiers now? Or are these simply stop-gap measures until the new town system is released?

I try to be quite thorough in my posts, so sorry I am not very concise. I prefer depth over brevity. Thanks for reading though.

  • Towns actually extend 30 below from where the player creates it and goes up to sky, towns can not be created lower than 60 in the current config. Can be changed if we decide.
  • Soul Buildings do not exist with GP.
  • We are open to constructive criticism and ideas, there will be 4 tiers at launch.
  • We are considering enabling a BuyClaim feature that will allow players to pay to increase their limits, but towns will be better suited as a "more bang for your buck". Values have not been discussed if we decide to go this route.


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
As with every map that's had a new township management system, there will be new challenges to face - and that's the fun of it!

This is my understanding of townships so far (@TimForReal @barbas0l please correct me):

  • Plugin is called Grief Prevention
  • Towns will be square/rectangular on the horizontal plane - however you draw them with your wand to encompass the number of blocks you're allocated for the tier size (and select them carefully as they won't be moved for you)
  • Tier sizes are still under discussion
  • Intent is for Tier 1 to be small and cheap and achievable by a small group of people - encompassing 2500 blocks
  • No minimum citizen requirement or max membership for the tiers
  • Towns will extend from y=30 up to sky limit
  • There will be an Owner/Mayor and members. Mayor has complete control and ownership of town.
  • An SiC must be identified as the player who will take over the town if the owner goes inactive. This probably means towns will be required to have a forums thread to identify the SiC.
  • Mayor can create unlimited subregions within towns - it seems these subregions also extend the height of the town so they can only be arranged on the horizontal plane.
  • Town creation is by purchasing an Embassy plot at spawn. At this place you can build to advertise your town. You will also pay your weekly town rent via the same system as is used for renting Trade District shop plots. Also can set up shops to earn income for your town.
  • Initially there will be 28 Embassy spawn plots, ie a town cap to start with.
  • No town banks. It appears all financial management will be done via the Mayor's personal bank.
  • Towns - and personal regions which will be managed by the same plugin - will be siegable.
  • Starting a siege will require one or more town members to be online. A successful siege will mean certain defined building blocks will become breakable, potentially giving raiders access to parts of your town for a time period, depending on your build.
  • Damage done during sieges will not be considered grief.
  • Mechanisms in towns will be accessible to raiders at all times (not just during siege) - ie doors, chests, levers, buttons, lifts etc.

I repeat, this is my understanding so far - some things might change, and I may be mistaken in some places.

Only thing to note as I said in my post above this one.

Towns extend 30 below from where the player creates the region, and can not be created lower than 60 per the config atm.

I may bring back Mayor titles, stand by on that one. :)