Legacy Supporter 6
- Joined
- Oct 30, 2011
Felt great for us European players as wellFelt good getting a release out an hour before scheduled

Felt great for us European players as wellFelt good getting a release out an hour before scheduled
Upper staff can handle your appeal. However, its the attitude that I really have a problem with. This isn't just a source of income for me, it's what I do literally all day, every day. So to have an extremely negative person bashing everything I (or my staff does) because they are hiding behind a shroud of anonymity, it gets old.Hello @Kainzo , this is your favourite person, STDs4YouAnd4Me. I am currently using my fiancé's account in order to get this message out.
I have been muted in-game since the start of the map (8 months or so?). I'm a level 1 pleb who has spent a total of 10 minutes on the previous map. I also have been unable to post in the forums since making a ban appeal (ban appeal has since been deleted by either you or the admin that shall not be named who I was calling out for abusing his power more than his parents abused him as a child).
I know we have had our differences, and likely will continue to have our differences if I choose to stick around playing on this map. It has always been a normal procedure for you to unban/unmute all the blatant cheaters after a map wipe. All I did was write "recorded and reported" in chat on a fateful summer day nearly 2 years ago (ok, 14 months ago). Was that worthy of me getting a 5 day ban for? No. Was my hilarious ban appeal worthy of a ban (funny how that works)? Yeah, probably, I said some pretty rude things.
Have I learned my lesson? Yes, officer.
Let me know what you're going to do. I figured I'll see the changes and figure out whether I want to stick around or not. I don't have high hopes, but I've been surprised before.
Upper staff can handle your appeal. However, its the attitude that I really have a problem with. This isn't just a source of income for me, it's what I do literally all day, every day. So to have an extremely negative person bashing everything I (or my staff does) because they are hiding behind a shroud of anonymity, it gets old.
You're more than welcome to return if you can keep the negative stuff to yourself.
who is this guy??? jks i remember you and erebos bunch of noobs lol double jks ur ok i guessI get 15-20 fps on a regular basis running MC on my school loaned laptop with dumbed down settings... I PvP just as good as anyone (if not better than most) on this server. If it's not fun for you then that's one thing but 15-20 fps is basically what I live on with my setup and it's never been a real issue. There will be ample protection for you though if you do want to avoid PvP. It was just too easy to avoid it on Valorium. It led to a longing for the old raids from previous maps and PvP encounters... which on this map became hunting down new players until they didn't want to play anymore.
On previous maps when the entire server outside of spawn was PvP (from when I played, Zeal, Dragongarde and Bastion) it wasn't a difficult thing to stay within your town limits away from people trying to attack you so long as you had a supportive town that actively protected their citizens with walls, ceilings, players that were willing to defend, etc. PvE will always be a big part of Herocraft but in my opinion it was over the top for this particular map.
lol... beast, do u even go here? skrublordwho is this guy??? jks i remember you and erebos bunch of noobs lol double jks ur ok i guess
View attachment 10653
We're retiring the current Townships plugin in favor for a more simplistic feature-rich system with Towny Advanced
shut your mouth u butthole im sticin with my aussie crew #YEEZYstfu you will nvr come back with AdamForte he is ours, your swagger isnt high enuf to even train him
latency is pretty great though!
client side21/20 tps
The only draw back is a chunk based system - but we have a lot of areas and towns properly tax and fall when they run out of cash, so decay is a bit far im feelin pretty meh about towny, seems like everything has to be done in chunks for permissions and thats an awful big area for recruiting people new to the server that may not be trustworthy. Of course its possible im just doing it wrong.
I was also really looking forward to some kind of war feature that would make regions vulnerable for some period of time but understand it has been delayed for now.
latency is pretty great though!