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Bible/come to Jesus


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
it's hard to believe in something you just don't believe in. I don't choose to not believe in god. I just don't. much like you feel god has called upon you and the decision is obvious, not believing in god is just as natural to me
You may not believe now or ever only The Lord can truly change a person but as I said before its never too late and The Lord may work in you at a later time


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Elisha #1 prophet.

I'm also pretty sure there's a story in there where God kills his own people for complaining about him killing his own people or something.
The Old Testament is full of stories like this, because Gods people would stray away from him over and over and then he would bring them back[DOUBLEPOST=1359464146,1359464075][/DOUBLEPOST]I have to go to school so ill get to everyone else later[DOUBLEPOST=1359464550][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way I don't want this to turn into a atheist vs Christianity thread


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 29, 2011
I honestly have no problem with religion, I just hate when people try to force it on me or shun me for not believing God. Everyone has their own beliefs, some of which you may not agree with... but it doesn't matter you should respect theirs anyway. I don't believe in God because I go by facts, there is honestly no real facts that he other existed other than the bible, but the bible has been re-written so many times, who knows how much it's changed from the original.

All in all, like Kainzo said... The bible is basically telling you to treat people nicely and get along.


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
I honestly have no problem with religion, I just hate when people try to force it on me or shun me for not believing God. Everyone has their own beliefs, some of which you may not agree with... but it doesn't matter you should respect theirs anyway. I don't believe in God because I go by facts, there is honestly no real facts that he other existed other than the bible, but the bible has been re-written so many times, who knows how much it's changed from the original.

All in all, like Kainzo said... The bible is basically telling you to treat people nicely and get along.
Ok first of all I'm not trying to force it on you nor will I shun you for not believing. I'm just putting out a general call and hoping some will respond and I will try to help them learn as much as I can, but I understand most will reject it and I respect that, because if I can even get just one person to come to Jesus then I will rejoice and this thread will be worth all it is because all the Angels in heaven rejoice when even only 1 person is save and the bible is more than just be a better person


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 29, 2011
Ok first of all I'm not trying to force it on you nor will I shun you for not believing. I'm just putting out a general call and hoping some will respond and I will try to help them learn as much as I can, but I understand most will reject it and I respect that, because if I can even get just one person to come to Jesus then I will rejoice and this thread will be worth all it is because all the Angels in heaven rejoice when even only 1 person is save and the bible is more than just be a better person
I never said YOU were forcing it on me or anything like that, I just said people who do that in general! :p


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
Actually all my friends claim to be Christians but dont play the part , and to fear The Lord is the beginning of knowledge of him maybe you question everything because you're afraid of not understanding things when in reality there's just some things you can't understand
You are not supposed to fear the Christian God. You are supposed to respect God. Basing your belief on fear instead of your respect only saddens the Christian God.

bob_de_blastoise said:
By the way I don't want this to turn into a atheist vs Christianity thread
Also; as to this thread, bad idea. There are two things you do not do and that is talk about religion and politics. They are highly controversial subjects. Despite what good intentions you may have it will likely devolve into an argument. Consider the fact that not even different denominations of Christianity, which originally stemmed from the same religion, can get along very well.

Do also consider there is more than just Atheism and Christianity as potential spark of argument, there are other religions that clash with Christianity. Especially because of the past atrocities those within the religion had caused against others in the name of the Christian God.


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
I never said YOU were forcing it on me or anything like that, I just said people who do that in general! :p
That's good because I don't think Christianity shouldn't be forced on people and people who do that are not representing Christianity right for no one who is forced will truly believe


Legacy Supporter 5
Nov 4, 2012
Louisiana, U.S
You are not supposed to fear the Christian God. You are supposed to respect God. Basing your belief on fear instead of your respect only saddens the Christian God.

Also; as to this thread, bad idea. There are two things you do not do and that is talk about religion and politics. They are highly controversial subjects. Despite what good intentions you may have it will likely devolve into an argument. Consider the fact that not even different denominations of Christianity, which originally stemmed from the same religion, can not get along very well.

Do also consider there is more than just Atheism and Christianity as potential spark of argument, there are other religions that clash with Christianity. Especially because of the past atrocities those within the religion had caused against others in the name of the Christian God.
It says to fear The Lord meaning to respect him and I understand this and I know they are not the only religions but they seem to be the two being disputed here


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Catholics sprinkle as babies and I do not believe this as right. I believe that you should get babtized when The Lord calls you and that its between him and you and him nobody else can make that choice for you and also babtism is symbolic what really matters is what is in your heart
The church of Norway isn't catholic, so... However you do get a chance at the age of 15 to either: Baptize, Not Baptize and celebrate it a different way (Even if you were baptized at birth, this nullifies it) or do nothing. The event is called Confirmation. I have my confirmation in May, but of course it's not the christian way. More like a party for my family and friends, some people also do this in the townhall of your local city.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
It says to fear The Lord meaning to respect him and I understand this and I know they are not the only religions but they seem to be the two being disputed here
You shouldn't believe in whatever that's written in the bible. The bible is highly outdated and is based on society for 1800 years ago and lots of the things that the bible says is okay is illegal.

i was baptized as a little kid...
Well that is unfortunate for you :/

I feel like this is going to go downhill fast being that 90% of the internet is atheist.
More like realist, but okay.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
It says to fear The Lord meaning to respect him and I understand this and I know they are not the only religions but they seem to be the two being disputed here
Fear does not mean to Respect. I'll post a definition from Dictionary.com.
1. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Synonyms: foreboding, apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, trepidation, qualm. Antonyms: courage, security, calm, intrepidity.
2. A specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights. Synonyms: phobia, aversion; bête noire, bogy, bogey, bugbear. Antonyms: liking, fondness, penchant, predilection.
3. Concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.
4. Reverential awe, especially toward God: the fear of God. Synonyms: awe, respect, reverence, veneration.
5. Something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension; something a person is afraid of: Cancer is a common fear.
If you look at the definition, the 4th definition is out of place in comparison to the rest. Unless you relate it back to the times of the Old Testament which probaly really did mean to fear God instead of to respect God. It's an old, old piece of writing even without that. I would not doubt that definition was placed there to make people feel better about the wording in the Bible.


Alright, I'd like to ask some questions.

If God is omnipotent why did he require his son to be tortured in a complex ritual to atone for human sin instead of just forgiving the sin?

If God is omnipotent why does he need Jesus or the bible when he could just zap any necessary information into our heads at any time and make it perfectly clear?

Why isn't there any historical evidence for Jesus?

How did Noah get the different species to the different places on earth, and how did he keep the fresh water fish from dying when the salt water inundated inland waterways?

Why isn't there any historical evidence from the Egyptians of the captivity of the Jews or their exodus?

Why send Jesus in 30 AD instead of 4000 BC right after the fall from the garden instead of having all of human population until that time spend thousands of years in Hell?

Why won't God heal amputees?

Why hasn't any supernatural event ever been scientifically documented?

If God is omniscient than why is Caan able to hide from him, why does he change his mind and flood the world instead of doing it right the first time, why does he allow Satan to tempt people?

If God is omnipotent how is it that he can be beaten by iron chariots?


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
I believe in reincarnation... :eek: I am going to be the hottest mink around when I die.

Oh well - let's see.
Also; as to this thread, bad idea. There are two things you do not do and that is talk about religion and politics. They are highly controversial subjects.
Here - I'll have to agree - it's not a smart idea to emphasize a specific religion on a forum that has religion neutrality - or so I'd call it.
You shouldn't believe in whatever that's written in the bible. The bible is highly outdated and is based on society for 1800 years ago and lots of the things that the bible says is okay is illegal.
This too I'll agree on - sure, you can believe in it, but that doesn't make it right or legal. If you'd have to think of it like this, that it's legal because of your religion, then the terrorist bombings would be perfectly legal too.
it's just water, i don't think it has any lasting effects lol
It doesn't have an effect like that, no, and luckily the protestant church allows you to leave pretty much whenever you want to. In Denmark, we're baptized if the parents want you to be baptized, however, when we are in our 8th grade (usually around 14-15 years old), we can choose to "confirm" our belief or not. (Most kids choose to confirm it for the gifts, hah.) Though before you can get "confirmed" as a believer, you have to go to the church every once in a while, it's different from each church, but it's usually around 8-11 times. (I just couldn't be arsed to go.)

Funny thing you're asking all these things, because some of these things are "answered" in a danish fiction book, it's a triology - the first book is called "Djævlens Lærling" which pretty much means "The Devil's Apprentice". It's actually a really good story, if you're the reading type. I think it's possible to find it in english?

Also, an interesting theory is that angels back then could have been aliens, which could explain some things, I think. Perhaps. Dunno. Don't read this. Please?


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
I am an atheist and realist, so this will most likly be a bit offtopic..
(know that I don't want to bash anyones believes or religion).
Religion is in my eyes psychology for masses..

Can you think about one other thing witch can make people cry, feel happiness or even sacrifice something they got close, without even know what or who you got or don't got contact with..

I say the most important would be to know yourself, if you get to know yourself as a muslim, christian or atheist that doesn't matter at all..

People has to all times searched advice, truth, help and explanation in religion, if they receive any of those that is amazing! :D


Dec 3, 2012
I normally avoid religious conversations, since they too often spin out of control due to misunderstandings. This thread, however, has been admirably civil thus far.

I would like to suggest the following short story for your consideration:

Bob, I hope I am not hijacking your thread -- I'm hoping to add to it, actually. I'd be interesting in your thoughts about this story.

Also, Bob, if you ever get a chance (most likely in college), I would highly recommend taking a course in comparative religion. I found it fascinating, and very confirming in a way. Most world religions have the same core values, in my opinion. It is the cultural veneer that differs -- but it is that veneer that makes the religion accessible to the people of that area and time.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
I am an atheist and realist, so this will most likly be a bit offtopic..
(know that I don't want to bash anyones believes or religion).
Religion is in my eyes psychology for masses..

Can you think about one other thing witch can make people cry, feel happiness or even sacrifice something they got close, without even know what or who you got or don't got contact with..

I say the most important would be to know yourself, if you get to know yourself as a muslim, christian or atheist that doesn't matter at all..

People has to all times searched advice, truth, help and explanation in religion, if they receive any of those that is amazing! :D
Atheism is the religion of scientific theorem. There is no realism within it so why did you place those two together? Everything that we believe as a running force of the universe is nothing but a scientific theory. We can't even see the same colors as another human being because each human brain processes data differently and the blue I see may not be the blue that you see. Then there is the fact that there is no such thing as time and that is purely a human concept, and that all things in the universe, and everything that has happened in the universe, exists at one point in time. We just experience it in linear fashion.

Knowing this I doubt science theory can really penetrate the secrets of our chaotic universe, and despite how much I myself believe in science theory I still believe that there is something else out there. Just like many scientists do.

P.S. I have a headache, I apologize for incoherency.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
Atheism is the religion of scientific theorem. There is no realism within it so why did you place those two together? Everything that we believe as a running force of the universe is nothing but a scientific theory. We can't even see the same colors as another human being because each human brain processes data differently and the blue I see may not be the blue that you see. Then there is the fact that there is no such thing as time and that is purely a human concept, and that all things in the universe, and everything that has happened in the universe, exists at one point in time. We just experience it in linear fashion.

Knowing this I doubt science theory can really penetrate the secrets of our chaotic universe, and despite how much I myself believe in science theory I still believe that there is something else out there. Just like many scientists do.

P.S. I have a headache, I apologize for incoherency.
Atheism is no religion.
Atheism means to "know" that there is no god, witch I do.
But at the same time I would consider myself as a realist.
Realism and atheism is actually not that different, they are both based on the tought that every human need to think by themselves.

And most atheists AND relists agree upon that nobady knows everything, about religion, the universe or anything else.
And unlike many others atheist is open for the solution that their theory is wrong.

As I said atheism is no religion, it simply means that you do not believe in god, but most atheists lean towards the sience to explain stuff.

(philospy and science it not "that" different).


Sep 3, 2011
Nah, I wouldn't say Atheism is a religion. Although, the more people make something of it, the more I feel that it will one day become a religion.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
Atheism is no religion.
Atheism means to "know" that there is no god, witch I do.
But at the same time I would consider myself as a realist.
Realism and atheism is actually not that different, they are both based on the tought that every human need to think by themselves.

And most atheists AND relists agree upon that nobady knows everything, about religion, the universe or anything else.
And unlike many others atheist is open for the solution that their theory is wrong.

As I said atheism is no religion, it simply means that you do not believe in god, but most atheists lean towards the sience to explain stuff.

(philospy and science it not "that" different).
Atheism means that you do not believe in a God or some supernatural power causing the universe to run. But is not what a religion means. A religion is a set of personal believes that you have placed you faith into, whether it is related to the supernatural or not. Here is a definition from merriam-webster.com for proof.
1a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion>

b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Atheism is even protected under the first amendment of the united states and is recognized by the united states as a religion.