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Bible/come to Jesus


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
Not going to lie, this sorta seems like preaching, which one should not force beliefs no matter what. Where one person may think God is real another may think Zeus is real. On a personal opinion, I think religion is only as important as you choose to make it. To each their own.


Feb 17, 2013
Staten Island, New York
So you are telling me that at one time alot of mutations happened causing evolution.. and when humans was formed and all the animals and living things was created.. the evolution halted on its own?

or so if you say that the organisms will adapt to the environment and try to evolve, couldnt the other planet's organisms do that too and have a human version of their own?

I'm guessing you're a child so you will be taught this in highschool:
Evolution is a series of random mutations and natural selection. Let me give you an example with two fictional animals in fictional circumstances.
Animals number one and two are living in central Africa in the same area. They are a related species, but not quite the same. Animal number one's gametes experience a mutation, which will be passed onto its child. Animal number two also experiences a mutation in its gametes. Both animals then have children of their own with different partners. Animal one's child developed a new feature (slight feature). Animal two's child developed a very different and major feature. Central Africa experienced an increase in predators. The first child's mutation helped it to survive or hide against the predators while child number two couldn't. The first child lived on and reproduced the way it was born, meaning that that mutation stayed. The other child, being eaten, can not reproduce and pass on it's mutation.

This is roughly what evolution is, but on a larger scale. Random mutations, natural selection, and survival of the fittest.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself - Ice Cube


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Not going to lie, this sorta seems like preaching, which one should not force beliefs no matter what. Where one person may think God is real another may think Zeus is real. On a personal opinion, I think religion is only as important as you choose to make it. To each their own.

Yet he's not forcing anyone to do anything, or even to watch this thread. If he preaches, and people listen, and people convert/believe, there is no problem there.
As for evolution, I can call myself a Christian and at the same time believe absolutely in Evolution, as evolution is practically impossible to deny. I don't believe you must take the Bible literally, as it was after all written by humans over many generations.


Dec 26, 2012
Message to all people: End of the world: It's coming. Very soon. But, when the world ends, it will be a magnificent day. "For, the end.....is only the beginning."


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 16, 2011
North America
Wanna hear the coolest thing about all this?
Jesus loves everyone who's commented on this thread, no matter their opinion,
Jesus loves everyone who's whitelisted and graylisted on Herocraft
Jesus loves everyone with internet
Jesus loves everyone without internet
Jesus Loves.
-Nuff Said


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
I have nothing against religion, I simply just don't think it should dictate our lives. I myself am agnostic and I honestly don't mind the thread, I just don't think "Converting" is right. People should seek such a thing.


Queen Bee
Jan 12, 2011
I have nothing against religion, I simply just don't think it should dictate our lives. I myself am agnostic and I honestly don't mind the thread, I just don't think "Converting" is right. People should seek such a thing.

Nobody thinks "hmm... lemme convert religions for no discernable reason"... they have to be given a reason, and that's the point of the thread. If you don't like it, don't look at it, it is what it is.

Also... And as it is such, so also as such is it unto you. Hahahaha 100 awesome points if you know the reference and 1 million if you can tell me why we all love who said it!


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 10, 2012
I thought your religion was against homosexuality, yet Jesus is gay for this many people :confused:
It depends on how you read the Bible, also love does not equate to sexual intimacy, neither does sexual preference. This is considering you can have sexual intercourse without particularly strong feelings towards someone or even a preference for their gender. I have even found you can be just as attracted to the same gender emotionally without also having sexual intimacy.

Besides, the reference to 'Do not love(lay) with a man as you would love(lay) you(with) a woman' has it's health reasons and in my opinion is related to sexual intercourse and not which gender you would prefer to spend your life with (Also, as a side note, males more often than not do not have fully formed female reproductive organs so a man could not lay with another man as a woman anyways), which could be attributed to the fact that it is related to Judaism since it was originally a Jewish sect. It might be also good to take into account that Christianity is against acts of sex that would not bear a child which was a concern at the time that the religion was growing.


Legacy Supporter 2
Dec 10, 2012
I'm guessing you're a child so you will be taught this in highschool:
Evolution is a series of random mutations and natural selection. Let me give you an example with two fictional animals in fictional circumstances.
Animals number one and two are living in central Africa in the same area. They are a related species, but not quite the same. Animal number one's gametes experience a mutation, which will be passed onto its child. Animal number two also experiences a mutation in its gametes. Both animals then have children of their own with different partners. Animal one's child developed a new feature (slight feature). Animal two's child developed a very different and major feature. Central Africa experienced an increase in predators. The first child's mutation helped it to survive or hide against the predators while child number two couldn't. The first child lived on and reproduced the way it was born, meaning that that mutation stayed. The other child, being eaten, can not reproduce and pass on it's mutation.

This is roughly what evolution is, but on a larger scale. Random mutations, natural selection, and survival of the fittest.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself - Ice Cube

Please read what i posted on Page 18

Link: http://www.herocraftonline.com/main/threads/bible-come-to-jesus.31229/page-18


Feb 17, 2013
Staten Island, New York
Wanna hear the coolest thing about all this?
Jesus loves everyone who's commented on this thread, no matter their opinion,
Jesus loves everyone who's whitelisted and graylisted on Herocraft
Jesus loves everyone with internet
Jesus loves everyone without internet
Jesus Loves.
-Nuff Said


No offense, but your people seem to have a different outlook.
I realize that the westboro baptist church is a little extreme, but if other people have a different opinion on who Jesus was, why should I or anyone believe you?

All in all, I'd love to believe that there was a historical Jesus, and that he was a moral and just man, that's why, if I were to follow and book, I would follow The Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

There's no fancy divinity, wine magic, ocean splitting baloney, genocide, or incest.
Just goodness.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
All in all, I'd love to believe that there was a historical Jesus, and that he was a moral and just man, that's why, if I were to follow and book, I would follow The Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

There's no fancy divinity, wine magic, ocean splitting baloney, genocide, or incest.
Just goodness.
Does sound nice, but you must undertsand that there is no doubt in anyone who is educated mind that Jesus of Nazareth existed. That at least is irrefutable.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jul 7, 2011
I'm guessing you're a child so you will be taught this in highschool:
Evolution is a series of random mutations and natural selection. Let me give you an example with two fictional animals in fictional circumstances.
- snip -
This is roughly what evolution is, but on a larger scale. Random mutations, natural selection, and survival of the fittest.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself - Ice Cube

It is very hard to convince someone who believes that the bible is not true that God created the heavens and the Earth. So I'm going to try to do my best to explain what I believe without using the bible as the complete basis of my argument. With that being said, there are simply two ways that the Earth was made and life began. That either evolution is true or there was a creator. There are no third options.

So lets evaluate the theory of evolution first. The idea is that life began with two non-living particles that turned into living, breathing, beings, which then turned into our supposed ancestors - the screaming apes. Continuing on this aspect, the theory continues saying that 4 billion years ago after the 'big bang' an ocean formed (somehow) and out of that arose a non-living particle called an amino acid. And eventually arose another impersonal, non-living amino acid, and over time eventually turned into a living cell, and over more time turned into algae and amoebas, and even more time turned into amphibians and personal humans. This means that these non-living particles turned into all the life that we know today. Atheist and author Thomas Nagel puts it this way, "It is highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of physical accidents and chance."

If evolution is true, then us humans, are simply animals that are just living here on the earth with no purpose to life at all. However, if evolution is false, then humans have a purpose and they have characteristics such as love and relationships, which clearly humans share. This is one of the primary reasons why I have banked my life off of creationism and the bible.

So continuing from the last part, a clear disproval of evolution comes with the word "Biogenesis". This simply means the beginning of life. This is a scientific law that nearly all scientists confirm and it states that life does not arise from non-living matter. So think about that...it makes sense no? A rock cannot produce life with another rock. This has been proven true, yet evolutionists claim that life began from two non-living particles completely contradicting the law of Biogenesis. Scientists openly admit that it is simply not possible, but they say that it MUST have happened...somehow. This is a huge flaw in the theory of evolution.

Another key word to bring up is Entropy. Many of you have probably heard of this word, but for those of you who have not it is the scientific law that when things are left to chance they will deteriorate and break down, rather than organize. But, evolution says the complete opposite, that when left to chance things will organize. Now to paint a picture of this, I want all of you to think of your rooms. Lets say, when left to chance over time, does your room become more organized? Or does it begin to deteriorate? I'm assuming that most would have to agree that it would simply become more messy. This is another huge flaw that evolutionists have to battle with.

Now lets take a look at the information that fossils give. Darwin himself stated in his book, "Geology does not reveal any graduated organic chain. This is the most obvious and serious objection which can be leveled against the theory." There has been a huge lack of intermediary fossils found to help prove the theory of evolution. Fossil records show fully formed organisms not fish with legs or wolves with fins, but fully formed fish and wolves. There are no signs of progression found in the fossil records. Genesis 1:24 states, "God made every living thing to reproduce after its own kind." Though many of you may question this, simply because of the skulls and fragments of skulls that might have belonged to intermediary apes/humans. Take a look at the Lucy Skull, the bones that were supposed to prove that humans derived from apes, discovered in 1974 by Donald Johanson. Johanson later stated that it was actually an apes skull. The fossil record is an unresolvable problem for the evolution theory.

So why do scientists believe this theory? If it is scientifically disproven in so many ways? Dr. George Wall, a professor at Harvard University, a Biology Nobel Prize winner also an atheist wrote this, "When it comes to the origin of life, there's only two possibilities, either through the process of evolution or a supernatural act of God. There is no third possibility. Evolution, the idea that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 140 years ago, but that leaves only one possibility; that life arose by a supernatural creative act of God. But I will not accept that philosophically, because I do not believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible." He is saying that the theory of evolution is simply a philosophical belief, not a scientific theory.

Scientist Fred Hoyle says this, "The probability of evolution being true is the same probability of a tornado weeping through a junkyard and forming at the other end a Boeing 747." That's the probability of evolution. So to those of you glob/others who may not believe in the bible or a divine creator, I just ask that you rethink the theory of evolution. Look at what science has to show on the issue, and simply consider the one and only other possibility.


Works Cited
Merritt, Bob, auth. "Is Evolution True?." Eagle Brook Church, 5 May 2013. web. 14 Jun 2013. <http://eaglebrookchurch.com/media-resources/weekend-messages/is-evolution-true/>.


Holy Shit!
Nov 6, 2011
It is very hard to convince someone who believes that the bible is not true that God created the heavens and the Earth. So I'm going to try to do my best to explain what I believe without using the bible as the complete basis of my argument. With that being said, there are simply two ways that the Earth was made and life began. That either evolution is true or there was a creator. There are no third options.

So lets evaluate the theory of evolution first. The idea is that life began with two non-living particles that turned into living, breathing, beings, which then turned into our supposed ancestors - the screaming apes. Continuing on this aspect, the theory continues saying that 4 billion years ago after the 'big bang' an ocean formed (somehow) and out of that arose a non-living particle called an amino acid. And eventually arose another impersonal, non-living amino acid, and over time eventually turned into a living cell, and over more time turned into algae and amoebas, and even more time turned into amphibians and personal humans. This means that these non-living particles turned into all the life that we know today. Atheist and author Thomas Nagel puts it this way, "It is highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of physical accidents and chance."

If evolution is true, then us humans, are simply animals that are just living here on the earth with no purpose to life at all. However, if evolution is false, then humans have a purpose and they have characteristics such as love and relationships, which clearly humans share. This is one of the primary reasons why I have banked my life off of creationism and the bible.

So continuing from the last part, a clear disproval of evolution comes with the word "Biogenesis". This simply means the beginning of life. This is a scientific law that nearly all scientists confirm and it states that life does not arise from non-living matter. So think about that...it makes sense no? A rock cannot produce life with another rock. This has been proven true, yet evolutionists claim that life began from two non-living particles completely contradicting the law of Biogenesis. Scientists openly admit that it is simply not possible, but they say that it MUST have happened...somehow. This is a huge flaw in the theory of evolution.

Another key word to bring up is Entropy. Many of you have probably heard of this word, but for those of you who have not it is the scientific law that when things are left to chance they will deteriorate and break down, rather than organize. But, evolution says the complete opposite, that when left to chance things will organize. Now to paint a picture of this, I want all of you to think of your rooms. Lets say, when left to chance over time, does your room become more organized? Or does it begin to deteriorate? I'm assuming that most would have to agree that it would simply become more messy. This is another huge flaw that evolutionists have to battle with.

Now lets take a look at the information that fossils give. Darwin himself stated in his book, "Geology does not reveal any graduated organic chain. This is the most obvious and serious objection which can be leveled against the theory." There has been a huge lack of intermediary fossils found to help prove the theory of evolution. Fossil records show fully formed organisms not fish with legs or wolves with fins, but fully formed fish and wolves. There are no signs of progression found in the fossil records. Genesis 1:24 states, "God made every living thing to reproduce after its own kind." Though many of you may question this, simply because of the skulls and fragments of skulls that might have belonged to intermediary apes/humans. Take a look at the Lucy Skull, the bones that were supposed to prove that humans derived from apes, discovered in 1974 by Donald Johanson. Johanson later stated that it was actually an apes skull. The fossil record is an unresolvable problem for the evolution theory.

So why do scientists believe this theory? If it is scientifically disproven in so many ways? Dr. George Wall, a professor at Harvard University, a Biology Nobel Prize winner also an atheist wrote this, "When it comes to the origin of life, there's only two possibilities, either through the process of evolution or a supernatural act of God. There is no third possibility. Evolution, the idea that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 140 years ago, but that leaves only one possibility; that life arose by a supernatural creative act of God. But I will not accept that philosophically, because I do not believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible." He is saying that the theory of evolution is simply a philosophical belief, not a scientific theory.

Scientist Fred Hoyle says this, "The probability of evolution being true is the same probability of a tornado weeping through a junkyard and forming at the other end a Boeing 747." That's the probability of evolution. So to those of you glob/others who may not believe in the bible of a divine creator, I just ask that you rethink the theory of evolution. Look at what science has to show for the issue, and simply consider the one and only other possibility.

Works Cited
Merritt, Bob, auth. "Is Evolution True?." Eagle Brook Church, 5 May 2013. web. 14 Jun 2013. <http://eaglebrookchurch.com/media-resources/weekend-messages/is-evolution-true/>.


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 16, 2011
North America
globjako2 You can't bring Westboro into this. Although they claim to be Christian, they're interpretation of the Bible is far to extreme for them to even see the love God has and the plan God has.
As to your question why you should believe me, if you were to pull up the whole bible, and ctrl+f love, the results would be immense. If you read through them to find the ones about how Jesus and the Lord love everyone, those results too would be massive.


Feb 17, 2013
Staten Island, New York
It is very hard to convince someone who believes that the bible is not true that God created the heavens and the Earth. So I'm going to try to do my best to explain what I believe without using the bible as the complete basis of my argument. With that being said, there are simply two ways that the Earth was made and life began. That either evolution is true or there was a creator. There are no third options.

So lets evaluate the theory of evolution first. The idea is that life began with two non-living particles that turned into living, breathing, beings, which then turned into our supposed ancestors - the screaming apes. Continuing on this aspect, the theory continues saying that 4 billion years ago after the 'big bang' an ocean formed (somehow) and out of that arose a non-living particle called an amino acid. And eventually arose another impersonal, non-living amino acid, and over time eventually turned into a living cell, and over more time turned into algae and amoebas, and even more time turned into amphibians and personal humans. This means that these non-living particles turned into all the life that we know today. Atheist and author Thomas Nagel puts it this way, "It is highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of physical accidents and chance."

If evolution is true, then us humans, are simply animals that are just living here on the earth with no purpose to life at all. However, if evolution is false, then humans have a purpose and they have characteristics such as love and relationships, which clearly humans share. This is one of the primary reasons why I have banked my life off of creationism and the bible.

So continuing from the last part, a clear disproval of evolution comes with the word "Biogenesis". This simply means the beginning of life. This is a scientific law that nearly all scientists confirm and it states that life does not arise from non-living matter. So think about that...it makes sense no? A rock cannot produce life with another rock. This has been proven true, yet evolutionists claim that life began from two non-living particles completely contradicting the law of Biogenesis. Scientists openly admit that it is simply not possible, but they say that it MUST have happened...somehow. This is a huge flaw in the theory of evolution.

Another key word to bring up is Entropy. Many of you have probably heard of this word, but for those of you who have not it is the scientific law that when things are left to chance they will deteriorate and break down, rather than organize. But, evolution says the complete opposite, that when left to chance things will organize. Now to paint a picture of this, I want all of you to think of your rooms. Lets say, when left to chance over time, does your room become more organized? Or does it begin to deteriorate? I'm assuming that most would have to agree that it would simply become more messy. This is another huge flaw that evolutionists have to battle with.

Now lets take a look at the information that fossils give. Darwin himself stated in his book, "Geology does not reveal any graduated organic chain. This is the most obvious and serious objection which can be leveled against the theory." There has been a huge lack of intermediary fossils found to help prove the theory of evolution. Fossil records show fully formed organisms not fish with legs or wolves with fins, but fully formed fish and wolves. There are no signs of progression found in the fossil records. Genesis 1:24 states, "God made every living thing to reproduce after its own kind." Though many of you may question this, simply because of the skulls and fragments of skulls that might have belonged to intermediary apes/humans. Take a look at the Lucy Skull, the bones that were supposed to prove that humans derived from apes, discovered in 1974 by Donald Johanson. Johanson later stated that it was actually an apes skull. The fossil record is an unresolvable problem for the evolution theory.

So why do scientists believe this theory? If it is scientifically disproven in so many ways? Dr. George Wall, a professor at Harvard University, a Biology Nobel Prize winner also an atheist wrote this, "When it comes to the origin of life, there's only two possibilities, either through the process of evolution or a supernatural act of God. There is no third possibility. Evolution, the idea that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 140 years ago, but that leaves only one possibility; that life arose by a supernatural creative act of God. But I will not accept that philosophically, because I do not believe in God. Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible." He is saying that the theory of evolution is simply a philosophical belief, not a scientific theory.

Scientist Fred Hoyle says this, "The probability of evolution being true is the same probability of a tornado weeping through a junkyard and forming at the other end a Boeing 747." That's the probability of evolution. So to those of you glob/others who may not believe in the bible or a divine creator, I just ask that you rethink the theory of evolution. Look at what science has to show on the issue, and simply consider the one and only other possibility.


Works Cited
Merritt, Bob, auth. "Is Evolution True?." Eagle Brook Church, 5 May 2013. web. 14 Jun 2013. <http://eaglebrookchurch.com/media-resources/weekend-messages/is-evolution-true/>.

tl;dr pls?


Feb 17, 2013
Staten Island, New York
Does sound nice, but you must undertsand that there is no doubt in anyone who is educated mind that Jesus of Nazareth existed. That at least is irrefutable.

Actually, it is. http://www.egyptorigins.org/osirisandjesus.htm
Jesus is just a remake of Osiris. Watch Religulous on Netflix. Very insightful documentary, and it briefly discusses Osiris and why Jesus is just made after him. Obviously you wont, but lets just pretend like you will.


Feb 17, 2013
Staten Island, New York
globjako2 You can't bring Westboro into this. Although they claim to be Christian, they're interpretation of the Bible is far to extreme for them to even see the love God has and the plan God has.
As to your question why you should believe me, if you were to pull up the whole bible, and ctrl+f love, the results would be immense. If you read through them to find the ones about how Jesus and the Lord love everyone, those results too would be massive.

Now lets look at this "And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them." - 2 Kings 2:23-24 Lol nice love you have there.