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AC- The Academy [Honorable Neutral|19]

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Feb 29, 2012
Current/Mastered Classes:Warrior, not mastered unfortunatly :(
Current/Mastered Professions:Crafter, also not mastered.
Current Township:I'm currently live in LightForge
Past Guild Experience: Well I've had plenty of experience on other servers but on Herocraft I have no experience with guilds.
Why do you want to join the Academy?: I wish to join the Academy because I'm hoping that since you're an Academy you all might be able to teach me in the art of PeeVeePee (Pvp if you don't get it). Also I'm quite good at helping out the Clan/Guild with whatever needs to be done. I believe can help support the Guild with building projects or any odd jobs you need done.
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: Nope, well now that I think about it the Tome team doesn't seem like much fun but I'll contribute my all to the to the other two teams if I don't have to do any boring forum work. :p


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011

Accepted! I'll add you to the list, don't forget to make a forum account. I'm gonna try and do a thing tonight if we have guild members online.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
We have a spot for our Headquarters! :D Info only distributed in-game or on the forums (as always). Now might be a good time to hold a design contest.

xexorian, are you still up to letting us make use of your donor region?


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I am abandoning my project of the academy castle, but once I've finished with LF work I am planning to start on a large stepped pyramid with many rooms and Terraces, like the Great Pyramid of Meereen from Game of thrones.


Aug 15, 2011
IGN: Malarb
Current/Mastered Classes: Warrior Level 8
Current/Mastered Professions: Crafter Level 12
Current Township: Nada
Past Guild Experience: Zip Zero
Why do you want to join the Academy?: It seems like a good way to keep things fun on the server
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: Ill go wherever you put me


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
[Galaxial's Application

Current/Mastered Classes: Currently a Level 46 Wizard, will possibly be changing to Cleric or another Healer Class after mastering.

Current/Mastered Professions: Lvl 10 Merchant, possibly thinking of changing, looking to find a class of use. Possibly changing to Smith/Mason, quite like the idea of them both, and I absolutely adore building mega-structures, so a Mason may come in great use to me in the future!

Past Guild Experience: Never actually been in a properly established Guild as such, but I've dangled my feet into the pools of established Guilds such as the sinister and cunning 'Los Bandidos'.

Why do you want to join the Academy?: I feel that the Guild summarizes the experiences I want to get from HeroCraft. I want to be in all of the fighting action yet at the same time, be paid for the services I love to put forward - building is a great passion of mine! I feel it is only my duty to offer all of my services not only as a player in Herocraft itself, but also externally, and contribute to such factors such as signature design, skin design, schematic design/blue-printing but also videography and trailer-creation.


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
[Galaxial's Application

Current/Mastered Classes: Currently a Level 46 Wizard, will possibly be changing to Cleric or another Healer Class after mastering.

Current/Mastered Professions: Lvl 10 Merchant, possibly thinking of changing, looking to find a class of use. Possibly changing to Smith/Mason, quite like the idea of them both, and I absolutely adore building mega-structures, so a Mason may come in great use to me in the future!

Past Guild Experience: Never actually been in a properly established Guild as such, but I've dangled my feet into the pools of established Guilds such as the sinister and cunning 'Los Bandidos'.

Why do you want to join the Academy?: I feel that the Guild summarizes the experiences I want to get from HeroCraft. I want to be in all of the fighting action yet at the same time, be paid for the services I love to put forward - building is a great passion of mine! I feel it is only my duty to offer all of my services not only as a player in Herocraft itself, but also externally, and contribute to such factors such as signature design, skin design, schematic design/blue-printing but also videography and trailer-creation.
OMG OMG OMG YES YES YES. I can't accept you, but I'm sure you'll make it in. Edit: Possibly make a guild insignia Dazureus and Dielan9999


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
Azian! Only just saw you and Up were in the guild, makes me want to join even more now! ;) Oh and it's okay, I'll leave all the signature work for Upb34t, his sigs are epic! :)

Edit: Ever so sorry, it appears to have cut some information out of my application, I really must stop doing it in the HTML mode and actually use the editor for once -.-


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Yes! Please leave Los Bandidos once and for all, they are all heartless traitors!
EDIT: except for you of course :p


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
I tag along, never have actually been part of one! ;)
Which is why I'm loving the ideology of The Academy, I'm absolutely drooling over the RPG aspect it brings to the game!


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Heartless, yes I can agree to that one. Traitors, not so much, to betray someone requires allegiance, we have no allegiances (most of us at least). Galaxial never actually applied for Los Bandidos, so doesn't really have to leave us, I just liked Galaxial and extended an invite ;). Wolver, keep our name out ya mouth:cool:


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
I was simply refering to the fact that lots of you guys were in Canterlot and RA which are parts of XD. Then we had reports that you raided XD. If this isnt backstabbing, what is?
BTW, Im just kidding, I have no personal grudge against any of LB, I just dont like your seemingly chaotic way of doing things


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
A town is a mutual relationship, citizens pay taxes and assist the town, in return the town offers region protection and other citizens to help as well. If someone ends that relationship(town or citizen), backstabbing is no longer possible, it simply becomes an attack on a former associate. I try and make it well known, no matter what kingdom, guild, town, or group of people you associate with, we do not care, we can and will attack you. Think of us as the thieves guild from any game you've ever played. We may be heartless and ruthless in our tactics, but we are not lawless brigands. It also doesn't help that a large percentage of the towns on the server are part of XD haha (or that we have guild contracts on most of the town leaders of XD's heads.) It's all part of the game though, I can't expect you to like us. I do ask you to take into consideration that not everyone wants to play how you play. Herocraft offers a great experience for all types of gamers. We enjoy PvP without restrictions, not paxing taxes, and not worrying about building a town up. I have great respect for The Academy, it's a time proven guild that enjoys assisting those for the right price, or for their own interests.(we're not that different if you think about it:p) In all seriousness though, I'd like to see less shit talking on this server, and a lot more interaction between factions. Good luck to you and yours, see ya in-game :rolleyes:


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Galaxial is accepted. He's accepted so hard. :p
Malarb is accepted as well. Both of y'all make forum accounts! :D

As far as Los Bandidos are concerned we really are pretty similar. The main difference between us is that their focus is on being mercenaries, and that earns them a lot of ill will. I respect them for their neutrality. Very in-character, very Herocraft.

I really hope that guilds like LB and ourselves can start shifting the community into some sort of Herocraft Nirvana. Roleplay everywhere. Awesome sights. Community and good times. No whining, no playing just to hurt people. No grudges. GGs and fair play abound. Some little shard of Minecraft utopia seasoned with epic stories, war and economy.

Obviously the idea itself is a little far out, but if that's what we shoot for it's only gonna make things better, isn't it?
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