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AC- The Academy [Honorable Neutral|19]

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Aug 4, 2011
Why was my account on the forms banned? Its name is KingXPalaidn I have already stated that I messed up when making an account on it. I have ben away because of school work.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Okay, so I really want to get our job-taking service up and running. This is what I have so far for a Trade post:

The Academy, a long-standing guild is looking to take jobs from the general populous of Herocraft. All jobs are done with integrity, regardless of the affiliations of the members. Our work is divided up into two teams.
The WORK Team-
  • Gathers and sells items on demand
  • Provides assistance planning or building structures
  • Clears blocks
  • Class- and Profession-specific services
The MERC Team-
  • Scouts designated territory
  • Provides assistance in raids and battles
  • Takes affordable bounties on any individual not in the guild
definitive pricing information will be added where available as we take jobs and normalize our prices.

If anything does not fit neatly into these categories, feel free to PM me or ask right here. Our goals for this service are to be both trustworthy and affordable.
If you feel an individual within our guild should not assist with any given job, please give their names and they will not be assigned the job. However, it's a strict rule of ours that grudges or enmity are to be set aside while working with us- Jobs are are to be done decently and in order, regardless of who assigns them.
^these first two are supposed to be one post.

The problem is that I don't have prices or a list of people who can do Profession-y stuff, so I need everybody who's willing with marketable skills to restate their Classes/Professions and levels, and I need some people who can suggest prices.

Samples below, is the formatting okay?

Clearing Blocks: base price 25c/hour per guild member participating, tools provided. Variable dependent on scope of project.

C&P services:
Wizard- Port to Spawn: 10c per person. Port to <elsewhere>: 15c per person.
Mason- Lifts: 20c for one pair of signs, +5c per additional sign.

Hired Fighters: Base 15c/hour per unspec'd member, 25c/hour per spec'd member participating, basic equipment provided. Variable dependent on client input.

I made a thread for input on this post, let's work on this there.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011


Apr 17, 2011
IGN: wildarm5
Current/Mastered Classes: Dreadknight 27.
Current/Mastered Professions: Mason level 30
Current Township: Lightforge
Past Guild Experience: KoK was a guild I was in last map. Knights of Kainzo. Protector of Airbus shop :p
Why do you want to join the Academy?: I want to help out with the guild/clan w/e. Since most people are joining like my friends, I wanted to join this guild as well. Im pretty new to guild stuff, so ima join this one, and see how it goes. I want to help things that we need and I have improved in this server over the past time of Herocraft.
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: Im going to be a Merc team and Work team. I would like to do both of those cause I defend, raid, and kill. I like to build mostly, thats the reason I joined minecraft :'). And I like to do a lot of building for towns stuff. Thx for reading my apply for academy, please accept me :').


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Current/Mastered Classes: Warrior (Mastered), Samurai (level 42)
Current/Mastered Professions: Crafter (Level 15, been lvl 15 for soon two months :p )
Current Township: SiC of Canterlot
Past Guild Experience: HellRiders, Fire Creepers, TheDarkBrotherhood, Solace, Los Bandidos.
Why do you want to join the Academy?: Because i want to join a guild with many mature and good players, instead of all those crap pvp guilds :p Also, my IRL friend Millejinta87 is here.
Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: I wanna be a part of Mercenary team, but i can do other kind of jobs too.

Surprised thar there were no age question :S


Legacy Supporter 5
Dec 20, 2011
IGN: qsa123456789

Current/Mastered Classes: Master Warrior (30) Healer (26, soon to be Diciple)

Current/Mastered Professions: Crafter (level 26)

Current Township: SiC of Adamantium

Guild Experience: None.

Why do you want to join the Academy?: I want to join because this guild seems to have mature, well respected members, and the goals and aims for this guild are too my liking. I also have friends and town members in this guild. ( Upb34t & Troppicz

Do you want to be excluded from any particular Team?: I'm good to be part of both teams. Mercenary team can wait until I spec and get to higher levels though:p
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