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  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

Wipe extended to September 7th :(


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
In Dragon it was 200/200 the first weeks, but It was easy to get in if your friend was a donor


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
I said the same thing a few posts up. :confused: Everyone below lvl 10 should be safe from PvP

I know you said it, but posts above yours was commenting on people being destroyed early on, so I wanted to draw more attention to it, also a confirmation if I was going even more insane then usual.


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 29, 2011
@Kainzo How do I let non-Donors into HC if its full. Is their a limit on how many people I can let in at once. @EtKEnn I could let you in.
He probably means get the donor to leave then he joins right away, then since the Donor is on the reservelist he can jump right back in.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
He probably means get the donor to leave then he joins right away, then since the Donor is on the reservelist he can jump right back in.
Yep and it doesn't work or is supported. If someone wants to bypass the wait time, they'll need to donate. We won't have donors relog to get others in. It defeats the purpose of a server-cap.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 11, 2012
@Kainzo is there any chance new info about classes and what not could be released a day or 2 early on the wiki so people can prepare?


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 8, 2012
Oh yeah guys keep in mind the wiki can be updated by anyone. Usually it takes a couple weeks for changes to be put in because the people that update it don't know every skill perfectly. Just remember if you see something wrong for your class you can easily change it. It will benefit everyone if we all do our part updating it. Especially with all the new classes and skills.