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Who is your favorite champion?


Legacy Supporter 1
Nov 19, 2012
What does ADR stand for? All i've ever heard the role called is ADC or AD.

Anyways, mine's gotta be

Top: Nasus, Gangplank, Kassadin
Jungle: Lee Sin, Shaco, Nautilus, Blitzcrank
Mid: Orianna, Ziggs, Zed, Fizz, Ahri, Fiora
Support: Thresh, Alistar, Janna
ADC: Lucian, Corki, Draaaaaaaaaaaaavennnnnnnnnnnn
Not Marksman? I guess ADR stand for AD Ranged, would make more sense than ADC tbh.
I gotta give it to @EtKEnn, us retards in the PH calls the ADC as Attack Damage-Ranged instead of AD Carry...


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 25, 2012
What does ADR stand for? All i've ever heard the role called is ADC or AD.

Anyways, mine's gotta be

Top: Nasus, Gangplank, Kassadin
Jungle: Lee Sin, Shaco, Nautilus, Blitzcrank
Mid: Orianna, Ziggs, Zed, Fizz, Ahri, Fiora
Support: Thresh, Alistar, Janna
ADC: Lucian, Corki, Draaaaaaaaaaaaavennnnnnnnnnnn
Top: Poppy
Jungle: Poppy
Mid: Poppy
Adc: Poppy
Support: Poppy


Legacy Supporter 2
Dec 21, 2011
Top: Nasus, Renekton, Riven, Darius,
Jungle: Vi, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Elise, Evelyn,
Mid: Yasuo, Kassadin, Kayle
ADC: Tristana, Twitch
Support: Alistar, Thresh, Morgana


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
Nobody puts anything on here anymore :(
Top : Vlad
Mid: Vlad
Jungle : Warick
Adc: Fuck that
Support : Soraka or Janna


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Top: Rumble
Jungle: Taric, Lee, Vi
Mid: Katarina
ADC: Ezreal, Graves
Support: Thresh, Vel'Koz

Taric jungle is my personal favorite atm


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
Top: Rumble
Jungle: Taric, Lee, Vi
Mid: Katarina
ADC: Ezreal, Graves
Support: Thresh, Vel'Koz

Taric jungle is my personal favorite atm
I thought about buying Rumble he looked fun, my friend Plays Taric and I think that Pink skin looks cool, Lee Rekt me once..
I tried kat and she was fun but not really for me (I was mid against kassadin)
Thresh seems really fun his lantern seems really interesting


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I thought about buying Rumble he looked fun, my friend Plays Taric and I think that Pink skin looks cool, Lee Rekt me once..
I tried kat and she was fun but not really for me (I was mid against kassadin)
Thresh seems really fun his lantern seems really interesting
Rumble is very fun, a lot of top laners underestimate his dmg in trades.
Emerald Taric is the best skin.
Lee has an OP kit.
Kat is easy to master, but can easily be countered. Not easy to beat a kassadin as kat.
Thresh has the best support kit imo.

You should definitely play all these champions, they are very strong in current meta (Taric isn't "OP", but he is better now than he has been in a while)


Legacy Supporter 5
Apr 17, 2011
Rumble is very fun, a lot of top laners underestimate his dmg in trades.
Emerald Taric is the best skin.
Lee has an OP kit.
Kat is easy to master, but can easily be countered. Not easy to beat a kassadin as kat.
Thresh has the best support kit imo.

You should definitely play all these champions, they are very strong in current meta (Taric isn't "OP", but he is better now than he has been in a while)
I wouldn't say Katarina is easy to master. She's an easy champ to pick up, but part of succeeding with her is knowing when and how to engage. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team comp vs theirs, knowing what cc is available, etc.. Because assuming the enemy team has half a brain, they know that they need to stop katarina. There are times when you can get a cheesy katarina pick and snowball like crazy, but a lot of the time people build around a katarina and she has lots of ways to be taken down.

Kassadin isn't really that bad of a matchup, you just need to know that his q can and will stop your ultimate. Since both have under average laning phases, I would say that katarina should control the lane pre 6 with a bit of jungle pressure due to kassadin's high mana costs early game and lack of mobility


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
Top: Rumble, Renekton, Trundle, Urgot
Mid: Swain, Talon, Urgot
Jungle: Lee Sin, Trundle, Jarvan
Adc: Cait, Vayne, Urgot
Support: Leona

<- Gold 4 and im completely srs about urgot he is op


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I wouldn't say Katarina is easy to master. She's an easy champ to pick up, but part of succeeding with her is knowing when and how to engage. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team comp vs theirs, knowing what cc is available, etc.. Because assuming the enemy team has half a brain, they know that they need to stop katarina. There are times when you can get a cheesy katarina pick and snowball like crazy, but a lot of the time people build around a katarina and she has lots of ways to be taken down.

Kassadin isn't really that bad of a matchup, you just need to know that his q can and will stop your ultimate. Since both have under average laning phases, I would say that katarina should control the lane pre 6 with a bit of jungle pressure due to kassadin's high mana costs early game and lack of mobility
That's why you should never pick Katarina unless you are last pick, or have a friend to trade with. If the enemy team has several knockups, AOE silences or stuns, it's not easy to get favorable teamfights as katarina. You usually have to wait and hope the enemy team waste their CC in an engage, while you stay back and wait for a cleanup. That's what I did against a team with blitz, Vi and Renekton (Lots of CC) a few games ago, and I ended up cleaning up for a pentakill even though I was only 5/6 and had finished two items.

She is a very strong champion atm, but well coordinated teams can, as you said, stop her from being useful.

Or you can just pick her for fun in Normal games where 95% of teams are uncoordinated and snowball like crazy.


May 17, 2015
Champions like Fiora, Kata, Yas, Master, Leblanc, Kalista and Teemo are easy fed champions and thats why most people choose them, you get feed = you like the champion more.

I would say my MAINS are: Fiora, Kata, Lee, Ekko, Vayne, Miss Fortune And Wukong.

Some of my mains are fag champs = easy fed
so yeah :D


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Champions like Fiora, Kata, Yas, Master, Leblanc, Kalista and Teemo are easy fed champions and thats why most people choose them, you get feed = you like the champion more.

I would say my MAINS are: Fiora, Kata, Lee, Ekko, Vayne, Miss Fortune And Wukong.

Some of my mains are fag champs = easy fed
so yeah :D

ayy lmao


Top: Pantheon, Tryndamere
Mid: Heimerdinger, Viktor
Jungle: Shaco, Udyr
Adc: I don't really play adc, got suggestions for me?
Support: Taric
Quinn, Kalista and Graves.
Because they're the more fun ones :p.