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Who is your favorite champion?


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Favorite SoloQ champs for the current tank meta:

Top: Rumble (Fuck top-lane, I hate it)
Jungle: Nunu, Zac, Vi :^)
Mid: Katarina, Xerath
ADC: I would never ever go adc unless I absolutely had to.
Support: Thresh

Gragas and Sejuani are pretty much permabanned in Gold at the moment, so I have stopped playing them.

Once tank meta is dead, my jungle and support list will change to:

Jungle: Kha'Zix, Lee Sin, Vi
Support: Thresh, Nami, Janna


Jun 6, 2013
Top: Gnar , Vladimir , Renekton , Nasus , Maokai
Mid: Zed , Viktor , Swain , Ahri , Xerath
Jungle: Warwick , Pantheon , Maokai , Rek'sai , Diana
Adc: Lucian , Vayne , Jinx , Ashe , Ezreal
Support: Thresh , Janna , Leona , Morgana