- Joined
- Jun 23, 2011
Heh. More times do I get Defeat than Victory when playing with IRL friends, ok??? the player named tami0423 who played Jinx is my IRL friend and we mostly get Defeated when PvPing together, which is why I hate the PvP skill matchups sometimes...
You say my build needs work, if you're saying it needs Mejai's Soulstealer, no thanks since I never anticipate getting fed as Katarina... If not, suggest me other items to include in my personal AP Item Build... All suggestions welcome...
P.S I'm planning on getting Aatrox, I played with a friend, me as Garen and him as Aatrox, we got Victory and he was really strong...
After logging on today someone from that game rated me as Helpful :3 LoL... I'm guessing it was the ally Zed since enemy Katarina kept going to top lane and I went there and beat her, Yasuo and Tristana up for him...
Well I meant that Rylai's isn't a very good item on Katarina, though there are many build guides that says it is, as well as mobility boots which are usually outclassed by soc shoes on Kat. Although, it seems like you were going for a very chase-oriented build which I suppose could work.
If you ever want to play sometime, I'd love to have someone to duo with in normals