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Want Skills? Suggest them!


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Wont happen...

Logblock queries a database, the more queries to the connection/db the more possible it is to break - until its more refined, it won't happen like that.


A frightening Cactus!
May 4, 2011
I know some of the Caster spec's are already pretty spoiled, but I think it would be cool to give Caster classes and spec's like a levitate skill for x amount of time. For example, if your walking off a mountain, you'd have the option to keep floating forward or float down safely to the ground.
Mar 28, 2011
I would like to see more abilities added to the warrior and rogue and crafter classes before casters get any more. Although greenliketea it sounds like an interesting ability
Mar 2, 2011
I think Beastmasters should have more to their name other than wolf-summoning and gills. Sheep-whisperer could allow you to shear a targeted sheep without the use of actual shears. The ability to summon a random passive mob could be useful if you're looking to get some cowhide, pork, or an egg. Also, a very useful skill would be the ability to make aggressive mobs unaggressive to you for a short period of time.
Aug 6, 2011
This skill would be for the tier one rogue class and continue on into all of the tier 2 classes. This skill would allow a rogue to climb up a flat wall anywhere from 5-10 blocks. It would cost about 20 or 40 mana and have a cooldown of 10-30 seconds. I think this would fit well with rogue class seeing how they are meant to be sneaky and it would allow ambushes to be better carried out. I also think that maybe a semi-passive safefall would go well with this ability allowing them, after using climb, to fall however many blocks they climbed with out damage.


Aug 15, 2011
Following on from A_toxic_hobo's idea of making a passive mob agressive, beastmasters could have the ability to make sheep turn in to wolves.

Skill: A wolf in sheep's clothing
Info: Turns a nearby sheep into a tamed wolf.
Mar 28, 2011
I think the ideas of useing more passive mobs would be awesome, but honestly it sounds more of a crafter spec to me. Maybe you could think about adding a Shepherd spec for crafters. Allowing you to make pens and keep them in there and harvest them for materials. Maybe even allow for faster drops on chickens ( or it could be an ability, use it on a chicken and an egg spawns.). Or milk for cows. Just something to think about. I know ninjas would kill for a Shepherd mainly because eggs are so rare.

But then you would have to realize that most people would want to be combat classes so you would have to rethink the idea of making a free spec change.

My new Idea on this would be so that you could only have a free spec change to crafter and or if u mastered it, a free spec change to one of the crafter specs. Because you really don't see many crafters and thats because its simply not very fun. I could see how a change to other combat classes could be exploited into everyone being a paladin or a wizard and soul firing or bolting everyone, but this would just allot people to do more things.


A frightening Cactus!
May 4, 2011
I was thinking since Monk doesn't have many buff skills, I'd add one to the suggestions.

Level 45 Skill: Endurance - Stops knock back and flinching for 10 seconds. 50% mana cost,
2minute cool down.

I think this would be a good addition to the Monk Skills considering that they're melee fighters with a bit lower damage. I hope that you will take this into consideration.


P.S. I also posted this in my own thread but it didn't seem to get much recognition.
Mar 28, 2011
Is it really that big of a deal to prevent knockback, against maybe other monks?

I mean it sounds interesting and maybe I don't really know the full purpose of it so could you elaborate more greenliketea?


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 9, 2011
He means when you get hit you usually fly back a little and it can be annoying and you usually cant hit them right away, at least I think thats what he means by knock back/flinch


A frightening Cactus!
May 4, 2011
It gets VERY annoying getting hit back. For example, if a Ninja hits you with a diamond sword you fly back and cannot go foward as the keep charging you. With this, you cannot get pushed back and you'll be able to get alot more hits on the person.


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 1, 2011
Note: I may have inspiration from looking outside.

Spent too long in dark dusty caverns? Had one too many blocks of gravel fall on your head? What you need is the crafter trademark Lunch Break! Place some torchers, sit above that pesky zombie and have a snack. For a mere 100% of your mana (It takes time to eat obviously) you could heal yourself back up. Dont go stuffing yourself too much, the forman wont let you beak too often! This baby has a long cooldown!

Ok so not all that serious but I think it would be cool. More clearly:

Name: Eat Dirt
Mana cost: Very high, I think 100% is fine.
Regent: 1 dirt block
CD: 10 mins, 20 mins? Hell an hour is reasonable.
Effect: Heals a small amount of health. I don't know whats a good number but maybe 5 or 10?
Mar 28, 2011
Oh ok thank you for the clarification, in which case i yea I can totally see it being an ability. In no way would it make them over powered and that and force push would be an awesome combo to use!

I absolutley love the Eat Dirt idea. Would it be for crafters?


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 1, 2011
Yeah I meant it for crafters. Often I find myself in a mine and i've falled down one too many holes and it would be awesome. But a high cost high CD low heal would be nice for all base classes and I guess the specs too. Shouldn't be OP and would be useless for PVP. Just a nice addition for those who go on long expeditions and dont bring any/enough food.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
So, I was browsing the released mods earlier when I came across a "free camera" mod. It made me think wow, this would make an awesome skill!

Skill Name: Astral Walk
Mana: 50% ?
Effect: The best way to describe free camera would be fly mod, while leaving your corporeal body behind. Perhaps it could last around 20 seconds, and could be used for scouting ahead, however you would have to be careful, as your mortal self is left behind, completely defenseless.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
This is not necessarily a skill but anyways...
I think it would be cool if crafter classes could choose a 'trait' such as logger, fisher, miner, or creator where they would get a small experience boost from performing an action related to that trait. I am not sure if fishing grants xp in the first place, but if it does fishing can grant a percentage of the base xp gained from it. Since mining grants .15 xp per stone, it can grant an extra .02 xp. Logging down one log brings about 1.5 xp by default, but if that was a crafters trait, they would gain an extra .2 xp. And for creator (which is crafting, I decided to change the name for the sake of not liking repetitive names) they would gain 5% xp from creating items that grant xp in the first place.

Traits for PvP classes could be...
Fast (gives a very small, barely noticeable base speed bonus)
Strong (a moderate increase to damage dealt, maybe .5 extra hit points)
Tough (increased health, maybe by 3-5%)
Intelligent (small boost to mana)