What is your in game name?:Regis117
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not):17
What is your current Hero Path? plan on playing a mage (haven't made a real solid choice yet, but it's what i'm leaning towards.)
Are you new to the server? :Been on the server since the Sanctum map. Haven't played much in the last few months due to some things.
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. :I'v read the rules and I understand them.
How did you hear about Lórien ? :My friend Shizzdawg gave me a hollar about it.
Why do you want to join Lórien? :Seems pretty cool and i'm hopeing to make some new friends and build some stuff.
What can you contribute to Lórien? :Mostly just a resource gather and i can make some pretty good mines(course who can't

Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. :I was part of Ares in Sanctum map and then on this map too, but soon i quit that town after some time had assed and things were not progressing and just quit playing for awhile and as I said it was due to some things. (mostly my comp was being stupid and slow everytime I ran MC.)