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[Town] - Wyntervale -[Good]-[28]


Mar 30, 2013
You are new to the server it seems, but I welcome noobs and hope to give them a place to live and learn. I have found your whitelist application on the minecraft forums, if you arn't still whitelisted you could easily get rewhitelisted. As for teamspeak I really recommend getting it, we should be able to help you get through your problems with it. Honestly we have a great group of people who want to help others.

Get added by nikki3point0 , Rizyq , ShadowRayvnn , iGavinnn or Vexxer115

Welcome to Wyntervale :)

I should still be whitelisted. That is, I am building in the wilderness and gaining Exp and everything. My rank of Rogue has now changed to 5 instead of 1.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 10, 2013
We should have a spot in the application telling them to link us to their whitelist application. A lot of times we can make a good decision about them after seeing what the proctors have said about them. Trust me we dig into their history lol.
I suggested this at first, but there's really no point when we can easily go through their profile and FIND the whitelist application. :) That's why I asked, 'cause I didn't see one, lol


Dec 10, 2012
IGN: msangrene
Age: 24
Primary Class|Level: dragoon 60
Profession|Level: farmer 14
How long have you been on HC?: 6 months
How often do you play on HC?: every day
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: yes
What towns, if any, have you been in?: sg
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: warmachinexp is cool
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: team player
Referrals: none
Keyword: Piggy
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well-


Accepted welcome to wyntervale

get with rizyq,WarmachineXP,nikki3point0 in game to invite you.
Mar 29, 2013
Primary Class|Level:
Warrior 1, DreadKnight (The Plan)
Craftsman 6, Smith (The Plan)
How long have you been on HC?: 4 days
How often do you play on HC?: So far everyday
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?:
I have teamspeak but I can only use the mic so often
What towns, if any, have you been in?: I have been wandering so far
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: I am looking for a clean, small town that looks nice
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: I think that I can be a very good resident
Referrals: None
Keyword: merchant, Smith, Non-pvp
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well- I work two part time jobs and I like to cook and garden


Mar 22, 2013
There is only one problem i see you have bans on other servers for griefing can you explain
and can we trust you.
Ya i had the.same question when doing the whitelist. the first one was I think a yearago and I dont remember it. the second one was ona pvp server when my brother died and started spamming tnt everywhere. He dosnt play minecraft anymore and i dont grief unless it is an objective where im allwood.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
Age: 14
Primary Class|Level: Rogue 11 (I just joined)
How long have you been on HC?: I just joined about 2 days ago
How often do you play on HC?: I play at least an hour a day on school days and 3 or more on weekends
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: I have it but my mic is broken
What towns, if any, have you been in ?: I have not been in any towns
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: I was told it was a really nice town and I like working with other players
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: im ok at pvp and building I also like to mine and farm
Referrals: JacobBurkey
Keyword: Wyntervale


Age: 14
Primary Class|Level: Rogue 11 (I just joined)
How long have you been on HC?: I just joined about 2 days ago
How often do you play on HC?: I play at least an hour a day on school days and 3 or more on weekends
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: I have it but my mic is broken
What towns, if any, have you been in ?: I have not been in any towns
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: I was told it was a really nice town and I like working with other players
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: im ok at pvp and building I also like to mine and farm
Referrals: JacobBurkey
Keyword: Wyntervale
Accepted welcome to wyntervale
Get with WarmachineXP,Nikki3point0,Rizyq in game to invite you


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
IGN: JupiterRome
Age: 14
Primary Class|Level: Healer lvl 6 ( I just joined But I'm VERY eager to level up, I'm planning on being a mystic
Profession|Level: 1 crafter :( I plan on becoming a farmer
How long have you been on HC?: I just got whitelisted But I've played on other heroes server's for 2 years
How often do you play on HC?: I'm gonna start playign every day probs
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: Yes, I do have a mic
What towns, if any, have you been in?: None
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: Well WarmachineXP was in a faction I was allies with on another server and my brother is in it.
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: Because, Im pretty good at pvp and I really need a place to be in and I will give everything to the town and I share alot Please think about it.
Referrals: Trazil
Keyword: Piggy
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well-


IGN: JupiterRome
Age: 14
Primary Class|Level: Healer lvl 6 ( I just joined But I'm VERY eager to level up, I'm planning on being a mystic
Profession|Level: 1 crafter :( I plan on becoming a farmer
How long have you been on HC?: I just got whitelisted But I've played on other heroes server's for 2 years
How often do you play on HC?: I'm gonna start playign every day probs
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: Yes, I do have a mic
What towns, if any, have you been in?: None
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: Well WarmachineXP was in a faction I was allies with on another server and my brother is in it.
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: Because, Im pretty good at pvp and I really need a place to be in and I will give everything to the town and I share alot Please think about it.
Referrals: Trazil
Keyword: Piggy
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well-
Accepted welcome to wyntervale
Get with WarmachineXP,Nikki3point0,Rizyq in game to invite you


Primary Class|Level:
Warrior 1, DreadKnight (The Plan)
Craftsman 6, Smith (The Plan)
How long have you been on HC?: 4 days
How often do you play on HC?: So far everyday
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?:
I have teamspeak but I can only use the mic so often
What towns, if any, have you been in?: I have been wandering so far
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: I am looking for a clean, small town that looks nice
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: I think that I can be a very good resident
Referrals: None
Keyword: merchant, Smith, Non-pvp
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well- I work two part time jobs and I like to cook and garden
Denied for applying for another town
Feb 10, 2013
Age: 13
Primary Class|Level: I don't know which one you mean so here: Smith; Level 41
Profession|Level: Paladin: Level 13
How long have you been on HC?: About 4-5 months I believe.
How often do you play on HC?: Everyday for as long as possible =D.
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: Yes and I use a mic within my laptop. It doesn't pick up much noise from my family and there will very rarely be interuptions.
What towns, if any, have you been in?: None, I have JUST been whitelisted =).
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: I really want to join a town ASAP and Jacob told me about Wyntervale and is sounds like a good town to join.
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: I am a active player with decent levels for my classes. I can defend Wynterval and provide chainmail armor for people in addition to my Smith class. I have many items to help out the community and look forwards to devoting my HC time to Wyntervale.
Referrals: I don't exactly know what to put here. =S
Keyword: Piggy
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well- A few things about me: I am a nice person in real life and I get good grades in school. I am not overweight and live a healthy lifestyle which can be helpful because then I wont have a heart attack in the middle of a raid. =)


Apr 23, 2012
Primary Class|Level:rogue 1
Profession|Level:crafter 1
How long have you been on HC?:about a week
How often do you play on HC?:all the time.
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?:
What towns, if any, have you been in?:I have it and use it but don't have a mic
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?:it looks like a fun little town to join.
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?:I'm very nice and funny and like building and having fun.
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well-


Obsidian Staff
Feb 28, 2012
IGN: NinjaGrinch
Age: 20 (21 on April 9th)
Primary Class|Level: Ranger, 10
Profession|Level: Crafter, 16
How long have you been on HC?: A while now, I can't remember the exact date I "joined". I played a while during Dragongarde.
How often do you play on HC?: Whenever I feel up to playing a voxel game.
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: Yes, preferably without a microphone.
What towns, if any, have you been in?: Spout during Dragongarde's time.
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: Want to try being a part of the town.
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: Great question. Up for you to decide whether or not I'm worthy of joining. ;) I have a decent personality (at least I believe I do), I can provide great company for conversations and I'm fairly useful as a builder.
Referrals: Gabizou, Guthix
Keyword: Piggy


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 13, 2012
IGN: NinjaGrinch
Age: 20 (21 on April 9th)
Primary Class|Level: Ranger, 10
Referrals: Gabizou, Guthix

Well You are a mean on mister Grinch but a Ranger is a Ranger :) I know who Gabizou is but may I ask who Guthix is? Also happy early birthday, incase you are not on that day :p

Oh and how could I forget. Welcome to Wyntervale!
Apr 3, 2013
IGN: SageOf5Builders
Age: 17
Primary Class|Level: Roque and Level 4
Profession|Level: Crafter and Level 1
How long have you been on HC?: I just started HC Today Hopefully ill become pro
How often do you play on HC?: Mostly
Do you have TeamSpeak3? Are you able to use it with|without a mic?: Yes
What towns, if any, have you been in?: I haven't been in a town because i just started :D
What are your reasons for applying to Wyntervale?: Because most of my friends are in it
Why should you be accepted into Wyntervale?: Because i like it and i have lots of friends in it
Referrals: Trazil And JupiterRome
Keyword: Wyntervale
-Feel free to tell us about yourself in your application, as well-