Your Minecraft name: Nightninja911
Your age: 14
How long have you played the server?: 3 months
Your primary class and level: Crafter - 20
Your profession class and level: Rogue - 18 - Soon to be higher level

Do you have a microphone?: Yeee
Do you have TeamSpeak? Skype?: Both
Why you want to join this town: A lot of my friends are in your town. E.G CaptainKace, Licksterboy, Louk, BuyingName, Kakashi, Jarrjam, Darkstar, JacobBurkey. Buyingname has already asked me to join your town. lol.
What you can do for this town: I am very friendly and outgoing. I can help out players when needed and provide a positive fun and friendly experiance to town members with ma awesome friendlyness

I also listen to rules very well and I am not hard headed so I can listen to orders when needed .
Please accept Kace <3