IGN: igs_hux
Age: 35 (old fart, it seems)
Time zone: Europe, Germany
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Currently Rogue/Crafter
How long have you been on HC?: My App is 2 years old, but I have spent probably only 2 weeks here.
Why do you want to join?: Minecraft alone is boring, I am a teamplayer (and need to learn alot).
Will you help with town projects?: Absolutely.
What can you give to us, as a community?: Limited free-time, I suck at building, not much knowledge about Hero Classes. What I DO offer is interest in a township and I am commited to help with projects.
What towns have you been in?: Neu-Dresden, Part of SSS
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: Well, they collapsed.

Weynard and the others I used to play with stopped with HC, and so did I.
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Both, ofc.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Wut?

Tell us about yourself: Pretty much work on my desk, free-time is mostly spend with my GF and Sports. So I only play ocassionally Games, and besides HC, it is currently WoT.
Referrals: Well, leftovers5, somehow. Had some contact via PM and finally would like to toss in my App, so we can start fresh as a Team in October.
My Whitelist Thread: