Age:19 (turning 20 in 3 days )
Time zone:Western Timezone on USA (Arizona)
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter):Rogue/Crafter
How long have you been on HC?:I just started this is my second application next to the one for white listing and my second post~
Why do you want to join?:Well i am new and willing to help, as much as i can that is. I can mine like crazy and normally go into mindless mode when digging. I am not great at PvP after all i just got minecraft so i am fairly new but with what i can do i love to build and make some fun structures or statues depending on the space given to me to do so.
Will you help with town projects?:If i can be of assistance then i would be more then glad to help out with what i can, again i am very much willing to work hard.
What can you give to us, as a community?:A hard working rabbit with a mallet is nothing to trifle with, even more so when it comes to work, i can dig build and craft to help out as much as i possibly can!
What towns have you been in?:None yet
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?

Not Applicable)
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?:I can do both and will do so if i am allowed~
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?:But of course~
Tell us about yourself:How to describe myself...that is truly difficult...Well to start i am a furry (Black Rabbit). I go by the name of Shiyuya but my IGN (as stated above) is Raome. I live in Arizona and have sense i was born though my family came from Japan & Germany. I love to Role Play and read, i am also a massive musician and play a wide range of orchestral instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Harp, Handharp, Lute, Mandolin, Piano, Flute, and Harmonica though i am learning the Banjo for funsies.) I graduated from middle & high school 2 years early and was able to go to some college courses to become a file nurse (my current job), though soon i will be signing up for the air force to become a hospital technition. If i do vanish for a bit that would be why i am gone but i will always come back<3. Untill that time i will work as hard as i can~ If you would like to learn more about me then feel free to ask on my profile then i will answer as soon as possible. Tata~
Referrals: kotagrizzly