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[Town] [LO] Verstad [28] [Neutral] - Recruiting!


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
This spirit of the Legion of Oblivion,
These are the guidelines we expect the members to follow in each of the LO cities. These simple guidelines reduce stress on the playerbase and produce a more fluid and fun time for the members of LO as well as the server in general.​
As a member of LO you are expected to follow these guidelines at all times. If these guidelines do not match your beliefs or play styles there will be no hard feelings if you are to leave LO to find a home more suited to your play style. In the case that these guidelines are broken by members of LO there will be consequences ranging from fines to removal from the Kingdom.​
Be a good sport.
  • Be respectful after PvP. Don’t taunt other players when they lose. On the same token, nobody likes a sore loser. Be the stronger person by being polite and friendly, even if other players are trying to taunt you. A 'good fight' can go a long way.
  • Encourage new players so we build a stronger community. Consider putting their stuff in a chest and let them know you’ve done this. Teach people instead of laughing at them. Encourage them to keep trying.
  • Don’t accuse players of cheating or using hacks if you lose against them. Instead, gather evidence and report it.
  • No underhand tactics like using TS to force an opponent out of their MC client. If other players use underhand tactics against you, don’t stoop to their level.
  • No scamming players by trading and then killing them, or by buying severely under-priced goods from someone who doesn’t know better.
Play with your team, not against it.
  • No killing other LO members in anger nor ignorance.
  • If you don’t know another player check their town before engaging in PvP. If you find out they’re a new LO recruit (not yet on Town regions), give them their stuff back.
  • No payback killings among LO members. Killing the same person twice is not an “accident”.
  • Messing around is understandable, but when it comes to the point where people are dying, it needs to stop (for example, when melon fights escalate too swords and spells). That in no way gives new members a good sense of kingdom unity.
  • No killing fellow LO members for a bounty.
Play nice.
  • Don’t be a troll. Teasing and joking are fine in principle, but if the other person finds it offensive, it stops.
  • No abusive talk or excessive swearing in TS or ingame chat toward other LO members, server staff, or anyone at all in public channels.
  • Use the right TS channel for your activities. If you're heading out raiding with a team, or if you’re there for quiet chat, move to an appropriate channel with your group.
Respect the server rules, but more than that, respect the SPIRIT of the rules.
  • Pushing boundaries is fine, but doing things that go against the spirit of the rules, even if it hasn't been banned yet, is not acceptable.
  • No glitching, no using enderpearls to pass through solid blocks, no “abusing the server mechanics” and so on.
  • No using hacks or alt accounts.


Sep 29, 2011
IGN: Spirit_Guardian
Age: 19 (turning 20 in june! :> )
Time zone: GMT -7 (Standard Mountain Time)
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Rouge (Spec'ing to Ranger in 5 lvls) / Crafter (Spec'ng to engineer in 10 lvls)
How long have you been on HC?: I have been whitelisted for about two years (From Sep 30, 2011) but, until recently, I had to stop playing on HC (and minecraft all together) some time around feb 9, 2012.
Why do you want to join?: Be with my brother and friend, why else?
Will you help with town projects?: I am currently looking for a job, so I might not be able to get on often, but sure I'll help.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I will defend the town [ Verstad ] as well as I can, even if it means going back over and over dying in order to provide a distraction.
What towns have you been in?: Malum <3
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: I had to start up a server for some neighbors and my internet could not handle me playing on HC and hosting a server, oh and Malum died </3... :[
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: You should just consider me mute... I can talk, and listen, but I wont talk; ever (unless I am talking to my brother Heruohtar).
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: I will enforce them if applicable.
Tell us about yourself: Well :I... Ok I'll tell you:
I am a 19 year old gamer, currently in college, and I have been slowly learning various programing languages.
In my spare time I read a little black book so I can learn how to defend myself from BlackHats (Bad hackers), and sometimes I carve bows and arrows.
I am currently trying to get a job so I can afford to pay for classes to start getting a bachelors, in either Mathematics or Aeronautics.
After two years of that (halfway into my bachelors), I am going to move to a university that has an AFROTC course so I can join the Air Force as an officer (instead of enlisted).
When I amass enough money I have several inventions in mind that I am going to make that will provide more efficient energy sources, improve the safety of construction workers, and make every day life a bit easier for those who can't walk, see, hear, or talk.
I will also be developing better replacement limbs for those who are injured in the line of duty.
After that I will, make a space ship and fly away from this place so I can lob a giant iron ball at the sun to wipe out all life in this solar system; because I am an alien. :I

Oh and I am very secretive, loyal, and stubborn.
So ya... There you go :]

Referrals: Heruohtar and Smokeykiller51


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
IGN: Spirit_Guardian
Age: 19 (turning 20 in june! :> )
Time zone: GMT -7 (Standard Mountain Time)
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Rouge (Spec'ing to Ranger in 5 lvls) / Crafter (Spec'ng to engineer in 10 lvls)
How long have you been on HC?: I have been whitelisted for about two years (From Sep 30, 2011) but, until recently, I had to stop playing on HC (and minecraft all together) some time around feb 9, 2012.
Why do you want to join?: Be with my brother and friend, why else?
Will you help with town projects?: I am currently looking for a job, so I might not be able to get on often, but sure I'll help.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I will defend the town [ Verstad ] as well as I can, even if it means going back over and over dying in order to provide a distraction.
What towns have you been in?: Malum <3
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: I had to start up a server for some neighbors and my internet could not handle me playing on HC and hosting a server, oh and Malum died </3... :[
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: You should just consider me mute... I can talk, and listen, but I wont talk; ever (unless I am talking to my brother Heruohtar).
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: I will enforce them if applicable.
Tell us about yourself: Well :I... Ok I'll tell you:
I am a 19 year old gamer, currently in college, and I have been slowly learning various programing languages.
In my spare time I read a little black book so I can learn how to defend myself from BlackHats (Bad hackers), and sometimes I carve bows and arrows.
I am currently trying to get a job so I can afford to pay for classes to start getting a bachelors, in either Mathematics or Aeronautics.
After two years of that (halfway into my bachelors), I am going to move to a university that has an AFROTC course so I can join the Air Force as an officer (instead of enlisted).
When I amass enough money I have several inventions in mind that I am going to make that will provide more efficient energy sources, improve the safety of construction workers, and make every day life a bit easier for those who can't walk, see, hear, or talk.
I will also be developing better replacement limbs for those who are injured in the line of duty.
After that I will, make a space ship and fly away from this place so I can lob a giant iron ball at the sun to wipe out all life in this solar system; because I am an alien. :I

Oh and I am very secretive, loyal, and stubborn.
So ya... There you go :]

Referrals: Heruohtar and Smokeykiller51
Accepted, see a manager in game to get set up.

Also: Congratulations to jake332211 who was promoted to manager.
Mar 3, 2013
IGN: kotagrizzly
Age: 21
Time zone: north pacific
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Necromancer still a crafter
How long have you been on HC?: about a month
Why do you want to join?: I want to be able to play with a great group of people and avoid to be around trolls and love to be part of a mature group of people and have fun with this community
Will you help with town projects?: I would enjoy having part of building with the town and helping people build some of their projects
What can you give to us, as a community?: a fun mature person to play with and a person that is more than happy to help anyone who asks for it.
What towns have you been in?: none yet i have been waiting for a good town.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: both and prefer using it over any other means of communication
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: all of the rules sound more than reasonable and i agree with them completely
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing MMO's for as long as i can remember and enjoy playing with a group. I am a hardcore player i play every night for several hours. I do have a rough work schedule so during the week it is only night time for me. on the weekends i am pretty much open. I do like helping anyone i can.
Referrals: none due to being newer to the server


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 11, 2013
IGN: kotagrizzly
Age: 21
Time zone: north pacific
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Necromancer still a crafter
How long have you been on HC?: about a month
Why do you want to join?: I want to be able to play with a great group of people and avoid to be around trolls and love to be part of a mature group of people and have fun with this community
Will you help with town projects?: I would enjoy having part of building with the town and helping people build some of their projects
What can you give to us, as a community?: a fun mature person to play with and a person that is more than happy to help anyone who asks for it.
What towns have you been in?: none yet i have been waiting for a good town.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: both and prefer using it over any other means of communication
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: all of the rules sound more than reasonable and i agree with them completely
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing MMO's for as long as i can remember and enjoy playing with a group. I am a hardcore player i play every night for several hours. I do have a rough work schedule so during the week it is only night time for me. on the weekends i am pretty much open. I do like helping anyone i can.
Referrals: none due to being newer to the server

Accepted. You seem like a genuine guy on Teamspeak, it was nice chatting with ya. Welcome aboard Kotagrizzly!
Mar 4, 2013
Right Here, Right Now
IGN: SirBilliamofID
Age: 22
Time zone: Pacific Time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Warrior (planning on Dreadknight at 20), crafter.
How long have you been on HC?: Couple weeks.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join a large group of people who work together well and are fun to be around.
Will you help with town projects?: Yes. I love building, give me directions on what you want and I'd be happy to help.
What can you give to us, as a community?: A fun person who loves to mine, and is willing to help on projects.
What towns have you been in?: None yet.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Yes, and both.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: I have read and agree to all the rules.
Tell us about yourself: I work swing shift so I'm on at irregular hours (late night and early morning). However, I love kicking back after work with an ice cold drink and some minecraft.
Referrals: Kotagrizzly.


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 11, 2013
IGN: SirBilliamofID
Age: 22
Time zone: Pacific Time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Warrior (planning on Dreadknight at 20), crafter.
How long have you been on HC?: Couple weeks.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join a large group of people who work together well and are fun to be around.
Will you help with town projects?: Yes. I love building, give me directions on what you want and I'd be happy to help.
What can you give to us, as a community?: A fun person who loves to mine, and is willing to help on projects.
What towns have you been in?: None yet.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Yes, and both.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: I have read and agree to all the rules.
Tell us about yourself: I work swing shift so I'm on at irregular hours (late night and early morning). However, I love kicking back after work with an ice cold drink and some minecraft.
Referrals: Kotagrizzly.

Accepted, enjoyed the brief chat on teamspeak. Welcome to Verstad, SirBilliamofID!


Mar 15, 2013
IGN: Rontius
Age: 22
Time zone: Pacific standard time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Warrior, plan on being a Samurai. Crafter, havent decided between enchanter or miner yet.
How long have you been on HC?: For about a day now.
Why do you want to join?: Been in teamspeak talking to a few of the LO members and they seemed like a pretty solid group. Love the idea of the town too.
Will you help with town projects?: Definitely, I love building.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I'm a good builder and consider myself to be a great fighter.
What towns have you been in?: None so far.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: I use TS all the time.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Completely.
Tell us about yourself: I'm originally from Nebraska but about 2 years ago I enlisted in the USAF when I was 20 and have been stationed at Beale AFB, CA for about a year and a half now. Plan on getting out in a little under 2 years haha. I love computers and computer games, built my 2nd one about six months ago and I freakin love it. I play tons of games, it's become an addiction and Steam is the dealer. That's pretty much it, hope I make the cut.
Referrals: Jake332211


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 11, 2013
IGN: Rontius
Age: 22
Time zone: Pacific standard time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Warrior, plan on being a Samurai. Crafter, havent decided between enchanter or miner yet.
How long have you been on HC?: For about a day now.
Why do you want to join?: Been in teamspeak talking to a few of the LO members and they seemed like a pretty solid group. Love the idea of the town too.
Will you help with town projects?: Definitely, I love building.
What can you give to us, as a community?: I'm a good builder and consider myself to be a great fighter.
What towns have you been in?: None so far.
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: I use TS all the time.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Completely.
Tell us about yourself: I'm originally from Nebraska but about 2 years ago I enlisted in the USAF when I was 20 and have been stationed at Beale AFB, CA for about a year and a half now. Plan on getting out in a little under 2 years haha. I love computers and computer games, built my 2nd one about six months ago and I freakin love it. I play tons of games, it's become an addiction and Steam is the dealer. That's pretty much it, hope I make the cut.
Referrals: Jake332211

Though you've only been on the server for a day, which could be concerning, I can vouch that you would be a great asset to us. Solid Application, Rontius....you are one funny guy on Teamspeak. So lets give you a shot, welcome to LO and Verstad.


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 7, 2013
IGN: Leonidas2756
Age: 25
Time zone: Mountain Standard Time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Beguiler/Mason
How long have you been on HC?: A couple days
Why do you want to join?: I have many friends who reside in Verstad, the love it!
Will you help with town projects?: Definitely! Lets get this going!
What can you give to us, as a community?: I think i'm a great builder and supporter.
What towns have you been in?: None yet, I hope Verstad is the first!
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Yes, I'm a good Listener... and I can Speak when necessary.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Absolutely.
Tell us about yourself: I'm a new Arizona transplant, recently moved from pennsylvania, where I grew up. I lived in Australia while attending college and studied Marketing & Digital Media. I'm currently a graduate student at Arizona State University, and work as a full time video director. I havent been a huge gamer, but for some reason found enjoyment in minecraft. And just recently made the switch from an iPhone to an Android!
Referrals: Techs_Rule, NatebobJr, Jake332211, BobbyJoe2 & Sirsan3


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
IGN: Leonidas2756
Age: 25
Time zone: Mountain Standard Time
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Beguiler/Mason
How long have you been on HC?: A couple days
Why do you want to join?: I have many friends who reside in Verstad, the love it!
Will you help with town projects?: Definitely! Lets get this going!
What can you give to us, as a community?: I think i'm a great builder and supporter.
What towns have you been in?: None yet, I hope Verstad is the first!
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Yes, I'm a good Listener... and I can Speak when necessary.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Absolutely.
Tell us about yourself: I'm a new Arizona transplant, recently moved from pennsylvania, where I grew up. I lived in Australia while attending college and studied Marketing & Digital Media. I'm currently a graduate student at Arizona State University, and work as a full time video director. I havent been a huge gamer, but for some reason found enjoyment in minecraft. And just recently made the switch from an iPhone to an Android!
Referrals: Techs_Rule, NatebobJr, Jake332211, BobbyJoe2 & Sirsan3
Accepted, see a manager in game to get set up.
Mar 3, 2013
Age:13(i know it says 15+ years old)
Time zone:Eastern time zone
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter):wizard/enchanter
How long have you been on HC?At least a week, if not longer.
Why do you want to join?:Since kotagrizzly wanted me to join, and I knew him for a long enough time on this server.He was the first person I cooperated with on this server and I joined his unofficial base.Joining a township also provides greater protection, if I am not mistaken.
Will you help with town projects?:I will try to help at any time I am needed.
What can you give to us, as a community?:I will try to get the best enchantments and look for any resources that can be useful to the community.
What towns have you been in?:none
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?:I don't yet,but I will try to figure out how to use Teamspeak.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?:Yes, I understand and agree to all of the town rules.The basic ones being to play nice,be a good sport,do not go against your team,and respect any of the server rules.
Tell us about yourself:Im in the 8th grade,and i'm taking algebra 1.I have played Minecraft for over a year and I enjoy the server more than the other ones I have been on.I work at my dad's restraunt.I live in Boca Raton,Florida.I am the kind of person that would collect material rather than doing pvp, due to the fact that I am not that great at pvp.I would work in a group if I am given the opportunity to do so.Due to the fact that I have to work at my dad's restraunt, I am usually on after 9:00pm to 3:30am.If I enjoy a server,I would stay on that server until,it closed or I got bored of it(Usually 2-3 monthes).


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 11, 2013
Age:13(i know it says 15+ years old)
Time zone:Eastern time zone
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter):wizard/enchanter
How long have you been on HC?:more than a week
Why do you want to join?:since kotagrizzly wanted me to join
Will you help with town projects?:if i can
What can you give to us, as a community?:resources,enchantments
What towns have you been in?:none
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?:not sure
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?:yes
Tell us about yourself:Im in the 8th grade and i'm taking algebra 1.I have played minecraft for over a year and I enjoy the server more than the other ones I have been on.

Because of your age, I will leave this one for Leftovers5. However, please provide more information, the more, the better. I know you have friends in the town, whatever happens you can still play with them outside of town. Best of luck to you.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Age:13(i know it says 15+ years old)
Time zone:Eastern time zone
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter):wizard/enchanter
How long have you been on HC?:eek:ver a week
Why do you want to join?:since kotagrizzly wanted me to join
Will you help with town projects?:if i can
What can you give to us, as a community?:resources,enchantments
What towns have you been in?:none
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?:not sure
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?:yes, I understand and agree to all of the town rules
Tell us about yourself:Im in the 8th grade and i'm taking algebra 1.I have played minecraft for over a year and I enjoy the server more than the other ones I have been on.I work at my dad's restraunt.I live in Boca Raton,Florida.I am the kind of person that would collect material rather than doing pvp, due to the fact that I am not that great at pvp.I would pefer being in a group.Due to working at my dad's restraunt, I am usually on after 9:00pm to 3:30am.
Declined. To improve your application: Use caps correctly and where they should be used, use full sentences, define your reasons in more than a word or two, and otherwise use better grammar. I see potential in the app, but at this point I cannot accept you.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 5, 2011
IGN: itzmak
Age: 17
Time zone: Eastern
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Lost Soul. (Got Reset)
How long have you been on HC?: Year and a half
Why do you want to join?: To be with Tigo
Will you help with town projects?: Of course
What can you give to us, as a community?: My blood, sweat, and tears.
What towns have you been in?: Just gravcok this map
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: It's dead
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Both
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Of course
Tell us about yourself: I'm a nice and loving guy. Yeah
Referrals: TigoBitties123456789 and da_burggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


Oct 16, 2012
IGN: fable50
Age: 15 (16 at June third this year)
Time zone: Pacific Time -08:00
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Healer/Crafter

How long have you been on HC?: Logged in months ago but I posted(accepted) App about a week ago.

Why do you want to join?: It is neutral (less conflict), part of a kingdom, Training, More access to building up/down a plot, & Extra protection

Will you help with town projects?: I plan on helping by creating a tree farm & a stone generator for resources. Will help build repetitive designs.

What can you give to us, as a community?: *Edit I am willing to give my time, a share of resources I can use, resources I can't use, and free services (of class & profession)

What towns have you been in?: In HC none but I was part of a faction (name changes too) often in CI and in MassiveCraft a faction called southstone currently led by Overlordqwerty.

Why did you leave them (if applicable)?:I left what used to be in a faction called Exordium (CI) ecause the two members sirlewsh & darksyphos left to another faction. every other person left in the faction are strangers to me. I have not left southstone in Massivecraft.

Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Both

Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Yes, I do agree to the rules.

Tell us about yourself: I have played on multiple minecraft servers before but never attempted to enter a group this big (you guys). I usually am the person who flattens the land for construction.

Referrals: None


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 15, 2012
IGN: itzmak
Age: 17
Time zone: Eastern
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Lost Soul. (Got Reset)
How long have you been on HC?: Year and a half
Why do you want to join?: To be with Tigo
Will you help with town projects?: Of course
What can you give to us, as a community?: My blood, sweat, and tears.
What towns have you been in?: Just gravcok this map
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: It's dead
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Both
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Of course
Tell us about yourself: I'm a nice and loving guy. Yeah
Referrals: TigoBitties123456789 and da_burggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Best app I've ever laded eyes on.