This is important and i totally agree. I do know i don't have any power in LF, but i suggest that people should be promoted for how much they have done planning and building wise. Not only amount of coin they have donated.however power should NOT just be givin through paying money...
Probably one of the nicest and most mature messages for leaving a town I've ever seen. Good luck to you sir.Okay, I feel like I should post this here before people log on and wonder where I went (yes, I know, that's unlikely). I have left Lightforge. I wanted to tell you guys earlier, but it seemed that everyone had logged off for the day. Anyways, I didn't leave in spite or anger, I just felt like I needed something different. I'll miss you guys so much, as you were very good to me (well, most of you), and made my first few weeks in HC great. I would like it if my brother, Goblin_Tunneler, would have my house in the underwater homes (I've already changed the sign to have his name and not mine). Also, I hope none of you guys dislike me for leaving, and sorry I just kind of left in the middle of the night. I didn't want to avoid anyone, but that's the time I had to get online.
I'll miss you guys,
P.S. If I'm not, for whatever reason, banned from the channel, I'll hop on every now and then to say hi and see how things are going.
Okay, I feel like I should post this here before people log on and wonder where I went (yes, I know, that's unlikely). I have left Lightforge. I wanted to tell you guys earlier, but it seemed that everyone had logged off for the day. Anyways, I didn't leave in spite or anger, I just felt like I needed something different. I'll miss you guys so much, as you were very good to me (well, most of you), and made my first few weeks in HC great. I would like it if my brother, Goblin_Tunneler, would have my house in the underwater homes (I've already changed the sign to have his name and not mine). Also, I hope none of you guys dislike me for leaving, and sorry I just kind of left in the middle of the night. I didn't want to avoid anyone, but that's the time I had to get online.
I'll miss you guys,
P.S. If I'm not, for whatever reason, banned from the channel, I'll hop on every now and then to say hi and see how things are going.