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[Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Everyone is joins erebose, however even though allot of them can be so so, hopefully we can stay friendly. However... this does in one way or another comprimise letting him in chat... If he saw us organizing a MASSIVE raid out to erebose do you think he would just sit there and read what we are saying or use it it ereboses advantage? Just a thought...


Jan 23, 2012
Well, if you want to ban me from chat, I guess you have to do what you have to do. I got to see Falker in a new light after he cussed me out about joining Erebos, and all I wanted to do was leave nicely. I already told them I will not back-stab you guys, as I was hoping I could remain on friendly, un-raiding terms with you guys. Seems like Falker and Wild are going to be against that idea.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
It has alreay been decide that we are to NOT kill him unless he decides to turn compleatly, betrayn us and raid us, which I will then kinda be mad about. Have fun with erebose.
PS. Get use to people getting mad at you over things like this...


Jan 23, 2012
I don't intend to raid you guys. I obviously can't say the same of the other Erebos members, but I really wanted to still be able to hang out with everyone. It seems that just because I've changed towns means I'm now some demonized version of myself, which I'm not.


Okay I have calmed down a bit, however I am still very pissed off. Why you may ask? Ah, good question.
Sweord joined Lightforge as a new player. Not knowing what to do, how Herocraft was run, and how to play it. He joined Lightforge in hopes to increase his knowledge. Now, I am a person who likes different people for different reasons. I, the first minute I talked to him, liked Sweord. I had the lucky opportunity to talk to Sweord on TS, play with him and just be around him in general. I got know Sweord and I guess you could say we were friends. In my opinion, Sweord was a great citizen of Lightforge. He helped us whenever he could and I thought he was a great addition to Lightforge(unlike Wild, haha jk).

Now, I thought Sweord had enjoyed Lightforge. Unless I misunderstood his feelings, I thought he liked Lightforge. Wild told me that Sweord had gone to Erebus. I chuckled and said lol. I, of course thought that a person who had seemed to love Lightforge, a person who I had loved in Lightforge, would leave on such short notice. I logged on and typed /town who Sweord right away. My heart skipped a beat when I read what it said. I do not know why Sweord would leave on such short notice and what drove him to leave, but it better be a damn good reason.

The thing that upsets me, angers me, and frustrates me the most is who Sweord went to. Now, I wouldn't mind if Sweord went to an allied town, or even a neutral town, but he had to go to Erebus. Its no secret that Erebus is our enemy, with their constant raids. The best word to describe my feeling about this situation is disappointment. I am disappointed that someone who I had befriended, someone who I worked on Lightforge with, someone who helped me all the time, would stab me in the back and go to my greatest enemy. That is the one thing that I dislike about Herocraft. The lack of loyalty. The lack of gratefulness- wait I shouldnt say that, Sweord did more for me than I had done for him. But loyalty is the biggest thing HC lacks.

Some people may think that Sweord had left on good terms- which he did. But I thought I would share my story and why I am angered no matter how he left. The fact is he left. And that is the only thing that upsets, frusterates and angers me.

Gawddd another longgg post. I only do long ass posts when I care about a matter enough. So think about it @Sweord . I cared about you leaving so much I posted this long ass post and I probably wouldn't have done that for many people in Lightforge except, I cared about your departure. I might kill you if I see you, I might not. My mind isn't decided what I would do if I saw you. You are Erebus and they are evil so I would have no problem killing you on sight.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011

Entun just go through our cit list on the front page and clear all the in active members or those who left us...


Jan 23, 2012
Falker, I really am sorry if me leaving hurt you as badly has you say it has. I didn't mean to just up and vanish. I really loved hanging around with you guys and talking in TS and laughing at stuff Wild did (<3). I really didn't want you to have to find out as bluntly as you did, and wish that I could have told you myself. My leaving happened so fast that before I knew it I was in Erebos.

I don't know if you understand this, but what you said to me earlier in /tells really hurt me. I had hoped that people wouldn't resent me for what I had done, and just accept my decision and be happy for me. Instead, I was greeted with a mass of /tells cussing me out and really just saying how much you hated me. As stupid as it sounds, I really came to like you as a friend, and the sheer hatred sent to me was overwhelming. I'm not an ass, in fact it took a long while of thinking before I made the decision I did. I didn't just ask to be in Erebos out of the blue and left that same day.

I never hoped that you would feel so betrayed by my decision. I'm not different than I was in Lightforge. I do the same things, behave the same way, and in fact, do miss Lightforge. I'm sentimental like that. I didn't leave and think to myself, "Oh well," and just forgot about Lightforge. I miss hanging out with you guys, and I haven't been gone a full day. I hoped that I would still be able to come over, and mess around like normal. But it seems that if you really hate me so much for leaving that it won't be possible.


Apr 17, 2011
hehe, I like this replys :). I laughed when Falker said this ------[He helped us whenever he could and I thought he was a great addition to Lightforge(unlike Wild, haha jk).]-------. Poo!Poo! I still respect Sweord, and I will still think you are a friendly guy, I agree I had a great time with you Sweord. But I just don't understand why you chose erebos? :(,our greatest enemy. When I saw Sweord joined Erebos at first, I thought you just betrayed us, and will raid us a lot :). But you won't, so Sweord just tell me why you chose Erebos, *Greatest LF Enemy! Poo. I think your still a good guy, forevahhhhh....... wildarm5 disappeared in the darkness, eating poo...

Im bad at making reply's :)...


Aug 27, 2011
Let me put some worries to rest. If you're planning a raid on Erebos (<--- Correct spelling), there's no need to worry. You might as well plan it /ch o! You can't raid Erebos.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
@Aetosion you really don't have much buissness here in out town thread, the only people that I were really disapointed were wildarm and falker who are definitly not our entire town. They were friends and were sad that he left and just wanted to sort it out. I encouraged him to have fun and to stop by and continue to enjoy our town. Again I say this, have fun with erebose and we hope I hope we can all stay friends.

EDIT: Falkers post kinda just condridicted my post....


I am not going to lie. Things have changed now. I don't think you can come over and just hang out with us like you are expecting just because of you position with Lightforge (evil town=good town's enemy) I am sorry to say that where you are a citizen really does matter in how you can interact with other towns. It will be different and there wont be anymore "just like old times". You left. Theres no changing it. Good riddance. I still want to know exactly why you left. Was it something LF didnt offer? Something Erebus did offer? How you were treated in LF? What was it? I hope it is a good reason.

You cant be the same Sweord as you were while you were in LF because while you were in LF. Back then you didnt leave us for Erebus you were happy with what you had and greed hadn't taken over you.
Its hard to be happy for you when you go to one of our greatest enemies. I really cannot even make an attempt at being happy for you. This is all just my oppinion and I may have a deeper hatred for your departure because of all the fun wasted sessions I spent talking to you and becoming your friend. Too bad all that is over...

Bye @Sweord have a great fucking time with Erebus.


Jan 23, 2012
Well then, guess I'd better stop wasting my time posting here. I tried to explain what my feelings were about leaving LF and it seems it makes no difference. Being in an evil town makes me inherently evil and that's that, huh? And trust me, it's not "greed" that caused me to go to Erebos. It's not how I was treated in Lightforge. Maybe I just wanted to stop being the little guy? On all the servers I've been on I have done my damnedest to be a nice, friendly player. I live and let live. What did that get me? Nothing, obviously. Look at how leaving LF turned out. I was always friendly, never back-stabbed or betrayed you guys, and this is the response I get when I make my own choices. Sorry I "wasted" so much of your time, guys. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.

(P.S. Wild, still <3 you. :p)


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
So... 8 alerts in 1 hour. It is just a game, we can't get too mad, yet in a sense what Falker said is true. You left us for our greatest enemy,(Seeing as we have personal peace pacts with most of the raiders who came from Lorien) and you are now in an evil town. I too would like to know why you left Lightforge. I personally have nothing against any members from Erebos with the notable exception of crownz, who is number 1 for my kill on sight list. Also,

@Everyone its not erbus, or erebus, erebus, erebas or anything else, its Erebos. GET IT RIGHT!!!!
whoo, lots of long posts tonight, lets get to 100 pages!
EDIT: To repeat, I have nothing against you Sweord, its just that things HAVE changed in regards to how the townspeople see you. You are not Evil in its diavoloesque sense.


Sweord the only reason this departure has brought such controversy is because we loved you so much. You were a respectful player and I ( I hope) treated you right. If you look at my earlier forum posts I stated you were one of my favorite cits and you hadnt even lived in LF for a week! Does that not mean anything?
Trust me. With 60 people in Erebos you will be less then the little guy. Its sad how power makes people forget about friendships and relation ships. Look at Wild. Wild helped out just like you. He is always active. He has only been in LF for like a month or two and he is a manager! He passed all of us who have been on here since Zeal. Which is a good thing of course. I am happy for Wild. He deserves it more than anyone.
You don't like being the little guy? Wild isnt the little guy and imo neither were you. If your saying that being a nice friendly player doesnt get you anywhere, then I think you need to recheck your morals. It is just a game but in these games you make friendships and it sucks when friendships go.

You can make your own choices. The thing is when you forget about people who care about you when you make those choices, it doesn't turn out too well.

Your forgeting that it is because you were so friendly that this turned out like this. No one really cares as much as I do which I hope means something to you. I hope it meant something to you when you made your decision.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
And don't forget, Lightforge hasn't always been the little town, on Sanctum we were arguably the most powerful kingdom on the map. Think, I only took 3 maps to become a Mayor. :p
New Motto: Je me Souviens+F=ma+tam altus quam honos


Jan 23, 2012
Don't you think that I liked being in Lightforge too? Did I really think it would raise so many issues if I left? No. How would I know that people would react this strongly to me leaving? I didn't. Did it look like I forgot my friendships? Leaving Lightforge has probably been the hardest decision I've ever made in Minecraft multiplayer, and I've been playing for a year. I didn't want it to go to crap like this, and do you think I would have left if I knew the end result?

Also, who knows what will happen in future? I really don't know what's going to happen. I'd love to see Lightforge be really great. Maybe if I'd have stayed I could have helped make it better, I don't know. All I know is I can't do the same things for Lightforge as before. Yes, I'm in Erebos now, and you have to understand I'd like to see how it goes for me there. I haven't been there for a whole day, yet. That doesn't mean we can't be friends. To me, at least.