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[Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
RA needs regions so bad
they get raided constantly and then the raiders carry on to lf
RA have a personel regions however they dont have it all compleatly secure, I really think they should work for hamlet seeing theey a good number of people, and could easly aquire funds.

As for us, we could easly become a town (possibly this weekend) if people would start to donate, there is no reason to have over 500c (exception to merchants who may be sustaining shops) atb any time, if you do there should be a good reason not just, I just want to be rich or it's for stuff. Another GREAT way we can make some cash is a massive town mine where we all dig straight one way at the same level (3 blocks inbetween each line) and all of the gold goes to the town. Any other things you find you would keep.


Feb 9, 2012
Why do you wish to join Lightforge?: Because I need a town and this one looks awesome
How long have you been on the server?: just joined today
What will your class be (Spec included)?: I'm a warrior and I'm gonna be a paladin. Also a farmer.
Past towns?: None
What do you believe you can contribute to the town? I will help you guys and be active. I would say build cool stuff but I don't want to build a lot.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Ok, today it was discovered that Donnymeyer chest was stolen from, a bow and arrows were tooken aswell as gold diamonds and iron. This is YOUR ONLY chance to come clean, give everything back and have no punishment. It could have been anyone however there is a good chance it was fire seeing arrows and a bow gone, so I am taging him just so he sees. If anyone does not come clean then there will be a BIG punishment. (if ok with woleverentun). @firebomb428
Mar 1, 2011
I did steal the bows and arrows (I will give them back) but I swear I did not steal the gold, Iron and diamonds, I SWEAR!


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 18, 2011
Why did you even steal in the first place? You could just have asked for them and I am pretty sure donny would have given you some. Also, if you got so much coins you just could have, you know, bought it?
Anyway, need to keep an eye out on my chests, even if there is someone else going around the chests...


Jun 15, 2011
theres a much bigger issue behind this: fire, you made it look like diav robbed me. since he moved my chest and said he did, so you saw a chance to rob without getting caught. however, you took the bows/arrows, things you could only use. btw, i would've given you bows and arrows. smart move.


Jun 15, 2011
would i know this? all i know is my chest was moved and a sign said that (diav's sign) and fire stole from it. it may have not been intended, but he did


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
This is getting really repetitive, Firebomb steals some arrows because he wants it so he pays 100c or something and gets away with it. In the last week this has happend about 3 times. He needs to realize that it is NOT his stuff and that he can't just take it. Why can't I just going his home and steal all his gold and diamonds because I want to bank it. I can guarenty he wouldn't like it. Just so you all know mods can check what was taken/deposited from a chest and WHO did it. I am planning to file a PE on donny's chest so we can sort this out. I am haveing a hard time beliving that raiders got in and stoll his stuff...


Jun 15, 2011
he also robbed frosty of
-5 arrow stacks
-feathers all because of a raid which he logged on. PE this, if he took the iron/gold double his fine/ region ban time.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
It looks like fire is innocint of stealing gold and other rares. Neo checked his chest and said there never was gold diamonds or iron, meaning it was stolen before the chest was moved. IE who ever took it has gotten away.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 18, 2011
Should be fine, there is no need to strip people of their belongings. May it be from chests or their coins. But if this happens again, something more serious should happen to whoever betrays the trust of their fellow citizens. We got enough raiders, I don't want to keep an eye out on our own people aswell.