IGN: SuperWeegeeGamer
Age/Timezone: 14,Eastern timezone
How long have you been on herocraft: Ever since December the 22, 2014
If you deem worthy, would you profress within the Clergy or Royalty: Royalty since i am a crazed battle person who kills commonly and noone would want me in heven when i die due to the amount of kills
Stregths: Strong and Swift attacks, Blacksmith,Berserker,Makes allys easly
Weaknesses: Building,
Hero Class: Berserker 37
Hero Profession: Blacksmith 13
Do you have teamspeak: no
Do you have skype: yes
Any Previous Towns: Dionysus,Valcral,FrostHoldInquestion,Erebor
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked: I left because dion was raided commonly, Valcral got raided too commonly, FrostHoldInquestion was inactive , Erebor i just cant handle x-x its to pure for me
Why titlwo: I like paradise areas and i like having fun
What do you like about herocraft, or minecraft in general: Herocraft has a good class system,Nice and fun staff , and rarly any hackers
PS: Sorry this is mixed up