1. Original TC are completely different from the TC people know today. The first TC were a group of like 5 people who actually weren't as dominant as people say. They were really strong and were able to 5v10 people fairly easily (forcefield too strong) but they mostly won through their enemies being horrendously unorganized.
2. Freepers on zeal were hardly worth mentioning. They created a kingdom but they only had like 3 or 4 worthwhile players and they tried to win through numbers and still lost more often than not. Freepers only became somewhat "strong" when most of the original TC got banned or quit. Freepers on zeal weren't shit, pandaman wasn't nearly as good as people seem to think, and they only became mentionable because everyone else stopped playing and starting dicking around on that road. Fun fact: as a level 30 dragoon I was able to 1v1 pandaman who was a level 50 dragoon and consistently won with over 4 hearts remaining every time.
I'm still confused as to why freepers are so proud when a majority of the time when they won fights they had me and kongrave and other random people tagging along with them. There was a point where I was so tired of being called to help spire when they were getting raided, I set my recall there and had shadownub give me permissions to the town.
3. TC at the start of dragongarde weren't the most dominant. It was a tie between erebos and TC at that time. TC became dominant on DG once erebos disbanded/died and TC absorbed a number of their players (ohso, yoiyo, greek). TC won tournaments through superior organization but even during those times they weren't that dominant as most of their players were mostly inactive. During mid-late DG, TC weren't even that noticable, it was mostly frenchies and everyone else vs LO because LO had retarded amounts of people.
4. TC have always been the best at organized pvp, pls don't try to dispute this. Despite this fact, there have only been maybe 4 or 5 TC who have ever left some kind of impression on me as to their skill level (sharp, c12, dmil, and a couple others i dont remember).
5. 80% of TC who joined during bastion are cancer.
This message brought to you by Diffuse. Standman7227 is my alt, pls ban him hes a douche.
Bed spawning > graveyards.