Legacy Supporter 4
- Joined
- Jun 7, 2013
IGN | BrusLi44
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | Europe, Romania : EEST , UTC/GMT +3
How long have you been whitelisted : I have been on the server for more than a year.
Previous Towns | None on this map
Why did you leave (if applicable) | N/A
Why do you want to join Providence | Seems like the best organised town compared to the others , and also I know some of the people that are currently in it .
Why would Providence want you | I'm always ready to help with almost anything ( except money atm ) , and I also like roleplaying and big projects .
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | I do have both of them , but I wouldn't want to talk , may only listen.
Tell us about yourself | I used to play on herocraft long ago , and my first combat class was samurai ( miss that
How did you hear about Providence | Looked on the towns list
Who are the leaders of Providence | Mayor -Jonsoon Second in Command-RagingDragon5 Third in Command -yeelowsnow
Referrals | N/A
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | Europe, Romania : EEST , UTC/GMT +3
How long have you been whitelisted : I have been on the server for more than a year.
Previous Towns | None on this map
Why did you leave (if applicable) | N/A
Why do you want to join Providence | Seems like the best organised town compared to the others , and also I know some of the people that are currently in it .
Why would Providence want you | I'm always ready to help with almost anything ( except money atm ) , and I also like roleplaying and big projects .
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | I do have both of them , but I wouldn't want to talk , may only listen.
Tell us about yourself | I used to play on herocraft long ago , and my first combat class was samurai ( miss that

How did you hear about Providence | Looked on the towns list
Who are the leaders of Providence | Mayor -Jonsoon Second in Command-RagingDragon5 Third in Command -yeelowsnow
Referrals | N/A