IGN | StorminNorman
Age | 24
Location and Time Zone | NH/ Eastern
How long have you been whitelisted | 1 year
Previous Towns | Demonswood, Underworld
Why did you leave (if applicable) | I Left Demonswood half way through Haven due to diplomatic disputes with the "Mayor", and left Underworld because of owner's inactivity and creative differences.
Why do you want to join Providence | Who wouldn't want to join? I'm looking for a secure town with active members and actual leadership, and I believe Providence has these traits.
Why would Providence want you | I put a lot of hours and effort into what I do. I will do whatever is expected/needed and more to benefit Providence. If no others step forward for the task, I would like to record/create lore surrounding Providence and major events the town participates in.
Tell us about yourself | I'm a single white male that works 3rd shift at a regional distribution center. Typically a basement dwellar, I do enjoy bowling, fishing, and treasure hunting. I excel in both spoken and written arts, and hope to break into radio or television. There's much more to say, but I'll cut it short here.
How did you hear about Providence | Forums
Who are the leaders of Providence | Jonsoon, Yeelowsnow and RagingDragon5
Referrals | N/A
IGN |break794
Age | 19
Location and Time Zone |GMT -5
How long have you been whitelisted | http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/whitelist.20565/
Previous Towns |Raubtier,Vousti
Why did you leave (if applicable) |Other town members left Vousti so i stopped playing.I joined Raubtier the day the map reset was told.
Why do you want to join Providence |Im looking for a town to help with and group up with.
Why would Providence want you |Im a pretty decent builder and would help with Town projects.Getting mats ect.
Tell us about yourself |I have been playing minecraft for a long time i have played almost every game at one point or another.
How did you hear about Providence |In game RagingDragon5 said all town members were helping with making the town and it kind of stuck with me.
Who are the leaders of Providence |
Mayor | Jonsoon
Second in Command | RagingDragon5
Third in Command | yeelowsnow
Referrals |
1.Yes i plan to be very active with summer here i don't have ton of things to do so.Ive already spec in engineer and plan to make some more money then go from there.
- Do you plan on being active this map?
- can you use team speak and will you?
1.Yes i plan to be very active with summer here i don't have ton of things to do so.Ive already spec in engineer and plan to make some more money then go from there.
2. i have Ts and can use it whenever atm i just don't have anyone to talk to on it xD
Just sent itNothing was sent to me ?
IGN | coolbeans14
Age | 17
Location and Time Zone | California, USA, -8 (PST)
How long have you been whitelisted | Nearly 3 years, I was around July 2011
Previous Towns | Paragon and Willowdusk
Why did you leave (if applicable) | The towns disbanded
Why do you want to join Providence | Friends
Why would Providence want you | I can help with building, decoration, or combat (eventually).
Tell us about yourself | I play minecraft a bit in my free time. I like to do coding on games such as minecraft or terraria occasionally. I will be a senior in high school in a few months.
How did you hear about Providence | Friends
Who are the leaders of Providence | Jonsoon, yeelowsnow, and RagingDragon5
Referrals | xxstrikerdudexx
IGN | leftovers5
Age | 18
Location and Time Zone | USA, EST
How long have you been whitelisted | Awhile.
Previous Towns | Skyforge, Ironpass, Altum, Solitude, Oblivion, Verstad, Sentinel
Why did you leave (if applicable) | Skyforge was disorganized. Ironpass until the map ended. Altum until I left for Solitude. Solitude until I left to build Oblivion. Oblivion until the map ended. Verstad until the map ended. Sentinel until I left for around 6 months and the map ended.
Why do you want to join Providence | I like you guys. The people in the town are all reliable and consistent.
Why would Providence want you | My political finesse, dashing oratory, and reliability.
Tell us about yourself | I'm 18 and collegebound for next year.
How did you hear about Providence | Eldry mentioned it to me.
Who are the leaders of Providence | Jonsoon, RagingDragon5, yeelowsnow
Referrals | A few people.
IGN | TheUberNerd
Age | 14 (But I'm 4 months from being 15).
Location and Time Zone | Canada, EST.
How long have you been whitelisted | Almost a year now.
Previous Towns | Wisteria, Ched Nasad, Rangpur, Aldenshire, Prometheus, Indar, Mith, Axiom, Rapture,
Why did you leave (if applicable) | Mostly because of inactivity of the town, but sometimes because I didn't get along with the people in the town.
Why do you want to join Providence | I want to join Providence because I'm looking for a town that I can join and have a group that I can socialize with, pvp with, in general just play with. I know that in the past the leaders of Providence have successfully created a stunning and efficient town that I feel fits me, because I love towns that are always doing something and that are not inactive.
Why would Providence want you | In the past I've been known to be quite a PVPer, so I could contribute my PVP skills to protect the town. I can provide services such as free tracks, enchants, repairs, etc. to following town/kingdom members.
Tell us about yourself | I'm just a kid who likes playing games. LoL, Minecraft, CSGO, Battlefield 4, Rust, etc.
How did you hear about Providence | I guess just from people talking in game.
Who are the leaders of Providence | Jonsoon, yeelowsnow, RagingDragon5
Referrals |
OkayIGN | leftovers5
Age | 18
Location and Time Zone | USA, EST
How long have you been whitelisted | Awhile.
Previous Towns | Skyforge, Ironpass, Altum, Solitude, Oblivion, Verstad, Sentinel
Why did you leave (if applicable) | Skyforge was disorganized. Ironpass until the map ended. Altum until I left for Solitude. Solitude until I left to build Oblivion. Oblivion until the map ended. Verstad until the map ended. Sentinel until I left for around 6 months and the map ended.
Why do you want to join Providence | I like you guys. The people in the town are all reliable and consistent.
Why would Providence want you | My political finesse, dashing oratory, and reliability.
Tell us about yourself | I'm 18 and collegebound for next year.
How did you hear about Providence | Eldry mentioned it to me.
Who are the leaders of Providence | Jonsoon, RagingDragon5, yeelowsnow
Referrals | A few people.
Please apply by hitting reply to this post and filling out the information
Age | You must be 15 or older to apply
Location and Time Zone |
How long have you been whitelisted | You must be whitelisted for three months to apply
Previous Towns |
Why did you leave (if applicable) |
Why do you want to join Providence |
Why would Providence want you |
Tell us about yourself |
How did you hear about Providence |
Who are the leaders of Providence |
Referrals |
By applying you accept all our rules and understand that breaking them may be grounds for dismissal. We reserve the right to accept players who may not meet our requirement, or deny players who we do not believe are a right fit. Town hoppers and people who apply for multiple towns will most likely be denied.
IGN | Trist95
Age | You must be 15 or older to apply 19
Location and Time Zone | IL, USA; CST
How long have you been whitelisted | You must be whitelisted for three months to apply 1 year
Previous Towns | volantis, paragon
Why did you leave (if applicable) | inactivity: end of map
Why do you want to join Providence | town for the new map
Why would Providence want you | great player fit in well with the people
Tell us about yourself | loner most times play a lot of neverwinter but will start playing more MC for the new map
How did you hear about Providence | LinkEiyu and yeelow
Who are the leaders of Providence | mayor: Jonsoon, SiC: Ragingdragon5, TiC yeelowsnow
Referrals | Trist95, Aryios, yeelowsnow, LinkEiyu
Are you planning on being active?