- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
Greetings Heroes!
We are enabling war twice a month. In the beginning only nations and towns within nations will compete. To entice players to try and capture the massive prize for winning the war, we are increasing the benefits of joining a Nation by an amazing amount!
Due to a lot of questions, im working on making this more clear, we'll probably have a test war day on the test server to see how its going to play out. Thanks for interest and important follow up questions!
Quick Information
Griefing Legal Everywhere
Nations are beast! (Actual config here)
How War Works

We are enabling war twice a month. In the beginning only nations and towns within nations will compete. To entice players to try and capture the massive prize for winning the war, we are increasing the benefits of joining a Nation by an amazing amount!
Due to a lot of questions, im working on making this more clear, we'll probably have a test war day on the test server to see how its going to play out. Thanks for interest and important follow up questions!
Quick Information
- Grief is Legal - everywhere
- Some Grief rules still apply, such as massively lagging the server (massive water/lava/etc)
- Stealing and destroying someones unclaimed areas is not illegal.
- War is happening on Saturday.
- It will last from Saturday 12PM CST to Sunday 12PM CST
- Towns in warring nations will be able to have plots captured.
- Plots have 60 hp, Home blocks have 120 hp
- When a town plot is captured, the offense gets 25c, the defense loses 25c from their bank
- If a home plot is captured, that town is out of the war.
- Killing players and other events give points that will net you more currency
- All towns will have TNT explosions on during the war.
- Blocks will not be griefable.
- Nations now better ratios
- Cheaper Tax
- More plots to children towns
- Can opt out of war so their towns dont risk losing money
Griefing Legal Everywhere
- Griefing is the majority of our petition load.
- Protections are cheap. 250c for 16x16 and LWC's are 500c (less if supporter)
- Nations have increased block bonuses to towns, join one to get more protection allotment!
- Players should dictate the world scenery and direction.
- Claiming structures will be very simple, if its not protected, you can take / change it.
- No building/destroying restrictions. Player freedom!
- Towns can be created at the edge of the creation, no more distance restrictions.
- Admins will still do cleanups on environments to keep them good looking
- Only active players will have protections.
Nations are beast! (Actual config here)
- Towns who join large nations can get up to 75% off their taxes!
- Towns get extra building chunks, up to 50!
- Nations only cost 2500c to form now!
- Nations can pay a fee to not fight in the war.
How War Works
- Every other Saturday, a command is run "/ta toggle war"
- The first war - only NATIONS go to war, the following ALL towns will go to WAR.
- A count down of 30 seconds to prepare for war is done
- Towns will temporarily lose claimed areas, they regain them after war.
- Points in war given for the following:
- A enemy killed: 1
- A townblock stolen: 1
- A town knocked out of the war: 10
- A nation knocked out of the war: 100
- Towny war ends when there is only one nation whose Home Block has not been conquered or when the admin toggles war off. Although the townblocks are restored at the end of war, the damage from any griefing is permanent.
- The winner of the war gets 50% of the tax accumulated by the server for the week.
- When WAR starts, all town regions become vulnerable to TNT.
- TNT will now destroy blocks to all TOWN protections and slowly regenerate during WAR.
- Certain classes/professions will obtain skills to drop ignited TNT to help raiding.
Feel free to read this for an in-depth view of what "war" entails. Note that this is to increase PVP on at least one day a week, your town and nation can pay for neutrality.
- /towny war hud
- /tw toggle forceexplosion (admins)
- /ta toggle war (admins)
- /plot perm hud

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