-Got Whitelisted December 13th with the recommendation of Tstir
(whitelist app)
-Started as a nooblet and found a really awesome place called the Nexus that was using RuneCraft warp gates. You could build one out of anything. It was amazing. Met Capn_Danger, OrangeAngel, impulsepaci as my first memorable people on HC aside from Apherdite giving me my T4 donor vault

-Joined DarkForge and started carving out the what would've been the DarkForge Apartments.
-Had finals, Christmas break started, friends came over, Minecraft was dead for me
-Christmas eve, Minecraft goes Beta.
-Kainzo releases new map on drastic change from Alpha to Beta.
-Started with AussieDingbat and Capn to make Nova while Amgroma ended up taking Capn back to remake the Kingdom of Eidolas with TrinityDown
-The test map started and Nova was in the middle of an ice biome. I started carving out a mountain with the shel still outside.
-That test map was removed until Hey0 had hmod updated and all the important plugins were republished.
-Sanctum officially started, All the noble plots were free and empty in spawn.
-The Herogates we came to know with RuneCraft didn't exist anymore. They kinda left with the plugin. TOWNS DIDN'T HAVE HEROGATES FOR A WHILE!!
-Nova was kinda built thanks to weynard who spent a lot of time to build the cobblestone walls and Aussie to lead Nova to become the FIRST CITY of Sanctum, (First town went to Fiore).
-About mid January, a town called Madlum comes to play and decides to be a city full of asshats to all the people traveling the roads. TOP and KoE join forces to form NATO and obliterate Madlum. The internet e-bonics comes to mind.
-Madlum was a wonderful fight but was pretty early map and we showed asshats whose boss on Herocraft

-Late January, Nova showed signs of decay, Artemis was the sister town of Nova and the second city of TOP (The Omniscience Project) which was lead by AlexDaParrot and sheddi at the time that I remember.
-February comes around and I vacate Nova to join my irl friends in Rens. akimoru and Tstir were there and I was immediately put into sic possition because I knew how to use WorldGuard (at the time straight up regions/cuboid and realms, realms was easy to use and I knew my way around it).
-Rens is prospering as an official town finally and TOP still manages to continue with Nova in command and Aussie still around.
-February is midway past and Rens is slowly but surely growing. I get accepted as Architect and applied for the project Doreagarde started as an Arena in spawn.
-Rens slowly grows, keeping steady at town status, I start going crazy with trees and surround Rens in a forest of forest.
-The one town I hated was Vanguard. A town built in one day and died in one day. It didn't last long but decided that they owned our road that we built before they even showed up.
-End of February, Guilds come into play and I'm still keeping around as a proctor now.
-March, Nova is dying, Aussie is nowhere to be found, impulsepaci is attempting to keep Nova alive, MatTripp becomes mayor of the dying city.
-Rens is reacity City status, Dielan9999, ironee212 join the crowd with deadandown and kongrave joins in at somepoint.
-I'm slowly growing to hate politics when applelove declares war on the Pirate Guild and ORE (Artemis became Kingdom, like NRoA and KoE), I already scrambled with Aussie who happened to be back around the time to disband TOP
-GreekCrackShot who was SIC of ORE kinda blows a fuse at Me for backing out of the fight, I had Nagori becoming town, Kumo being a town lead by a loose cannon who aided in sparking the war and Rens, a city and yet little security
-carmeops joins in the crowd after doing many security checkups of each city and rating Rens as one of the most beautiful cities on the map.
-Apples cancles the war and Amgroma declines to admit he was preparing a Madlum 2.0 for the now dead Nova and ORE
-Domitius shows me around the idea of the Academy, I like it. I donate two inventories of cobblestone for the construction of the AC HQ
-April is well under way and Rens is getting Capital finally. One of the 8 slots in the Capital Herogates of the Nexus. I felt happy that I brought a single theme, Japanese/Asian architecture (basically wood, log, wool, anything flammable) and made an entire Kingdom of it. Haven't thought of a name for the kingdom yet
-May approaches and I finally finished the Arena with Doreagarde and AfroDave after buying 2 stacks of diamond blocks from TrinityDown for my Dragon Head entrance.
-I'm guide, the second round of promotions for guide since it was created. The Kingdom of the Rising Sun (KRS) is finally official, I commence regioning the entire kingdom for block protection, I have a forest that encircled the entire kingdom almost.
-May is almost done and Kainzo announces the new map. Dubbing Sanctum for archival and it's impending doom, KRS was the fifth kingdom of Sanctum, reigning in the South East (as per old Notchian coordinates) and succeeded in making Rens a capital on the top of the highest mountain (natural land of course, Rens was perched at level 105 when founded and kept at that height).
-June is the map wipe month, Architects join together to brainstorm a new map spawn. A five pointed star system for the five main classes of Heroes were planned. That was scratched. For various reasons bearcat99, Xanipher, Alente and myself knew why, but the bazaar built by TheTXLibra in Sanctum was chosen as the new spawn.
-Sanctum ends in catastrophe
-The launch of Zeal is a launch I've come to know now, buggy, laggy and always filled with people. This is where the reserve list was useful back in the old days of early Sanctum, I've failed to mention I saw the limit go from 45 to 100 to 85 to 125 and finally today to 200. When the limit was 45, donors had paid for a reserve list, I got an 18 month reserve list that I think today is quite useless :/
-I band together the people remaining from KRS, including Dielan9999, ironee212, xexorian, Drastikos, Dysprous Kingtom404, kongrave, carmeops, robacollver and myself and others to find Shin Kyoto.
-SK was perched on the tallest mountain I could find nearby the new Newerth where I could keep in touch with bearcat99, AfroDave, Alente, gtastuntdude, Xanipher, imperialbob, BuddahHopper, Symbolite et al. and make a future Empire. The First empire of Herocraft.
-The idea was that KRS would remake itself with 3 towns and NEO would make 4, we'd merge together as a huge blob of creative people and make the first empire to rule Herocraft.
-June is kinda gone because I had planning issues for KRS and started a plan for Fudoshi and Tokyo 3 which never gained traction. I was away
-July was kinda gone as well, me being in Brazil, I announce my semi absence being a Guide and all, I was in Brazil for July and France for August.
-August, I'm 9 hours ahead now from the times I usually was online. I end up resorting to whitelisting 3 or 4 pages at a time (took 3 hours but hey, had to be done). Slowly my message count was climbing to the top 5 people (only now is my message count no longer in the top 10).
-September I am back. KRS is kinda at a standstill. I can't get funds, people join and leave. PVP is much more active this time around and the economics weren't as similar as they were in Sanctum. I made mistakes.
-October, I become Mod (I can't remember whether it was September or October but it was in the Fall). I was promoted alongside Ginzuishou
-KRS and NEO eventually joined into one kingdom and we managed to get all our 6 towns in the same area with some special exceptions.
-November, I start noticing how life needs more of my time. New spawn was in the planning stages, no solid ideas yet.
-Late november, community noticing the need for a map wipe, with Minecraft being official, Herocraft was stuck on 1.8 beta until almost the New Year.
- I quit all staff positions, announcing my departure from activity.
-Zeal ends with Dragongarde starting as laggy and buggy as ever, dual class system ho!
-I come back after a good few months, I log in, make a house.
-I again come back a good few months after the second time, I start coming back into the crowd.
-May, I get Danda to get the dungeon server started and we get cracking at what I love to do in Minecraft, build and kill people.
-June, Kainzo is purchasing a new server to replace the current, Test/Dungeon etc go down, I get bored.
-Late June, I'm back because I have nothing to do, and yeah..
-July 5th, I write this story of when I joined and all the way up to today.
There are many people who I'm forgetting right now but I tried to remember all the ones who made a mark in my memory on Herocraft. xexorian you don't count
Oh and Brutalacerate has always been there whenever his mind was drunk off bear, "GIMME THE FUCKING CAPRISUN!"
Also I can't tag more than 10 people lol. There wold be 37.