Oooh... story time!
My turn:
Sanctum Days:
- Applied for HC.
- Got accepted.
- Couldn't log into the server (My MC version was more updated).
- Pestered Kainzo on the MC forums about it. He gave me the tools for the switch.
- Got online.
- Was amazed at the city-themed spawn.
- Asked to join a town.
- Met @
- Joined Guardia.
- Had fun, made a house, commited suicide off my tower block at least 2 times.
- Build some sexy farms.
- Asked to make a garden in an open spot. Brutal declined.
- Made the garden anyways.
- Got kicked from the town.
- Ran around homeless.
- Got support and assistance from @
Dazureus, joined Silverwyn.
- Started a new life, also started to make areas more ''beautiful'' (more trees).
- Added a few features to Silverwyn, a farm, a spleef arena, historic mine, ect.
- Wanted to make my own town.
- Started building it for the remaining time of the map.
- Before the map end, I built a giant tree near Silverwyn. Thus started the UnderGrowth project.
*Though, throughout the map I explored a lot. I met many people and even got to the position of SIC of Silverwyn (only to be replaced on the same day by an ex-mayor (who wen't inactive)). I used to go around raiding towns that were ''active'', however I felt that they were dead.
Zeal Days:
- Joined with V101 and Fuzlogix. Pissed him off a lot with my attitude.
- #Ragequit/#Kicked from V101.
- Re-joined V101 the same week, helped to mine, found two spawners together, made a nice hub for V101 to relax.
- This, actually, lasted a long time. Texteo used it till the maps end!

- Got raided by SSS, lost coco beans!

- Now called D101, we get more secured and raid SSS.
- The D101 Vs SSS days begin.
- D101 gets regions, SSS dies, we start building and remain alone.
- ''UnderGrowth'' Project starts. I build my first tree near D101.
- Stuff happened.
- More stuff.
- More trees built.
- Aided Texteo and co. in raiding towns along the North-Road.
- Built my own shop near Airbus101's shop. I love it!

So sexy!

- Waited on 1.8 ''Adventure Update''. Got it; started to mine more.
- Still didn't get ''Master Mason''.
- Develop hatred for the TC.
- Attack Rangpur with my dirt-pillar-removal skillz. Also safefalling through the roof.
- Continued to attack. Did some other things. Met people like Barnubus and Zihara.
- Bought my own Zeal Noble Plot. Used it for my sexy UG work. UG was now an official guild.
- Started work on the south road, cleaning, planting, ect.
- Raided AoA in order to stock up on UG supplies.
- Now personal target of both AoA and TC.
- Still didn't care.
- Attacked MeganPerk a bit.
- Raided Rangpur clean with the assistance of a Rangpur citizen. Got good shit.
- Got into shit when D101 was raided clean. Lost the good shit and more (however not clay, for some reason).
- Time past... can't... remember..
- Re-joined HC. Started to mine again, making a proper UnderGrowth base. Made a rail from UG to a nearby HG.
- #Ragequit D101.
- New home in Zeal; all by myself. Lonely, but I had my plants (i'll say no more!

- Spotted an inactive town near the HG, claimed and started to rebuild.
- Pushed @
OrangeAngel off the Nexus, get 50 iron blocks.
- Have to return the blocks to Apherdite after his raging. Only for them to be burnt.
- Built a secondary road under the North Road, TC get pissed. @
- Slightly join the Fire Creepers.
- Continue doing shit.
- New map wipe.
As for the Dragon days.. well.... maybe it'll make this post TOO long!