1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?
2: How long have you played MC? HC?
I have played MC for about 5 months and HC for about 2.
3: How old are you?
4: Why do you want to join Valor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you?)
I want to join Valor because I am looking for a base where I can put down some roots and settle in. I heard about Valor from some of my friends who are currently members of town such as Lastivity and Plasma78. I am a level 10 warrior that is leveling as fast as I can and can contribute as much as possible to town defense. I just want to have a place to call home where I can place my hat and not worry about the players always out to get you.
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?
Lastivity and Plasma78
6: What class are you? Future spec plans?
Warrior at the moment, and will probably spec to Dragoon.
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required)
8: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?
9: Have you read our rules?