1: What is your IGN: shadeking
2a: ive been playing minecraft since first beta
2b: ive been on the old map for some time but first really started to active when dragon came
3: How old are you? im 15 years old.
4: Why do you want to join Valor? i think i can contribute to the town by protecting it and mabye help a new town member with some materials.
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft? well i don exactly know if i got any enemies ive killed a few ppl and been killed a few times. my friends is A_Dane and ralle53 (i think both are interested in joining a city too)
6: What class are you? Future spec plans? im a warrior and im planing to specialize into Paladin
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) well since its only 3 days of voteing in a 7 day period i can live with it

8: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft? yes and i intend to.
9: Have you read our rules? ive read both the town and server rules.