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[Hamlet] One - Communist Collective [Neutral]

Dec 20, 2011
Freedom? You must earn it, but not only your freedom, but the freedom for your comrades. You must fight for the good of all, not the good of yourself.

Greed is a dangerous thing my friend.
Use your freedom well.


Sep 3, 2011
The whole idea of the Communist Collective is very, strange. You claim to want prosperity and efficiency, but how can you do it under such strict conditions? Players want to play so they can have fun, not work all playing hours finding resources for their ''masters'' and fulfilling the wants of their ''masters''. With players NOT having fun, they will leave, meaning you won't be able to support player count for those ''city status'' communities.

This whole idea of controlling your town members is, in my eyes, cruel and un-justified. The main leaders of this group sound like the pigs from the book ''Animal Farm'', power hungry, corrupt and CLAIM that freedom is what they have. How can they have freedom when:

- They are forced to live in pre-built houses? Made by you and you only and they can not change that. It may aswell be a prison cell in some run down ravine.

- They are forced to give almost all of their resources to the leaders for them to lock up and keep for themselves. How can players in the group progress and strive with such a limit to the tools and items they can use?

- They are constantly watched like a lab rat in some dodgy science facility. They can not go anywhere they are not permitted to go, their doors will be locked and they won't be able to leave.

- In moments a player IS allowed to build, they have to fill in a huge ass long list, planning their house and showing it to you first for approval. In this case it sounds as if they can't even use their own resources. Why must a player have to go through all that just to make somewhere safe for themselves?

- You say everyone has equality, but yet the Mayor and SIC have more power? Who next a council? Why not just pop all the non-leaders into a pen and control them from there?

''Every man a king'' - HOW could this be done in such strict conditions? They do not have the freedom of a king, not even the freedom of a normal town citizen! I see players with the tree creepers, freepers and the academy with FAR more rights than this! They can have access to ALL the resources they wanted (maybe not some super rare ones like pumpkins ect ect) and are free to stock up in their CUSTOM MADE HOUSE with whatever materials they want. They would be living as kings, I would not say the members in this community would be living the same.

I'd like some answers. Infact, make that ALL of my statements. Answer them all. Not some propoganda rubish with long texts about how everyone has freedom and success, when, as far as I can see, they won't get that opportunity.

Seriously, am I the only one that thinks this whole idea is just stupid? Not to be offensive, but I don't see how you will work. How will you manage so many things with only 7 players (mayor, SIC and the council). How will you get so many players to join? Yes you have around 17 at the moment but have the realised they will leave? And why do you ahve so many * on your application? :confused:


Jan 26, 2011
Amherst, Nova Scotia
1. No one is forced to join us. It is their privileg and own decision to live with us. All members are aware of our terms and conditions before hand.

2. If you read more carefully you would notice that by "locked up" it refers to being locked away so raiders can not get to it. All items are accesible to all town members discluding gold for obvious upgrade and tax reasons.

3.The living conditions have been specifically designed for success. If you honestly need all the examples spelled out, let me help. The doors are able to lock for the PROTECTION of the citizens. The proximity of houses and same design is to remind people that we work together, equally. Individual wants are set aside to work towards the greater good of the whole. This community is only for people who can do that. Greed is not an attractive trait.

4.As it has already been addressed, "The Collective only accepts members of the community who have been around for a while or have strong recommendations, thus The Collective seeks to build trust by having a playerbase who have been devoted to Herocraft for a long period of time and also have gotten over the "Must build cool house" phase and have graduated to "I want the entire server to salivate at what I helped build." This being said, if they have an idea they are at full liberty to present it for approval. For your other point, about building for safety, that won't be needed. They'll have pre-made secure housing, in a secure town. Not once will they have to build for their personal safety.

5. Also as previously addressed, the positions of Mayor and SiC are to fufill the needs of the server. As it was stated, there will be a council, which is completely voted on by the people and subject to change whenever the people need it to. This council is to decide simple things that the whiole town does not need to be burdened with. All major decisions are discussed and decided by all, as equals.

6. The Communist Collective can not be compared to and this question has been answered many times in different forms.

Despite your attempts to "not be offensive" your attempts to start a flame war on this thread are not appreciated. Feel free to voice your concerns in a private message.



Legacy Supporter 4
Aug 5, 2011
There is your flaw we dont have a leader. We just have the people that started it and were gonna finish it. the problem with animal farm is we had a race (pigs) way smarter than the rest. Then (IFORGOT HIS NAME BUT HES THE BAD GUY) power hungry as he is he pretty much killed the farm. What im getting at is its a COLLECTIVE. Not 1 mayor ruling over the whole thing>.


Jan 26, 2011
Amherst, Nova Scotia
We have had over 40 people apply for our town we have accepted around 27 of them. What you are saying Diffuse makes no sense. We are focusing on unity for growth upon everyone and not the growth of the few. Our ideals are for positive goals and not the destruction of others. So far we have been successful with building a town together in unity and have already showed each other that this is going to be a fun and great thing for the people that decide to follow our path and ideals of greatness in community and not greatness in greed.


Sep 3, 2011
1. No one is forced to join us. It is their privileg and own decision to live with us. All members are aware of our terms and conditions before hand.

2. If you read more carefully you would notice that by "locked up" it refers to being locked away so raiders can not get to it. All items are accesible to all town members discluding gold for obvious upgrade and tax reasons.

3.The living conditions have been specifically designed for success. If you honestly need all the examples spelled out, let me help. The doors are able to lock for the PROTECTION of the citizens. The proximity of houses and same design is to remind people that we work together, equally. Individual wants are set aside to work towards the greater good of the whole. This community is only for people who can do that. Greed is not an attractive trait.

4.As it has already been addressed, "The Collective only accepts members of the community who have been around for a while or have strong recommendations, thus The Collective seeks to build trust by having a playerbase who have been devoted to Herocraft for a long period of time and also have gotten over the "Must build cool house" phase and have graduated to "I want the entire server to salivate at what I helped build." This being said, if they have an idea they are at full liberty to present it for approval. For your other point, about building for safety, that won't be needed. They'll have pre-made secure housing, in a secure town. Not once will they have to build for their personal safety.

5. Also as previously addressed, the positions of Mayor and SiC are to fufill the needs of the server. As it was stated, there will be a council, which is completely voted on by the people and subject to change whenever the people need it to. This council is to decide simple things that the whiole town does not need to be burdened with. All major decisions are discussed and decided by all, as equals.

6. The Communist Collective can not be compared to and this question has been answered many times in different forms.

Despite your attempts to "not be offensive" your attempts to start a flame war on this thread are not appreciated. Feel free to voice your concerns in a private message.


1. That is fine. However what if a term and condition is changed (with a vote, with the result turning out to be something they don't like)? What do they do then? Leave? General question here.

2. Yes I know this. However you have the same oppertunity to fully control what a player does. For instance, what if you don't want them to leave the house? Shut the doors and trap them. In fact, you have the power to use those pre-made houses and turn them into prisons to completly seal off players who disobey your orders. Why not just kick a player from your town, remove him off regions, and seal up his house? It could be done.

3. So you can not let players just build their own house? By themselves? What if they like your other goals and idea but just hate the town building plots rule? Does it become an exception to them? Oh wait, you can't do that, that would not be equal. Would you reject a player just because they did not like that one rule?

4. I doubt you'll go through the whole server map without letting new players join. I find it hard to believe your so called ''massive community of cities and capitals'' will be run directly off long-term and highly recommended players AND be at the edge of the map in some remote location. They can still not build what they want freely. It has to be ''approved'' first.

5. You say that everyone is equal, everyone is a king. Would you allow all citizens to have full access to the town regions? The townhall regions? Would you allow them to kick/invite other players into those regions? So any citizen can accept applications and invite anybody in? Make everybody the owner of the region? Yes all major decisions are discussed, sure, and there might be a vote where everyone can take part, sure, but you still remain to have an un-equal society. Again back to the Animal Farm thing, you call yourself ''comrades'', however, you still have people that are more equal than others.

6. Yes it can. The so called ''collective'' is a group of players which share the same interests and goals, so I presume, and thus, a community. There are many other communities out there, meaning it can be compared. Just because your way of running things is different, does not mean it can not be compared.

I do not wish to start a flame war, I just want to know how you do things (not everything is fully explained in the main post). I'd also like to know:

- How (with the current requirements to be a citizen) you plan on managing to get to multiple capital/city townships status? How exactly are you going to get so many players to join (long term players that is, or the recommended)?

- Why can the collective not be compared?

- Why is it you have to express equality in such a matter?


Legacy Supporter 4
Aug 5, 2011
A town created with the purpose of unity creates a clique that allows few to enter thus inhibiting expansion.
Some of us are old enemys but we are going
To try and get around old relations and hope for the better.


Jan 26, 2011
Amherst, Nova Scotia
Majoras, I've asked twice for you to bring your concerns to private messages. If I were to answer those questions above you would only come back with more questions or the same questions worded differently.
You're welcome to come in to Teamspeak and I'll explain in more detail any questions you have.


Sep 3, 2011
Majoras, I've asked twice for you to bring your concerns to private messages. If I were to answer those questions above you would only come back with more questions or the same questions worded differently.
You're welcome to come in to Teamspeak and I'll explain in more detail any questions you have.

I have sent you the message, but surely it is far better to ask them here (so others with the same questions can see them)?


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 27, 2011
Your questions were very aggressive sounding Majora, but it definitely is better to post them here so that people who are interested in joining your town can get some answers to potential questions easily. As a form of town that hasn't really been seen before (at least during zeal) and a form of organization that I personally have never seen succeed, you have to expect that a lot of people want to ask questions and that a lot of people wish to see your views and how you plan to handle potential issues. If anything, posting your responses here may alleviate some of the worries that people might have and would help show your organization and foresight to the rest of us thus bolstering your town's image.

But really Majora, you shouldn't make your questions sound so hostile. If you didn't intend for them to sound that way you really should read over them before posting so you don't cause confusion.